Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Stammering @ Gagap Ada Ubat

What is stammering?

The term "stammer" covers a wide range of speaking problems. Those affected may do one or more of the following:
What Is Stammering

-- repeat sounds (s..s..s..supper) or syllables (su..su..su..supper)

-- prolong sounds (ssssssssupper)

-- get stuck on a certain word or sound, so there's a delay in getting the word out (s?upper)

-- avoid certain words and phrases - or abandon them halfway through

-- close their eyes and rush through what they have to say

-- have facial grimaces or tics as they try to speak

-- give up speaking altogether.
Stammering can be cure through homeopathy. We are willing to help your child. Please bring them to our centre at
118 Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur . Call us 03-4042 2020

Apakah gagap

Gagap biasanya berlaku dikalangan kanak-kanak dan tidak diketahui penyebabnya. Namun kenyataannya kanak-kank tidak boleh bercakap dengan betul dan normal seperti orang lain. Selalunya jika ingin disebut sesuatu perkataan, ia akan menjadi gagap . Umpamanya sayur , dia akan kata ss s ss....yur, ma ma mamaaaa kan.
Jangan khuatir, gagap boleh dirawat dengan perubatan homeopathy. Kita bersedia untuk merawat kes-kes gagap dengan jayanya.

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