Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Petikan Kertas Kerja Dari Persidangan: Asian Pacific Conference on Acupuncture, Homeopathy & Oriental Medicine 2000 Malaysia

Berikut adalah sebahagian dari Kertas Kerja
Persidangan Perubatan Akupunktur Homeopathy Dan Perubatan Oriental
Pada 3, 4 & 5 September 2000
Bertempat di Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.
Anjuran: Fakulti perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia -FAHom &
Perastaun Pengamal perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia.

Peserta Dari Dalam dan Luar negeri: Jumlah 300 orang

Antara Kertas Kerja Menarik ialah:
First day 3rd Sept 2008
  1. Asthma & Homeopathic Treatment by Dr Sahni, B.S from Mumbai India. With 20 years of homeopathic practice Dr Sahni is considred as one of the leading Homeopathic doctor in India. He head Homeopathic Department ONGC Hospital, Mumbai, India.
  2. Allergies, Chronic Illness and Aging, Evaluating and treating These Factors Using EAV Methods by Dr Sundardas D Annamalay from Singapore.
  3. Key to Treating The Back. Spine, Neck With The Trigram - Meridians & Tai Chi Connections To Taoist I-Ching Medicine & Acupuncture by Dr Jeff Nagel, USA

2nd Day 4th September 2008

  1. Help Healing The Spiritual Way Through the Teaching of Bruono Groning - Medically Provable by Dr Dorothea Brix & Manfred Fortman from Germany
  2. Brain Stem Glioma with Acupuncture Treatment by Prof Dr Sir Josep M Torrabadella, Spain.
  3. Laser In Acupuincture Treatment - The Law of Physicial Light - The Principle of Laser Physics , Characteristic of Laser & The Classifications of Lasers by Acupuncturist of Singapore.
  4. The Mild Wellness Therapy by BioLab of Singapore
  5. The alternative Medicine In Sport Injuries by Justin Morais , Singapore

3rd Day 5th September 2008

  1. Clinical Tips When Remedy Indicated Does Not Help by Ashik Singh of India
  2. Role of Homeopathy in Behavioural Disorder : Schizophrenia by Dr R. Shaw , Director, Central Council For research In Homeopathy, Government of India
  3. Needling and Nail Pressing For Acute Lumbar Sprain by Dr Taufik Yap. lecturer Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia
  4. Managing Cancer With Herbs by Chris K H Teo, Penang
  5. Surgical Cases Cured by Homeopathy by Dr Tosh Gupta, India
  6. Homeopathy & Infertility by Dr Nik Omar, Malaysia

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