Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Multiple Papilloma Cured by Homeopathic Treatment

Surgical Cases Cured by Homeopathy

Case No.1: Diagnosis : Multiple Papilloma
Recorded by Dr R. P. Mathur, India

Mr A , Age 16 was refferd by E.N.T. Specialist of S.M.S. Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur, India. He was first admitted in the Hospital on 30th March 1981 and was operated.

The Operation Note is:,

D/L done under G.A and biopy taken. Diagnosed as Multiple Papilloma of local cords.
I was consulted on 1st April 1981 and the symptoms was hoarseness only. The was no modality. On my previous experience, I prescribed Calc Carb 1000 one dose through he had no symptom of the medicine

12 April 1981 : No improvement. Calc Carb 1000 one dose
21 April Voice slightly clear. No medicine
2 May: No further improvement, Thuja 1M one dose
1 June : Papilloma disappeared as reported by ENT specialist of SMS Hospital
17 June : The patient reported that the more he excerts the more clear is the voice. Rhus Tox 1M one dose.

Since then there is no report.

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