Wednesday, March 26, 2008

30th March 2008 Prof Nik Omar leaving to Pakistan

Kuala Lumpur 30th March 2008

Prof Dr Nik Omar, representing Malaysia , will be leaving to Pakistan to attend the 18th Asian Homeopathic Medical League World Congress at Bhuban, Muree, Pakistan.


30th March leaving Kuala Lumput to Lahore, Pakistan

31st March Prof Nik will be giving Lecture at One day Seminar on 'Infertility and Homeopathic Treatment -HTI p2000 ' at Pakistan Homeopathic Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan

31 st march - Dinner hosted by Masood Homeopathic Stores & Hospital Lahore

1st April - Prof Dr Nik Omar will be lecturing at Gujerawal Homeopathic Medical College, Gujerawala, 250 kilometers from Lahore.

On 2nd Lahore to Muree - Opening AHML Congress

3rd - 4th AHML Congress at Muree, Islamabd

5th April Dr Nik leaving Lahore to Kuala Lumpur.

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