Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dr Mohd Izham Marriage 'Bawa Balik Menantu' 5 April 2009

One of Damansara Utama Homeopathic & Acupuncture Centre, M.O., Dr Mohd Izham Zakaria today ended his ' teruna' At his residance at Dato Kramat, Kuala Lumpur, today 5 April 2009 all staffs of Homeopathic & Acupuncture Kuala Lumpur, Bangi, Damansara, Shah Alam gathered at his house to celeberate Upacara Bawa Balik menantu.
Izham ' selamt pengantin Baru....' Muda-mudahan kamu kerja lebih bagus lagi kerana kini kami udah ada b i n i i....

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