Friday, May 13, 2011

The Power of Cialis and Vigra

Cialis and Viagra (generic names: Tadalafil/Sildenafil) are used to treat erectile dysfunction, more commonly known as impotence. A man is impotent if he cannot achieve or sustain an erect penis for sexual activity. Cialis and Viagra are oral treatments for erectile dysfunction.

Unlike previously approved treatments for impotence, Viagra and Cialis do not directly cause penis erection, but affect the response to sexual stimulation. The drugs act by enhancing the smooth muscle relaxation using nitric oxide, a chemical that is normally released in response to sexual stimulation. This smooth muscle relaxation allows increased blood flow into certain areas of the penis leading to an erection.

A single Viagra or Cialis pill will give you up to 36 hours to choose the moment that's right for you.

Be careful They Are Some Side Effect Of This Drugs

Before taking Cialis or Viagra, tell your doctor if:

you are allergic to any medicines;
you are taking any nitrate-containing drugs; or amyl nitrite;
you have heart, liver, kidney or blood vessel problems; or any disease or deformity of your penis.

Alternative Treatment for Impotence / ED

Use homeopathic organic medicine or Acupuncture Treatment and even Traditional Massage regularly will help.

More info 03 4042 2020

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