Friday, August 14, 2009

Unani Medicine

Unani as an Alternative Medicine
Many of the holistic practitioner of medicine advocated preventative health care rather than circumstantial health care; which most of us are used to dealing with now when we feel sick. Unani is based on theory of the presence of the element fire, water, earth and air in the human body. According to followers of Unani medicine, these elements are present in different fluids and their balance leads to health and their imbalance leads to illness.
Is there a doctor in the house? I’ve always wanted to say that. But on a serious note, the issue of health and health care here and abroad is a very serious issue. Some can afford the benefits of health care through the benefits of their insurance while others may not have the benefit. Yet, good physical health is a need that we all need to be able to deal with the issues of day to day routines. When thinking about topics related to Islamic Spirituality, proper physical health too almost certainly comes to mind as well. Although it may be hard for some of us to grasp, many of the holistic practitioners of medicine advocated preventative health care rather than circumstantial health care; which most of us are used to dealing with now when we feel sick.

Unani medicine is very close to Ayurveda. Both are based on theory of the presence of the elements (in Unani, they are considered to be fire, water, earth and air) in the human body. According to followers of Unani medicine, these elements are present in different fluids and their balance leads to health and their imbalance leads to illness. One major reason why this medical system is so important was for one major reason: the Dynamic Elements of the body starts with the Ruh (Spirit Soul). On a physical level ,the practitioners of the Unani system started the system of restoring balance to the body, through the stomach. Most medicines and remedies (often common herbs and foods) used in Unani are also used in Ayurveda. While Unani was influenced by Islam, Ayurveda is associated with Vedic culture.

The Unani Medicine system led the way in the Islamic world and nearby regions with its concentration on the use of honey, nigella sativa (black seed), cupping, dhikr and regulation of the digestive track to help many feel better. Real pearls and metal are also used in the making of Unani medicine based on the kind of ailment it is aimed to heal. It is wrongly attributed to Arabic - in fact Arabs had no medicinal history prior to the works of renowned Persian physicians of Pre-Islamic era, which like many other sciences the Arabs attribute themselves simply because the majority of Persian and Non-Arabs wrote their scientific books in Arabic. It is just like the present day English.
Unani Medicine
Unani is a holistic alternative medicine

By amit gupta

Perubatan Islam:

Disekitar India, pakistan atau Bangladesh, amalan perubatan cara Nabi dikenali sebagai UNNANI Medicine atau Perubatan Unani. iaitu amalan perubatan dikalangan masyarakat islam disekitar Indo-Pak Continent.
Mereka baiasanya menggunakan ubat-ubat dari bahan-bahan asli seperti akar kayu, dedaunan, tumbuh-tumbuhan dan sebagainya. cara amalan ini hampir dengan cara perubatan Melayu di Malaysia

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