Saturday, December 5, 2009

Kursus Perubatan Akupunktur China

Lord Pandit Prof Dr Nik Omar

Deputy Director
Prof Mohd Nasir Mohd Zain

Nik Fairuz Hakim

Pesnyarah Kehurmat / Honarary Lecturers
Jabatan Pengajian Perubatan China
Fakulti perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia

Name of lecturer Subjects
1. Nik Fairuz Hakim bin Nik Omar 14 Meridians
2. Prof Madya Mohd Nasir History of Chinese Medicine
3. Prof Dr Nik Omar Clinical Studies & Moxibustion
4. Mr. Ramakrishsan a/l Kunjambu Acupuncture points & Technique
5. Shamsiah bt. Bt Abdullah Needle Insertion
6. Prof Dr Nik Omar Chinese Philosophy - Yin & Yang
7. Che Abdullah Musa Dangerous & Prohibited points
8. Mohd Noor Ismail Sterlization of Needles
9. Ac. Hajjah Faridah Hamat Complication & Contra-indication
10. Dr Nicolas Muang Ibau Therapeutic and case taking
11. Nik Badrul Hakim Method of Stimulation
12. Ahmad Uzaimi Posture of Therapy
13. Ac. Hajjah Zaharah Loman Laser & Cunometer
14. Dr Che Musa Mohammad 2 Extra Chennel

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