Acupuncture is very good in treating piles, migrine, falling of hair, parkinson, tinnitus, carpal tunnel syndrome, gastric, infertility, etc
Monday, January 24, 2011
Diseases Treated With acupuncture at Our Medical Centre, at Kuala Lumpur and Kelantan
Acupuncture is very good in treating piles, migrine, falling of hair, parkinson, tinnitus, carpal tunnel syndrome, gastric, infertility, etc
Rambut Gugur
salam doctor,
saya ingin bertanya adakah klinik doc menyediakan rawatan untuk masalah keguguran rambut bg wanita?
saya ingin mendapatkn maklumat berkenaan rawatan alternatif kerana sudah bermcm2 produk yg saya gunakan utk merawat "keganjilan" penyakit saya ini..kerana tiada dalam keluarga yg botak..saya tidak percaya kepada rawatan kosmetik tp masih belum putus asa untuk mendapatkan rawatan lain berkenaan masalah saya..
berapakah kos yg doc kenakan setiap kali rawatan n masih adakah harapan untuk saya pulihkan rambut saya kerana sudah kira2 6 tahun masalah ini (dgn monitoring n mencuba pelbagai produk)
terima kasih
Kita boleh ikhtiar dengan menggunakan ubat-ubat homeopathy dan buat akupunktur.
Jika rawatan ini serasi anda boleh ;lihat kemajuan dari 6 hingga 10 bulan. Ada orang yang berjaya dirawat dan ada juga yang gagal disembuhkan.
Selamat mencuba dan jangan biarkan randa jadi botak
Terdapat 60 remedi untuk atau Ubat-ubat homeopathy untuk rambut gugur dan botak
Apakah Perubatan Homeopathy
Oleh: Prof Dr Nik Omar
Pakar Perunding Homeopathy di
Pusat Perubatan Homeopathy Nik Omar
Kuala Lumpur & Bangi.
Apakah Perubatan Homeopathy
Oleh: Prof Dr Nik Omar
Pakar Perunding Homeopathy di
Pusat Perubatan Homeopathy Nik Omar
Kuala Lumpur & Bangi.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Masalah Kelahiran - Bayi Lemas
Saya ingin bertanya sekiranya peubatan homopati ini boleh membantu dalam masalah ini…
Saya mempunyai seorang cucu saudara berumur 8 bulan….tapi masih tidak boleh mengiring atau apa…hanya terlantar…
Semasa dilahirkan…. Baby ini telah lemas….disebabkan lambat keluar ….. Doktor telah mengesahkan yang baby ini akan terlantar [ cacat ] sampai bila-bila.
Sekarang ini cucu saudara itu terpaksa mengambil ubat sawan…..yang saya rasa mengandungi steroid yg amat tinggi……Sekirannya ada penawar/ kaedah lain saya ingin juga mencuba….
Saya ingin bertanya kalau2 homopati mempunyai pengalaman dalam menangani kes seperti ini….
Saya sangat percaya pada Allah yang maha kuasa…. Usaha doa dan tawakal….insyaAllah…Sesungguhnya Allah yang mnyembuhkan….penyembuhan yg tidak meninggalkan penyakit….,
Sekian, Harap dapat balas email saya ini ya…..Terima kasih…..
Kita manusia biasa hanya sekadar berusaha, kalau ingin mencuba rawatan homeopati, dipersilakan datang terus ke kelinik kami di Kl atau mana-mana cawangan kami terdekat denga anda.
Dapatkan maklumat dari 03 4042 2020
Laman web kami
Saya ingin bertanya sekiranya peubatan homopati ini boleh membantu dalam masalah ini…
Saya mempunyai seorang cucu saudara berumur 8 bulan….tapi masih tidak boleh mengiring atau apa…hanya terlantar…
Semasa dilahirkan…. Baby ini telah lemas….disebabkan lambat keluar ….. Doktor telah mengesahkan yang baby ini akan terlantar [ cacat ] sampai bila-bila.
Sekarang ini cucu saudara itu terpaksa mengambil ubat sawan…..yang saya rasa mengandungi steroid yg amat tinggi……Sekirannya ada penawar/ kaedah lain saya ingin juga mencuba….
Saya ingin bertanya kalau2 homopati mempunyai pengalaman dalam menangani kes seperti ini….
Saya sangat percaya pada Allah yang maha kuasa…. Usaha doa dan tawakal….insyaAllah…Sesungguhnya Allah yang mnyembuhkan….penyembuhan yg tidak meninggalkan penyakit….,
Sekian, Harap dapat balas email saya ini ya…..Terima kasih…..
Tuan, kalau mengikut prosedur doktor biasa memang begitulah keadaan dia sekarang dan akan datang. Homeopati adalah satu kaedah perubatan alternatif yang boleh dicuba. tetapi mau makan ubat agak lama. Jaminan tidak boleh, Jamin itu datang dari Allah sahaja yang boleh jamin - Tuhan Penyembuh adalah ' A Syafiq ' Dia yang menyembuhkan.
Kita manusia biasa hanya sekadar berusaha, kalau ingin mencuba rawatan homeopati, dipersilakan datang terus ke kelinik kami di Kl atau mana-mana cawangan kami terdekat denga anda.
Dapatkan maklumat dari 03 4042 2020
Laman web kami
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Acupuncture Research from University of Goteborg, Sweden
Acupuncture - from empiricism to science: functional background to acupuncture effects in pain and disease
Andersson S, Lundeberg T
Department of Physiology,
University of Goteborg,
Med Hypotheses 1995 Sep; 45(3):271-81
Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a system with an empirical basis which has been used in the treatment and prevention of disease for centuries. A lack of scientific studies to prove or disprove its claimed effects led to rejection by many of the western scientific community.
Now that the mechanisms can be partly explained in terms of endogenous pain inhibitory systems, the integration of acupuncture with conventional medicine may be possible. Its use for pain relief has been supported by clinical trials and this has facilitated its acceptance in pain clinics in most countries.
Acupuncture effects must devolve from physiological and/or psychological mechanisms with biological foundations, and needle stimulation could represent the artificial activation of systems obtained by natural biological effects in functional situations. Acupuncture and some other forms of sensory stimulation elicit similar effects in man and other mammals, suggesting that they bring about fundamental physiological changes.
Acupuncture excites receptors or nerve fibres in the stimulated tissue which are also physiologically activated by strong muscle contractions and the effects on certain organ functions are similar to those obtained by protracted exercise. Both exercise and acupuncture produce rhythmic discharges in nerve fibres, and cause the release of endogenous opioids and oxytocin essential to the induction of functional changes in different organ systems.
Beta-endorphin levels, important in pain control as well as in the regulation of blood pressure and body temperature, have been observed to rise in the brain tissue of animals after both acupuncture and strong exercise. Experimental and clinical evidence suggest that acupuncture may affect the sympathetic system via mechanisms at the hypothalamic and brainstem levels, and that the hypothalamic beta-endorphinergic system has inhibitory effects on the vasomotorcenter, VMC.
Post-stimulatory sympathetic inhibition which proceeds to a maximum after a few hours and can be sustained for more than 12 hours, has been demonstrated in both man and animals. Experimental and clinical studies suggest that afferent input in somatic nerve fibres has a significant effect on autonomic functions.
Hypothetically, the physiological counterpart lies in physical exercise, and the effect can be artificially reproduced via various types of electrical or manual stimulation of certain nerve fibres.
Andersson S, Lundeberg T
Department of Physiology,
University of Goteborg,
Med Hypotheses 1995 Sep; 45(3):271-81
Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a system with an empirical basis which has been used in the treatment and prevention of disease for centuries. A lack of scientific studies to prove or disprove its claimed effects led to rejection by many of the western scientific community.
Now that the mechanisms can be partly explained in terms of endogenous pain inhibitory systems, the integration of acupuncture with conventional medicine may be possible. Its use for pain relief has been supported by clinical trials and this has facilitated its acceptance in pain clinics in most countries.
Acupuncture effects must devolve from physiological and/or psychological mechanisms with biological foundations, and needle stimulation could represent the artificial activation of systems obtained by natural biological effects in functional situations. Acupuncture and some other forms of sensory stimulation elicit similar effects in man and other mammals, suggesting that they bring about fundamental physiological changes.
Acupuncture excites receptors or nerve fibres in the stimulated tissue which are also physiologically activated by strong muscle contractions and the effects on certain organ functions are similar to those obtained by protracted exercise. Both exercise and acupuncture produce rhythmic discharges in nerve fibres, and cause the release of endogenous opioids and oxytocin essential to the induction of functional changes in different organ systems.
Beta-endorphin levels, important in pain control as well as in the regulation of blood pressure and body temperature, have been observed to rise in the brain tissue of animals after both acupuncture and strong exercise. Experimental and clinical evidence suggest that acupuncture may affect the sympathetic system via mechanisms at the hypothalamic and brainstem levels, and that the hypothalamic beta-endorphinergic system has inhibitory effects on the vasomotorcenter, VMC.
Post-stimulatory sympathetic inhibition which proceeds to a maximum after a few hours and can be sustained for more than 12 hours, has been demonstrated in both man and animals. Experimental and clinical studies suggest that afferent input in somatic nerve fibres has a significant effect on autonomic functions.
Hypothetically, the physiological counterpart lies in physical exercise, and the effect can be artificially reproduced via various types of electrical or manual stimulation of certain nerve fibres.
Trial of Acupuncture Treatment in Sweden
A randomised-controlled trial in Sweden of acupuncture and care interventions for the relief of inflammatory symptoms of the breast during lactation.
Kvist LJ, Hall-Lord ML, Rydhstroem H, Larsson BW.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Floor 2, Helsingborg Hospital, Helsingborg, SE-251 87 Sweden.
OBJECTIVES: to further compare acupuncture treatment and care interventions for the relief of inflammatory symptoms of the breast during lactation and to investigate the relationship between bacteria in the breast milk and clinical signs and symptoms.
DESIGN: randomised, non-blinded, controlled trial of acupuncture and care interventions.
SETTING: a midwife-led breast feeding clinic in Sweden.
PARTICIPANTS: 205 mothers with 210 cases of inflammatory symptoms of the breast during lactation agreed to participate. The mothers were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups, two of which included acupuncture among the care interventions and one without acupuncture.
All groups were given essential care. Protocols, which included scales for erythema, breast tension and pain, were maintained for each day of contact with the breast feeding clinic. A Severity Index (SI) for each mother and each day was created by adding together the scores on the erythema, breast tension and pain scales. The range of the SI was 0 (least severe) to 19 (most severe).
FINDINGS: no significant difference was found in numbers of mothers in the treatment groups, with the lowest possible score for severity of symptoms on contact days 3, 4 or 5. No statistically significant differences were found between the treatment groups for number of contact days needed until the mother felt well enough to discontinue contact with the breast feeding clinic or for number of mothers prescribed antibiotics.
Significant differences were found in the mean SI scores on contact days 3 and 4 between the non-acupuncture group and the two acupuncture groups. Mothers with less favourable outcomes (6 contact days, n=61) were, at first contact with the midwife, more often given advice on correction of the baby's attachment to the breast.
An obstetrician was called to examine 20% of the mothers, and antibiotic treatment was prescribed for 15% of the study population. The presence of Group B streptococci in the breast milk was related to less favourable outcomes.
KEY CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: if acupuncture treatment is acceptable to the mother, this, together with care interventions such as correction of breast feeding position and babies' attachment to the breast, might be a more expedient and less invasive choice of treatment than the use of oxytocin nasal spray.
Midwives, nurses or medical practitioners with specialist competence in breast feeding should be the primary care providers for mothers with inflammatory symptoms of the breast during lactation. The use of antibiotics for inflammatory symptoms of the breast should be closely monitored in order to help the global community reduce resistance development among bacterial pathogens.
Kvist LJ, Hall-Lord ML, Rydhstroem H, Larsson BW.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Floor 2, Helsingborg Hospital, Helsingborg, SE-251 87 Sweden.
OBJECTIVES: to further compare acupuncture treatment and care interventions for the relief of inflammatory symptoms of the breast during lactation and to investigate the relationship between bacteria in the breast milk and clinical signs and symptoms.
DESIGN: randomised, non-blinded, controlled trial of acupuncture and care interventions.
SETTING: a midwife-led breast feeding clinic in Sweden.
PARTICIPANTS: 205 mothers with 210 cases of inflammatory symptoms of the breast during lactation agreed to participate. The mothers were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups, two of which included acupuncture among the care interventions and one without acupuncture.
All groups were given essential care. Protocols, which included scales for erythema, breast tension and pain, were maintained for each day of contact with the breast feeding clinic. A Severity Index (SI) for each mother and each day was created by adding together the scores on the erythema, breast tension and pain scales. The range of the SI was 0 (least severe) to 19 (most severe).
FINDINGS: no significant difference was found in numbers of mothers in the treatment groups, with the lowest possible score for severity of symptoms on contact days 3, 4 or 5. No statistically significant differences were found between the treatment groups for number of contact days needed until the mother felt well enough to discontinue contact with the breast feeding clinic or for number of mothers prescribed antibiotics.
Significant differences were found in the mean SI scores on contact days 3 and 4 between the non-acupuncture group and the two acupuncture groups. Mothers with less favourable outcomes (6 contact days, n=61) were, at first contact with the midwife, more often given advice on correction of the baby's attachment to the breast.
An obstetrician was called to examine 20% of the mothers, and antibiotic treatment was prescribed for 15% of the study population. The presence of Group B streptococci in the breast milk was related to less favourable outcomes.
KEY CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: if acupuncture treatment is acceptable to the mother, this, together with care interventions such as correction of breast feeding position and babies' attachment to the breast, might be a more expedient and less invasive choice of treatment than the use of oxytocin nasal spray.
Midwives, nurses or medical practitioners with specialist competence in breast feeding should be the primary care providers for mothers with inflammatory symptoms of the breast during lactation. The use of antibiotics for inflammatory symptoms of the breast should be closely monitored in order to help the global community reduce resistance development among bacterial pathogens.
Acupuncture in Malaysia

The mission of Nik Omar's Acupuncture Centre at Malaysia is to promote a healthy, balanced lifestyle through the integration of acupuncture with lifestyle and nutritional counseling. Our treatment plan focuses on the individual’s health needs and sets obtainable and realistic goals in order to achieve harmony and well being.
Our Centre give
Good and hygienic Acupuncture treatment
We also offer acupuncture courses for local and foreign students alike
see us at
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Acupuncture in US
How widely is acupuncture used in the United States?
In the past two decades, acupuncture has grown in popularity in the United States.
The report from a Consensus Development Conference on Acupuncture held at the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1997 stated that acupuncture is being "widely" practiced--by thousands of physicians, dentists, acupuncturists, and other practitioners--for relief or prevention of pain and for various other health conditions.
According to the 2002 National Health Interview Survey--the largest and most comprehensive survey of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use by American adults to date--an estimated 8.2 million U.S. adults had ever used acupuncture, and an estimated 2.1 million U.S. adults had used acupuncture in the previous year.
In the past two decades, acupuncture has grown in popularity in the United States.
The report from a Consensus Development Conference on Acupuncture held at the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1997 stated that acupuncture is being "widely" practiced--by thousands of physicians, dentists, acupuncturists, and other practitioners--for relief or prevention of pain and for various other health conditions.
According to the 2002 National Health Interview Survey--the largest and most comprehensive survey of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use by American adults to date--an estimated 8.2 million U.S. adults had ever used acupuncture, and an estimated 2.1 million U.S. adults had used acupuncture in the previous year.
Stress and Acupuncture Treatment

Stress and Acupuncture Treatments
Many individuals today experience a fast paced and hectic life, which at times can feel overwhelming. The body's response to this constant high level pace is the continual state of Fight or Flight. When there is over exertion due to undo stress, the body over produces the hormone Cortisol. Over time this can weaken the immune system and leads to extreme fatigue, weight gain, and depression.
Five Element acupuncture helps to balance Cortisol levels. Through being balanced the patient experiences more calmness and feels more grounded in their daily life. The immune system restores to its natural strength allowing for consistent energy throughout the day, optimal body weight, and a general state of wellbeing and self confidence.
Electro Acupuncture
1. Electro-Acupuncture - Tiny needles pricked at the acupuncture points are stimulated by an Electro- stimulator. Separate set of needles used for each patient to avoid AIDS or hepatitis B. Being drugless, no reaction or adverse effects. Useful for many so called incurable disorders especially Paralysis, Diabetes mellitus, Asthma, Cervical / Lumbar Spondylosis, Slip Disc, Sciatica,Arthris, Knee pain, Frozen shoulder, Migraine, Brain/Heart/Kidney disorders, Addictions, Deafness, Eye disorders, Skin diseases, abdominal disorders, impotence, azoospermia, menstrual disorders, Obesity, Acne Vulgaris / Rosacea, Wrinkles etc.
2. Acupuncture LASER Therapy - This is the best type of stimulating LASER which acts like tonic for the cells.Instead of needles, Acu LASER rays are used to stimulate Acupuncture points. Extremely useful for non- healing ulcers like diabetic , hypertension, kidney problem, renal failure, varicose ulcer, bed sore etc. , optic atrophy, cardiac disorders, musculo-skeletal disorders, acne and other cosmetic problems etc. No pain/bleeding /fainting so easily accepted by children, elderly, debilitated and Hi-Fi patients.
2. Acupuncture LASER Therapy - This is the best type of stimulating LASER which acts like tonic for the cells.Instead of needles, Acu LASER rays are used to stimulate Acupuncture points. Extremely useful for non- healing ulcers like diabetic , hypertension, kidney problem, renal failure, varicose ulcer, bed sore etc. , optic atrophy, cardiac disorders, musculo-skeletal disorders, acne and other cosmetic problems etc. No pain/bleeding /fainting so easily accepted by children, elderly, debilitated and Hi-Fi patients.
Cara Menghilangkan Stress [ How To Overcome Stress ]
Stress management strategy
Accept the things you can’t change
Some sources of stress are unavoidable. You can’t prevent or change stressors such as the death of a loved one, a serious illness, or a national recession. In such cases, the best way to cope with stress is to accept things as they are. Acceptance may be difficult, but in the long run, it’s easier than railing against a situation you can’t change.
* Don’t try to control the uncontrollable. Many things in life are beyond our control— particularly the behavior of other people. Rather than stressing out over them, focus on the things you can control such as the way you choose to react to problems.
* Look for the upside. As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” When facing major challenges, try to look at them as opportunities for personal growth. If your own poor choices contributed to a stressful situation, reflect on them and learn from your mistakes.
* Share your feelings. Talk to a trusted friend or make an appointment with a therapist. Expressing what you’re going through can be very cathartic, even if there’s nothing you can do to alter the stressful situation.
* Learn to forgive. Accept the fact that we live in an imperfect world and that people make mistakes. Let go of anger and resentments. Free yourself from negative energy by forgiving and moving on.
Bahasa Melayu:
1. Cuba memaafkan orang lain
2. Kurangkan maki hamun
3. Cuba bercakap soal-soal yang indah
4. Cuba turunkan keinginan anda
5. Cuab untuk mengalah dalam apa hal sekali pun.
6. Terima orang lain, orang juga memerlukan kasih sayang anda.
7. Jangan mengharap
8. Tunjukkan anda kasihkan pasangan anda setiap waktu.
Accept the things you can’t change
Some sources of stress are unavoidable. You can’t prevent or change stressors such as the death of a loved one, a serious illness, or a national recession. In such cases, the best way to cope with stress is to accept things as they are. Acceptance may be difficult, but in the long run, it’s easier than railing against a situation you can’t change.
* Don’t try to control the uncontrollable. Many things in life are beyond our control— particularly the behavior of other people. Rather than stressing out over them, focus on the things you can control such as the way you choose to react to problems.
* Look for the upside. As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” When facing major challenges, try to look at them as opportunities for personal growth. If your own poor choices contributed to a stressful situation, reflect on them and learn from your mistakes.
* Share your feelings. Talk to a trusted friend or make an appointment with a therapist. Expressing what you’re going through can be very cathartic, even if there’s nothing you can do to alter the stressful situation.
* Learn to forgive. Accept the fact that we live in an imperfect world and that people make mistakes. Let go of anger and resentments. Free yourself from negative energy by forgiving and moving on.
Bahasa Melayu:
1. Cuba memaafkan orang lain
2. Kurangkan maki hamun
3. Cuba bercakap soal-soal yang indah
4. Cuba turunkan keinginan anda
5. Cuab untuk mengalah dalam apa hal sekali pun.
6. Terima orang lain, orang juga memerlukan kasih sayang anda.
7. Jangan mengharap
8. Tunjukkan anda kasihkan pasangan anda setiap waktu.
Stress Management [ Cara Menghilangkan Stress ]

Stress management strategy
Make time for fun and relaxation
Beyond a take-charge approach and a positive attitude, you can reduce stress in your life by nurturing yourself. If you regularly make time for fun and relaxation, you’ll be in a better place to handle life’s stressors when they inevitably come.
Healthy ways to relax and recharge
* Go for a walk [ berjalan atau jogging ]
* Spend time in nature [ cuba cari ketenangan di taman atau hutan ]
* Call a good friend [ hubungi kawan baik dan bersembang ]
* Sweat out tension with a good workout [ buang tabiat buruk ]
* Write in your journal [ buat kerja-kerja hiasan dirumah ]
* Take a long bath [ mandilah sepuas-puasnya ]
* Light scented candles [ hidupkan lilin ]
* Savor a warm cup of coffee or tea [ minum sambil dengan musik ]
* Work in your garden [ hiasan laman rumah anda dengan bunga ]
* Get a massage [ jika ada lapang, urut badan ]
* Curl up with a good book [ baca buku-buku ilmiah ]
* Listen to music [ dengar musik dan tv ]
If You are a married couple
* Make love with your couple [ jika anda suami isteri lakukan seks yang merangsangkan ]
* Stay close together hugging [ duduklah rapat-rapat dan bercumbu dengan penuh keghairahan ]
* Talk about your future with your husband / wife [ bersimbanglah tentang masa depan, rancagan anak-anak, nama anak2 dan sebagainya ]
* Jogging together in morning [ pergilah bersenam dan joging bersama pasangan anda diwaktu pagi ]
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Brief History of Asian Homeopathic Medical League - AHML
Brief History of Asian Homeopathic Medical League
The Asian Homeopathic Medical League (AHML) was founded in 1986 at Puna, the city of India. The eminent Homeopaths of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka got together and decided to form an organization of Asian Homeopath after the protest walkout during Liga Medicorum Internationlis, the then the only homeopathic orrganisation of the world.
The main point of protest is that the American and European Homeopath were basically allopathic doctors. The Asian homeopath which basically 100 % homeopath who qualified a full 5 yaers from full homeopathic medical college, were not given the right to vote and permission to sit in the scientific season of the Liga congresses, where as large number of homeopatha are all in Asian region.
Due to this discrimination The Asian senior and eminent homeopaths walk out of the Liga Congress in 1986 and formed the Asian Homeopathic Medical League - AHML.
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Fiji, Brunei, Hong Kong, Afghanistan, South Africa, are its member countries.
In it first meeting, Dr Jugal Kishore (India) was elected as the first President, Dr P.Panday was its second President ( India), Third was Prof Dr Sajjad Hassan Khan ( Pakistan), fourth - Dr Giriendal Pal (India).
So far AHML has conducted 17th International Congresses in different Asian countries. The 18th will be in Malaysia from 4 - 5th October 2009.
AHML is a non political organization, it purpose is to uplift for the betterment of homeopathic system of homeopathic system through all its member countries by National Vice Presidents. The basic aim of this organization are:-
* to promote and coordination of professional activities in the field of education, research and dessemination of homeopathic knowledge.
* to encourage and persuade the establishment of homeopathic research institution, hospital, pharmacies and dispensaries at the government and semi government levels.
* to conduct basic and clinical research in the field of drugs proving.
* to establish basic libraries with reference to books and the latest research papers from all over the globe.
* dissemination of homeopathic research information, activities and trend to the member countries.
* to promote understanding between nations of member countries through seminars, workshop and conferences.
Executive Committee of AHML Internationa 2010 - 2011
President: Prof Gidendra Pal , Jaipur, India
Senior President: Prof Dr Nik Omar, Malaysia
Secretary general: Prof Dr A.K. Seth ( India)
Treasurer: Dr Muhammad Qasim
Secretary Research: Dr JP Bakshi
Secretary Education: Prof Dr Abdu Rehman ( Pakistan)
National Vice President
Malaysia : Prof Dr Sir Nik Omar
Pakistan: Dr Sh Azhar Intsar
Bangladesh: Dr M.A. Quader
Hong Kong: Dr Alexender T.M. Yuan
Myanmar: Dr Tin Tun
Nepal: S.S. Rauniyar
Sri Lanka: Prof Dr M.A. Latif
Fiji: Dr Kamal Sharma
Australia : Dr Martyn
Singapore: Dr A Kadir
Brunei: Dr Haji Saud Yahya.
India: Dr Girish Gupta
- Dr A.K. Set, Secretary General AHML.
The Asian Homeopathic Medical League (AHML) was founded in 1986 at Puna, the city of India. The eminent Homeopaths of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka got together and decided to form an organization of Asian Homeopath after the protest walkout during Liga Medicorum Internationlis, the then the only homeopathic orrganisation of the world.
The main point of protest is that the American and European Homeopath were basically allopathic doctors. The Asian homeopath which basically 100 % homeopath who qualified a full 5 yaers from full homeopathic medical college, were not given the right to vote and permission to sit in the scientific season of the Liga congresses, where as large number of homeopatha are all in Asian region.
Due to this discrimination The Asian senior and eminent homeopaths walk out of the Liga Congress in 1986 and formed the Asian Homeopathic Medical League - AHML.
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Fiji, Brunei, Hong Kong, Afghanistan, South Africa, are its member countries.
In it first meeting, Dr Jugal Kishore (India) was elected as the first President, Dr P.Panday was its second President ( India), Third was Prof Dr Sajjad Hassan Khan ( Pakistan), fourth - Dr Giriendal Pal (India).
So far AHML has conducted 17th International Congresses in different Asian countries. The 18th will be in Malaysia from 4 - 5th October 2009.
AHML is a non political organization, it purpose is to uplift for the betterment of homeopathic system of homeopathic system through all its member countries by National Vice Presidents. The basic aim of this organization are:-
* to promote and coordination of professional activities in the field of education, research and dessemination of homeopathic knowledge.
* to encourage and persuade the establishment of homeopathic research institution, hospital, pharmacies and dispensaries at the government and semi government levels.
* to conduct basic and clinical research in the field of drugs proving.
* to establish basic libraries with reference to books and the latest research papers from all over the globe.
* dissemination of homeopathic research information, activities and trend to the member countries.
* to promote understanding between nations of member countries through seminars, workshop and conferences.
Executive Committee of AHML Internationa 2010 - 2011
President: Prof Gidendra Pal , Jaipur, India
Senior President: Prof Dr Nik Omar, Malaysia
Secretary general: Prof Dr A.K. Seth ( India)
Treasurer: Dr Muhammad Qasim
Secretary Research: Dr JP Bakshi
Secretary Education: Prof Dr Abdu Rehman ( Pakistan)
National Vice President
Malaysia : Prof Dr Sir Nik Omar
Pakistan: Dr Sh Azhar Intsar
Bangladesh: Dr M.A. Quader
Hong Kong: Dr Alexender T.M. Yuan
Myanmar: Dr Tin Tun
Nepal: S.S. Rauniyar
Sri Lanka: Prof Dr M.A. Latif
Fiji: Dr Kamal Sharma
Australia : Dr Martyn
Singapore: Dr A Kadir
Brunei: Dr Haji Saud Yahya.
India: Dr Girish Gupta
- Dr A.K. Set, Secretary General AHML.
Message from Minister of Health, Malaysia
Message from Minister of Health
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Message From Minister of Health
Message From Minister of Health Malaysia
To all International Delegates of 18th AHML International Conference On Homeopathy & Complementary Medicine held at Malaysia in 2009
Dato Sri Liow Tiong Lai
I wish to welcome all delegates to the 18th Asian Homeopathic Medical League & 8th International Conference on Homeopathy &
Complementary Medicine, Malaysia 2009
I am happy to note that Malaysia has been given the honour to host a reputable international conference on complementary medicine. It thus reflects the confidence
of member countries in the ability of The Asian Homeopathic Medical League, The Malaysian Homeopathic Medical Practitioners Association, The Faculty of
Homeopathy Malaysia (FAHOM) and other Homeopathic associations in Malaysia to organize this event.
I understand that for the past two decades the Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia which is based in Kelantan, under the chairmanship of Prof Dr Nik Omar bin
Haji Nik Daud, has been establishing and promoting this form of medication not only among the Malaysians, but also foreigners. The Malaysian Homeopathic
Practitioners Association, on the other hand, has been active helping people through their volunteer services not only in Malaysia but also in Thailand,
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka.
Today, all the members of The Asian Homeopathic medical League have come together to this conference to discuss and upgrade the standard
of practice in homeopathy and complementary medicine.
I am sure that delegates attending this international conference hosted by the Open International University for Complementary Medicine will be
discussing the future direction of complementary medicine. Indeed, armed with new dynamism, your group can look forward to meaningful
role in improving the standard of health among the population and complementing the efforts made by the government.
I wish the conference great success.
Dato Sri Liow Tiong Lai
Minister of Health Malaysia
21 st July 2009
Pejabat Menteri Kesihatan
( Ministry of Health Office), Putrajaya
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Message From Minister of Health
Message From Minister of Health Malaysia
To all International Delegates of 18th AHML International Conference On Homeopathy & Complementary Medicine held at Malaysia in 2009
Dato Sri Liow Tiong Lai
I wish to welcome all delegates to the 18th Asian Homeopathic Medical League & 8th International Conference on Homeopathy &
Complementary Medicine, Malaysia 2009
I am happy to note that Malaysia has been given the honour to host a reputable international conference on complementary medicine. It thus reflects the confidence
of member countries in the ability of The Asian Homeopathic Medical League, The Malaysian Homeopathic Medical Practitioners Association, The Faculty of
Homeopathy Malaysia (FAHOM) and other Homeopathic associations in Malaysia to organize this event.
I understand that for the past two decades the Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia which is based in Kelantan, under the chairmanship of Prof Dr Nik Omar bin
Haji Nik Daud, has been establishing and promoting this form of medication not only among the Malaysians, but also foreigners. The Malaysian Homeopathic
Practitioners Association, on the other hand, has been active helping people through their volunteer services not only in Malaysia but also in Thailand,
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka.
Today, all the members of The Asian Homeopathic medical League have come together to this conference to discuss and upgrade the standard
of practice in homeopathy and complementary medicine.
I am sure that delegates attending this international conference hosted by the Open International University for Complementary Medicine will be
discussing the future direction of complementary medicine. Indeed, armed with new dynamism, your group can look forward to meaningful
role in improving the standard of health among the population and complementing the efforts made by the government.
I wish the conference great success.
Dato Sri Liow Tiong Lai
Minister of Health Malaysia
21 st July 2009
Pejabat Menteri Kesihatan
( Ministry of Health Office), Putrajaya
Penyembuhan Ajaib melalui Homeopathy
Infeksi Tidak Mahu Sembuh
Akhirnya Sembuh Dengan Homeopathy
Pesakit ini seorang Wanita Melayu:Puan N bt J Umur 50 tahun
Dari Rekod: Pusat Perubatan Homeopathy Dr Nik Omar
118 Jalan Raja Laut, KL
Aduan: Infeksi yang tidak Mahu Sembuh.
Seorang wanita muda berusia sekitar 26 tahun datang ke kelinik saya untuk meminta ubat homeopati, katanya ibunya sakit tenat dan sedang berada di hospital sejak satu bulan yang lepas kerana infeksi jangkitan kuman dibahagian betis kerana terkena paku karat dan daging dibetis burok, bernanah dan daging jatuh sekeping demi sekeping.
Doktor tidak dapat buat apa-apa cuma hanya balut dibahagian infeksi.
Kesian melihat keadaan ibu di wad, anak muda ini datang untk meminta ubat dengan saya. Saya memberi ubat berdasarkan cakapan Si anak tadi. saya memberi Calendula Off diikuti dengan Graphite tid selama 2 minggu.
Seminggu selepas makan ubat homeopati daging yang gugur serta buruk dan busok mula mengering dan melihat tanda-tanda kebaikan.
Melihat keadaan infeksi yang menunjukkan kebaikan, doktor di hospital menyatakan, "
"MakChik bernasib baik, kerana penyakit mak chik menunjukan kebaikan, ini satu keajaiban", kata doktor di hospital.
Memang doktor sendiri akui, satu keajaiban, kerana usaha sungguh-sungguh serta ubat homeopati yang tepat, sesuatu penyakit yang sukar dirawat, menjadi mudah dan dapat disembuhkan.
Pada 29 Ogos 2010 Mak Chik ini datang sendiri, berjumpa dengan saya hanya untuk mengucapkan " terima kasih kerana telah menyembuhkan kesakitannya'
Akhirnya Sembuh Dengan Homeopathy
Pesakit ini seorang Wanita Melayu:Puan N bt J Umur 50 tahun
Dari Rekod: Pusat Perubatan Homeopathy Dr Nik Omar
118 Jalan Raja Laut, KL
Aduan: Infeksi yang tidak Mahu Sembuh.
Seorang wanita muda berusia sekitar 26 tahun datang ke kelinik saya untuk meminta ubat homeopati, katanya ibunya sakit tenat dan sedang berada di hospital sejak satu bulan yang lepas kerana infeksi jangkitan kuman dibahagian betis kerana terkena paku karat dan daging dibetis burok, bernanah dan daging jatuh sekeping demi sekeping.
Doktor tidak dapat buat apa-apa cuma hanya balut dibahagian infeksi.
Kesian melihat keadaan ibu di wad, anak muda ini datang untk meminta ubat dengan saya. Saya memberi ubat berdasarkan cakapan Si anak tadi. saya memberi Calendula Off diikuti dengan Graphite tid selama 2 minggu.
Seminggu selepas makan ubat homeopati daging yang gugur serta buruk dan busok mula mengering dan melihat tanda-tanda kebaikan.
Melihat keadaan infeksi yang menunjukkan kebaikan, doktor di hospital menyatakan, "
"MakChik bernasib baik, kerana penyakit mak chik menunjukan kebaikan, ini satu keajaiban", kata doktor di hospital.
Memang doktor sendiri akui, satu keajaiban, kerana usaha sungguh-sungguh serta ubat homeopati yang tepat, sesuatu penyakit yang sukar dirawat, menjadi mudah dan dapat disembuhkan.
Pada 29 Ogos 2010 Mak Chik ini datang sendiri, berjumpa dengan saya hanya untuk mengucapkan " terima kasih kerana telah menyembuhkan kesakitannya'
Perilaku seksual yang menyimpang
Sesuatu yang tak lazim digolongkan sebagai kelainan. Begitu juga dalam kancah perilaku seksual. Di seputar kita bisa dijumpai penderita parafilia, pengidap gangguan psikoseksual. Mereka, umumnya laki-laki, menyukai kegiatan seksual tidak lazim mulai dari mengintip, memamerkan alat kelamin, sampai mengenakan pakaian wanita.
Syahdan, di abad XI ada seorang istri bangsawan Inggris yang sangat dikagumi rakyatnya. Wanita cantik itu bernama Lady Godiva. Suaminya, Earl Leofric, penguasa Provinsi Mercia di Midland. Karena penduduk Coventry saat itu sangat menderita akibat tingginya pajak, ia memohon kepada sang suami untuk menurunkannya. Permintaan itu akan dikabulkan asal Lady Godiva berani berkuda keliling kota tanpa busana.
Tak disangka, Lady Godiva bersedia. Dengan menggunakan rambut pirangnya yang panjang sebagai penutup sebagian tubuhnya, ia naik kuda berkeliling kota. Rakyat yang sangat mencintainya bersepakat untuk tinggal di rumah dan menutup semua jendela mereka rapat-rapat.
Rupanya, seorang pembantu tukang jahit bernama Tom berusaha mengintip dari celah jendela. Ia merasa bangga berhasil menyaksikan wanita cantik tanpa busana itu. Namun, akhirnya ia mendapatkan karma. Ia buta tak lama kemudian.
Dongeng tentang “Tom si Pengintip” atau Peeping Tom ini kemudian diangkat sebagai istilah salah satu kelainan parafilia (gangguan psikoseksual yang kebanyakan diderita pria), yang disebut voyeurism.
Ciri utama voyeurism (di dunia kedokteran dikenal sebagai skopofilia) adalah adanya dorongan yang tidak terkendali untuk secara diam-diam mengintip atau melihat wanita yang sedang telanjang, melepas pakaian, atau melakukan kegiatan seksual.
Penderita memperoleh kepuasan seksual dari situ. Wanita yang diintip biasanya tak dia kenal. Mengintip menjadi cara eksklusif untuk mendapatkan kepuasan seksual. Anehnya, ia sama sekali tidak menginginkan berhubungan seksual dengan wanita yang diintip. Cuma berharap memperoleh kepuasan orgasme dengan cara masturbasi.
Berbeda dengan pria normal – yang baru mendapatkan kepuasan seksual setelah melakukan persetubuhan (terkadang masturbasi) – penderita voyeurism sudah terpuaskan tanpa harus melakukan sanggama. Namun, penyuka film atau pertunjukan porno jangan takut dikatakan menderita kelainan ini, karena para pemain film itu dengan sengaja menghendaki dan menyadari bahwa mereka akan ditonton orang lain.
Apakah Onani Itu Seks Meyimpang.
Mengikut pakar perubatan onani atau mastubasi itu adalah normal bagi setiap lelaki. Cuma tahap melakukan onani saja yang menentukan sama ada ia menyimpang atau normal.
Kalau sekadar melakukan onani dalam satu atau dua kali satu minggu atau dua minggu. Itu boleh dianggap normal, tetapi kalau sudah melalukan onani setiap hari 7 kali satu minggu, 30 hari satu bulan, 365 hari dalam satu tahun itu sudah dianggap menyimpang dan orang ini harus jumpa doktor untuk mendapat rawatan tekanan jiwa.
Bila sudah melampau ia boleh menyebabkan banyak penyakit lain akan timbul
Syahdan, di abad XI ada seorang istri bangsawan Inggris yang sangat dikagumi rakyatnya. Wanita cantik itu bernama Lady Godiva. Suaminya, Earl Leofric, penguasa Provinsi Mercia di Midland. Karena penduduk Coventry saat itu sangat menderita akibat tingginya pajak, ia memohon kepada sang suami untuk menurunkannya. Permintaan itu akan dikabulkan asal Lady Godiva berani berkuda keliling kota tanpa busana.
Tak disangka, Lady Godiva bersedia. Dengan menggunakan rambut pirangnya yang panjang sebagai penutup sebagian tubuhnya, ia naik kuda berkeliling kota. Rakyat yang sangat mencintainya bersepakat untuk tinggal di rumah dan menutup semua jendela mereka rapat-rapat.
Rupanya, seorang pembantu tukang jahit bernama Tom berusaha mengintip dari celah jendela. Ia merasa bangga berhasil menyaksikan wanita cantik tanpa busana itu. Namun, akhirnya ia mendapatkan karma. Ia buta tak lama kemudian.
Dongeng tentang “Tom si Pengintip” atau Peeping Tom ini kemudian diangkat sebagai istilah salah satu kelainan parafilia (gangguan psikoseksual yang kebanyakan diderita pria), yang disebut voyeurism.
Ciri utama voyeurism (di dunia kedokteran dikenal sebagai skopofilia) adalah adanya dorongan yang tidak terkendali untuk secara diam-diam mengintip atau melihat wanita yang sedang telanjang, melepas pakaian, atau melakukan kegiatan seksual.
Penderita memperoleh kepuasan seksual dari situ. Wanita yang diintip biasanya tak dia kenal. Mengintip menjadi cara eksklusif untuk mendapatkan kepuasan seksual. Anehnya, ia sama sekali tidak menginginkan berhubungan seksual dengan wanita yang diintip. Cuma berharap memperoleh kepuasan orgasme dengan cara masturbasi.
Berbeda dengan pria normal – yang baru mendapatkan kepuasan seksual setelah melakukan persetubuhan (terkadang masturbasi) – penderita voyeurism sudah terpuaskan tanpa harus melakukan sanggama. Namun, penyuka film atau pertunjukan porno jangan takut dikatakan menderita kelainan ini, karena para pemain film itu dengan sengaja menghendaki dan menyadari bahwa mereka akan ditonton orang lain.
Apakah Onani Itu Seks Meyimpang.
Mengikut pakar perubatan onani atau mastubasi itu adalah normal bagi setiap lelaki. Cuma tahap melakukan onani saja yang menentukan sama ada ia menyimpang atau normal.
Kalau sekadar melakukan onani dalam satu atau dua kali satu minggu atau dua minggu. Itu boleh dianggap normal, tetapi kalau sudah melalukan onani setiap hari 7 kali satu minggu, 30 hari satu bulan, 365 hari dalam satu tahun itu sudah dianggap menyimpang dan orang ini harus jumpa doktor untuk mendapat rawatan tekanan jiwa.
Bila sudah melampau ia boleh menyebabkan banyak penyakit lain akan timbul
Cara Pencegahan HIV / AIDS
‘Upaya Mencegah tertular HIV/AID
1) Tidak melakukan hubungan seks sebelum nikah
2) Tidak melakukan hubungan seks di luar nikah
3) Tidak menerima transfusi darah yang tidak jelas status HIV-nya
4) Pergunakan alat suntik, tindik atau tatto yang hanya sekali pakai
5) Jauhi narkotik
6) Hindari mabuk-mabukan yang bisa membuat lupa diri sehingga melakukan perbuatan yang beresiko tertular HIV/AIDS
7) Berani menolak ajakan yang beresiko tertular HIV/AIDS
8) Mensterilkan alat-alat medis dan non-medis setiap sekali pakai, terutama yang berhubungan dengan cairan tubuh manusia
9) Menyebarkan informasi HIV/AIDS pada setiap kesempatan
1) Tidak melakukan hubungan seks sebelum nikah
2) Tidak melakukan hubungan seks di luar nikah
3) Tidak menerima transfusi darah yang tidak jelas status HIV-nya
4) Pergunakan alat suntik, tindik atau tatto yang hanya sekali pakai
5) Jauhi narkotik
6) Hindari mabuk-mabukan yang bisa membuat lupa diri sehingga melakukan perbuatan yang beresiko tertular HIV/AIDS
7) Berani menolak ajakan yang beresiko tertular HIV/AIDS
8) Mensterilkan alat-alat medis dan non-medis setiap sekali pakai, terutama yang berhubungan dengan cairan tubuh manusia
9) Menyebarkan informasi HIV/AIDS pada setiap kesempatan
Akibat dari Seks Menyimpang
Seks Menyimpang
Bila disebut seks, banyak rakam manusia yang mempunyai ragam seks yang berbeza
seks dikawal oleh nafsu
jika nafsu tidak boleh dikawal, maka terjadilah beberapa kejadian yang dinamakan 'seks menyimpang'.
Antara Seks menyimpang.
1. Seks sesama jenis [ lelaki dengan lelaki, perempuan dengan perempuan]
2. lelaki yang suka melakukan seks melalui dubur
3. lelaki yang suka sangat zakarnya dikulum oleh perempuan
4. merogol kanak-kana dibawah umur atau bayi serendah 2 tahun
5. perempuan yang melakukan seks dengan ramai lelaki serentak
6. lelaki yang suka bertukar pasangan [ bin dia bini aku, bini aku bini mu ]
dan lain-lain perbuatan seks diluar tabii atau diluar jangkauan manusia biasa
Berita hari ini Utusan Malaysia 7 Jan 2011.
' Seorang lelaki beusia 23 tahun menjadi igauan buruk sejak 11 tahun silam dimana dia di sula [ dimasukkan benda asing dalam dubur ]
Akibat nafsu songsang seorang lelaki, budak ini disula dengan sebatang kayu 0.51 meter kedalam dubur hingga ke halkum, akibatnya budak ini cedera di dubur, pundi kencing pecah dan banyak luka dalaman. Anak ini menderita dengan kesakitan selama 11 tahun dan menjadi cacat kekal '
Penjahat tersebut telah pun dihukum penjara 20 tahun dan sebatan 20 kali. OK, tapi apakah setimpal hukuman itu jika dibandingkan kecacatan kekal yang dialami oleh remaja ini yang terpaksa membelanja RM 62.60 setiap hari untuk menukar lampin najis, pada hal anak ini datang dari keluarga kampongan. Sebarang bantuan boleh menghubungi ibu anak ini ditalian 07 8966970
Bila disebut seks, banyak rakam manusia yang mempunyai ragam seks yang berbeza
seks dikawal oleh nafsu
jika nafsu tidak boleh dikawal, maka terjadilah beberapa kejadian yang dinamakan 'seks menyimpang'.
Antara Seks menyimpang.
1. Seks sesama jenis [ lelaki dengan lelaki, perempuan dengan perempuan]
2. lelaki yang suka melakukan seks melalui dubur
3. lelaki yang suka sangat zakarnya dikulum oleh perempuan
4. merogol kanak-kana dibawah umur atau bayi serendah 2 tahun
5. perempuan yang melakukan seks dengan ramai lelaki serentak
6. lelaki yang suka bertukar pasangan [ bin dia bini aku, bini aku bini mu ]
dan lain-lain perbuatan seks diluar tabii atau diluar jangkauan manusia biasa
Berita hari ini Utusan Malaysia 7 Jan 2011.
' Seorang lelaki beusia 23 tahun menjadi igauan buruk sejak 11 tahun silam dimana dia di sula [ dimasukkan benda asing dalam dubur ]
Akibat nafsu songsang seorang lelaki, budak ini disula dengan sebatang kayu 0.51 meter kedalam dubur hingga ke halkum, akibatnya budak ini cedera di dubur, pundi kencing pecah dan banyak luka dalaman. Anak ini menderita dengan kesakitan selama 11 tahun dan menjadi cacat kekal '
Penjahat tersebut telah pun dihukum penjara 20 tahun dan sebatan 20 kali. OK, tapi apakah setimpal hukuman itu jika dibandingkan kecacatan kekal yang dialami oleh remaja ini yang terpaksa membelanja RM 62.60 setiap hari untuk menukar lampin najis, pada hal anak ini datang dari keluarga kampongan. Sebarang bantuan boleh menghubungi ibu anak ini ditalian 07 8966970
Acupuncture Treament For Hypertension
You have probably seen acupuncture on TV in movies or maybe even had it done yourself, but as a treatment for hypertension, the studies have had too many weaknesses to produce solid results. Yet, many who have had it done say that the procedure has lowered their blood pressure and has provided them with other benefits that they have been unable to find anywhere else.
Acupuncture is a type of Chinese medicine that involves inserting thin needles at specific points at particular depths on your body that are thought to have an impact on sickness. Even though this treatment has existed for thousands of years, it has only gained popularity in the last two decades. The more people who have tried it, the more positive reports we hear about. It isn’t often that you hear of someone who has undergone acupuncture treatment say it wasn’t an invigorating experience.
Acupuncture involves seeing an acupuncturist on a weekly or bi-weekly basis until twelve 30-60 minute sessions have been completed. The procedure consists of the practitioner using stainless steel needles that have been sterilized. The needles are wrapped individually and then disposed of when the procedure is finished, needles are never re-used. Acupuncture is usually painless, aside from an occasional sharp pain or even an aching feeling. The needles are then stimulated with either heat or electricity once they are all in the correct places.
Many people believe religiously in acupuncture as the treatment for most of their ailments including high blood pressure. Despite the inconclusive results regarding the procedure in treating high blood pressure, it is personal experience that seems to outweigh the results of research. Many feel it re-establishes a balance in the energetic flow of life.
There are three explanations as to why acupuncture may show improvements in high blood pressure and other diseases:
* Opioid release. Endorphins, which are part of your body’s natural pain-control, are released into your central nervous system during acupuncture, reducing pain much like pain medication does.
* Spinal cord stimulation. Sometimes called the “gate theory”, acupuncture stimulates nerves in your spinal cord, releasing pain-suppressing neurotransmitters.
* Blood flow changes. The acupuncture needles may cause the blood flow in and around the needle to increase. The increased blood flow may remove toxic substances or supply additional nutrients, or both, promoting healing.
Acupuncture can be used in addition to other treatments. In the case of hypertension, it may be used with medicine, change in diet, physical activity, and supplements that won’t interact with your medications. The great thing about acupuncture is that it has no side effects and is becoming more available in the western world. It is also well-known for reducing pain.
Just like any treatment, you want to discuss any changes in your life that may have an impact on your blood pressure. This way, your doctor can monitor any differences in your blood pressure as a result of acupuncture. He may also be able to suggest other things you can do that will help you meet your blood pressure goals.
Acupuncture Treatment of Hypertension
Titik Akupunktur Yang Di Gunakan Untuk Merawat Tekanan Darah Tinggi
Li 4, Li 11, DU 20, Shenhenkong, Liv 2, Liv 3
Rawatan yang diperlukan
Rawat sehingga darah stabil. Jangan berhenti 'berubat' sehingga tekanan darah stabil. Bukan mudah untuk merawat tekanan darah tinggi, kalau mengikut prosedur doktor biasa [ allopati ] ada pesakit harus makan ubat sehingga mati.
Ada pesakit yang tidak respon dengan sebarang ubat. Orang begini harus mencari rawatan alternatif seperti homeopati atau akupunktur.
memang tekanan darah tinggi turun naik. Jika ada emosi atau tekanan kerja, darah akan naik melambung. Jika relak, tekanan akan turun.
Memang diketahui umum bahawa ubat tekanan darah tinggi allopati mengandungi kesan sampingan seperti keletihan, bunyi dalam telinga, 'terkena' penyakit lain seperti buah pinggang dan sebagainya 'sekiranya'
makan ubat tidak terkawal.
Hati-hati bila anda mengalami tekanan darah tinggi.
Pepatah" Tekanan darah tinggi diibaratkan sebagai harga minyak, bila dia naik, dia sukar turun "
Acupuncture in the Treatment of Hypertension
Hypertension is a condition with significant public health and financial consequences. Approximately 50 million Americans have hypertension. Only 69% of hypertensive individuals are aware that they are hypertensive; approximately half take prescribed medications, but blood pressure is adequately controlled in only a quarter of those patients.
The use of pharmaceutical anti hypertensive agents is often associated with side effects, contributing to low compliance with recommended treatment regimens. Consequently, there is a growing interest in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to treat hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases. For example, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is funding research at both University of Michigan's Integative Medicine Cardio protection Research Lab and the Maharishi University of Management's Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention in Iowa.
Acupuncture has been used to treat hypertension in clinical practice with very few reported adverse effects. However, to date the effectiveness of this treatment has not been explored adequately in published studies. A systematic literature review conducted by Y.E. Ren evaluating the benefits of acupuncture for treating hypertension in humans summarized 13 trials. Of these, only three were controlled and only one was single blinded and randomized.
The one randomized controlled trial (RCT) included in this review was of very poor quality. [5] Its design included ten subjects randomized to receive either active or sham acupuncture. Active treatments consisted of electro-acupuncture stimulation to four pre-determined acupuncture points. Sham treatments consisted of electro-acupuncture stimulation to so-called "non-acupuncture" locations. Treatments lasted only five minutes. Nevertheless, the results from this small study suggested significantly greater post-stimulation reductions in diastolic blood pressure in the active versus sham group.
Tekanan Darah Tinggi [ High Blood Pressure ]
Tekanan Darah Tinggi:
Tanda & Gejala
1. Bagi setengah orang, tidak ada tanda - tahu secara kebetulan, bila membuat pemeriksaan lain.
2. Tanda awal mungkin selalu sakit kepala atau pening-pening
3. Berat leher atau tengkok
4. Bunyi dalam telinga - tinnitus
1. makan Ubat doktor biasa
2. makan ubat homeopati
3. buat rawatan akupunktur
Symptoms of Hypertension
* No symptoms - many people are unaware they have hypertension until it is accidentally found at a doctor visit or they develop complications of hypertension
* Non-specific symptoms - symptoms of hypertension may be mild and vague
* Headache
* Morning headache
* Tinnitus - ringing or buzzing in ears
* more symptoms...»
Treatments for Hypertension
* Lifestyle changes
o Lose weight - if overweight
o Low-salt/low-sodium diet
o DASH diet - Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
o Exercise
Tanda & Gejala
1. Bagi setengah orang, tidak ada tanda - tahu secara kebetulan, bila membuat pemeriksaan lain.
2. Tanda awal mungkin selalu sakit kepala atau pening-pening
3. Berat leher atau tengkok
4. Bunyi dalam telinga - tinnitus
1. makan Ubat doktor biasa
2. makan ubat homeopati
3. buat rawatan akupunktur
Symptoms of Hypertension
* No symptoms - many people are unaware they have hypertension until it is accidentally found at a doctor visit or they develop complications of hypertension
* Non-specific symptoms - symptoms of hypertension may be mild and vague
* Headache
* Morning headache
* Tinnitus - ringing or buzzing in ears
* more symptoms...»
Treatments for Hypertension
* Lifestyle changes
o Lose weight - if overweight
o Low-salt/low-sodium diet
o DASH diet - Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
o Exercise
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