Friday, February 4, 2011

Infertility Treatment With Homeopathy - HTI P 2000

I read with interest a recent articles regarding the Your Fertility Treatment.
> > and very much interested to know more about it.
> >
> > My husband and I have been married for over 7 years
> > now and we have tried
> > all modern, chinese and traditional(massage)
> > treatment to no avail to obtain
> > our own child. The problem is due to my inability to
> > ovulate as my menses
> > usually occurs only every 3 to 6 months. Through a
> > laproscopy operation in
> > 1996 my tubes were found to be clear but there was
> > some endometrises
> > discovered. Despite the treatment to reduce the
> > endometrises and the
> > subsequent hormone treatment and 3 IUI later I was
> > still unable to conceive.
> > The doctor have then suggested an IVF treatment as
> > the last resort.
> >
> > As such we hope that you will be able to advise us
> > further whether the above
> > altenative treatment can assist us in our current
> > situation.
> >
> > We look forward to a favourable reply from you in
> > due course.

From: Mary, Sarawak


kindly read some info from our web and get back to me as soon as possible

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