Friday, November 18, 2011

Homeopathic Treatment

The Procedure of Homeopathic Treatment

If you have any problem either just simple corza, cold, fever or cancer. Dont dot ever try to treat yourself ( self medication ).

Any case either simple or chronic, must be treated with care and according to 'homeopathic schema' of case taking.

In the hand of a good, qualified and experience homeopathic physician, the case will be taken 'homeopathically' and the prescription will be based on 'Simlar Similibus Curentur' or Let Like be Treated With Likes.

Part time homeopath, will do more harm than cure.
For any good and qualified homeopathic practitioners in Malaysia, kindly contact us:-

Our Kuala Lumpur Outlet [ Johor, melaka, Negeri 9 ]
Contact 03 4042 2020
For East Coast
Contact 09 797 6948

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