Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bila Lain-Lain Perubatan gagal merawat Anda, Cubalah Pula Perubatan Homeopathy

When nothing else seems to help
Jika lain-lain Perubatan Tidak dapat membantu Anda

If a person has unsatisfactory response from allopathic or any other treatment for any of the following problems, and is willing to try alternative or complementary treatment, consider homeopathy.

Anda Boleh Mencuba Perubatan Homeopathy

Phantom limb pain (after amputation) Rawatan selepas pembedahan
Bone fracture well aligned but not healing ( untuk rawatan patah tulang)
Persistent pain following an injury 9 sakit yang berterusan )
Tennis elbow (sakit tangan atau bahu )
Toothache persisting following tooth extraction ( selepas sakit gigi)

Leg cramps at night/in bed (cramps in calves/feet)
Involuntary movements of eyelids, face, lips / bell palsy
Every little injury suppurates
Persistent toothache since filling was done

Red swollen eyelids / conjunctivitis ( sakit mata awal)
Burning in the sole of feet only at night / cramp / numbness ( kebas-kebas)
Mental/physical effects of grief after recent death of loved one
Ringworm infestation of skin [ cacing )

Hay fever with watery eyes and burning nasal discharge
Excessive flatulence / gastric [ medu / uluran ]
Skin warts [ ketuat, ketimbir, keloid ]
Involuntary, spasmodic closing of eyelids
Fetid odor from mouth [ masalah mulut berbau ] masalah airliur
Chronic constipation [ sembelit, buasir, fistula]

Allergic/seasonal rhinitis/hay fever/sinusitis
Chronic eczema / skin disease
Acne, pimple [ jerawat, resdung , seduan ]

Many other problems
To find a homeopathic physician in your area, you may search the web. National Center for Homeopathy in Malaysia call 03-4042 2020 or 019-9401915

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