Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tekanan Darah Tinggi [ High Blood Pressure ]

Tekanan Darah Tinggi:
Tanda & Gejala

1. Bagi setengah orang, tidak ada tanda - tahu secara kebetulan, bila membuat pemeriksaan lain.
2. Tanda awal mungkin selalu sakit kepala atau pening-pening
3. Berat leher atau tengkok
4. Bunyi dalam telinga - tinnitus


1. makan Ubat doktor biasa
2. makan ubat homeopati
3. buat rawatan akupunktur

Symptoms of Hypertension

* No symptoms - many people are unaware they have hypertension until it is accidentally found at a doctor visit or they develop complications of hypertension
* Non-specific symptoms - symptoms of hypertension may be mild and vague
* Headache
* Morning headache
* Tinnitus - ringing or buzzing in ears
* more symptoms...»

Treatments for Hypertension

* Lifestyle changes
o Lose weight - if overweight
o Low-salt/low-sodium diet
o DASH diet - Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
o Exercise

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