Thursday, January 14, 2010


Fistulas may occur in many parts of the body. Some of these are:

* Arteriovenous (between an artery and vein)
* Biliary (created during gallbladder surgery, connecting bile ducts to the surface of the skin)
* Cervical (either an abnormal opening into the cervix or in the neck)
* Craniosinus (between the space inside the skull and a nasal sinus)
* Enterovaginal (between the bowel and vagina)
* Fecal or anal (the feces is discharged through an opening other than the anus)
* Gastric (from the stomach to the surface of the skin)
* Metroperitoneal (between the uterus and peritoneal cavity)
* Pulmonary arteriovenous (in a lung, the pulmonary artery and vein are connected, allowing the blood to bypass the oxygenation process in the lung (pulmonary arteriovenous fistula )
* Umbilical (connection between the navel and gut)

Types of fistulas include:

* Blind (open on one end only, but connects to two structures)
* Complete (has both external and internal openings)
* Horseshoe (connecting the anus to the surface of the skin after going around the rectum)
* Incomplete (a tube from the skin that is closed on the inside and does not connect to any internal structure)

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