Kenapa Keguguran
Keguguran ada dua jenis iaitu
1. Menguggurkan Kandungan ( paksaan kerana tidak mahu anak)
2. Kegugguran Sebenar ( Gugur secara semulajadi / tidak lekat )
Seorang ibu datang kepada saya untuk membantu kerana katanya ' dia sudah 4 kali keguguran' kandungan antara 2 minggu hingga 12 minggu. Setipa kali hamil, akan berlaku keguguran, akhirnya ibu ini takut untuk hamil.
Kini kita menpunyai remedi utama untuk mengelakkan berlakunya keguguran dengan memakan ubat-ubat organik homeopathy. InsyAllah akan selamat
Selamat mencuba.
What is miscarriage?
A miscarriage occurs when the uterus expels the 'products of conception' before the twentieth week of pregnancy. In simple terms, this means that a miscarriage is the unplanned end of a pregnancy before the baby can live on its own. In Australia, this is regarded as before 20 weeks gestation. Figures quoted in the Australian And New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics And Gynaecology 1986 give the incidence of miscarriage as one in every seven pregnancies, but this figure is probably much higher because many miscarriages go unrecognised or unreported. Some references estimate that one in every four women who become pregnant will have one or more miscarriages. About 75% of miscarriages happen within the first 12 weeks.
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