Sunday, January 4, 2009

Dr Nik Omar Spread Homeopathy In Malaysia and Asian Countries

Fakulti Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia

Spreading Homeopathy Through A College

"Prof Dr Sir Nik Omar bin Haji Nik Daud is a practitioner of alternative medicine and he heads what is perhaps, the biggest and only homeopathic and acupuncture college and hospital in Malaysia. Reported by Mohd Nasir Zain."

Pasir Mas, Kelantan 1 hb Nov., 2000

Prof Dr Nik Omar went to Pakistan to be a medical student but ended up as an expert in alternative medicine instead. Today, he head what is perhaps the biggest and only homeopathic and acupuncture college and hospital in Malaysia.

It was in 70's the when like many other local lads, he headed to Indo-Pak Continent to pursue a dream of becoming a doctor. A friend who was also studying medicine there introduced him to homeopathy, a way of treating diseases in which patient are given a small amount of natural substances. The same prescription, if given to healthy people, will produce the same effect that the disease produce.

Founded a College in Malaysia

" He give me a book on the Philosophy of Homeopathy and after reading it, I was convinced I should do it," said Nik Omar, 50 years, who founded the Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia in 1979 and Research Institute of Medical Acupuncture in 1990.

He took a risk in giving up pursuit of a conventional medical degree, and instead, going in homeopathy, the then 20'th old lad knew little about alternative medicine. He was also the first person in his family of entrepreneurs to venture into the medical practice.

After he graduated from The Pakistan Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital in 1975, Nik Omar spent two more years studying and practicing homeopathy in London before returning to his home town Kota Bharu in Kelantan.

He recalls: " My professor in Pakistan told me before I left for England : ' If you want to spread homeopathy in Malaysia, you must have a college'."

Nik Omar did just that when he returned to Malaysia. The college in Kota Bharu started out with 7 student and one department of homeopathy in 1979. It now has more than 3000 students and since its affiliation with The Open International University for Complementary Medicine in Colombo, the college has expended it scope of complementary medicines and set up other new department in Malay, Indian, Islamic, Chinese and Japanese medicines.

Most Malaysia are health Conscious

The development did not come as a surprise at all. " Most Malaysian are very health conscious. They believe in alternative medicine first rather than western medicine," Nik Omar says.

" Our culture have for generations being practising alternative medicine. For example, with acupuncture and herbs, because they were available every where and cheap," he says. Yet, even with the advent of modern medicine, or allopathy, alternative approaches like homeopathy has continued to thrive in society.

" The older generation prefer alternative to western medicine because the people were afraid of surgeries and injection. The modern generation, however, is afraid of drugs and prefer natural therapies if possible, " Nik Omar observes. Unlike traditional herbalist and the Chinese Sinsehs who use the crude form of plant in the therapy, homeopathy which originated in Germany in 19th century refines the extract of plants into conventional looking pills and tablets, he explained.

Currently most of his medicines prescribe at his clinics at Kota Bharu, Kuala Lumpur, Kg Chicha and Pasir Mas are imported from Germany, US, India and Pakistan. He his clinic he prefer to use the original classical homeopathic medicines, using single remedy, rather than combination like many of other practitioners are doing.

Year 2002 New Campus at Pasir Mas

" But we are gradually using more and more local plants. At present we have planted rain forest medical plants in 8 acres land at new main Faculty campus, Homeopathic Hospital , 12 Chalets, etc at Kampong Gelang Mas, Pasir Mas, Kelantan. By year 2002 our plants are matured and ready to be diluted and turn into homeopathic dilution."

" Our new campus at Pasir Mas, which cost RM 3.0 million will be ready by end of 2002. By that time our homeopathic hospital will be fully operated as charitable hospital, where we charge only minimum of RM 5 per treatment given. Patients and family may stay at our home stay houses and chalet for comfort and relaxation.," say Nik Omar

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