Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kanser Hati

Cancer of Liver Cured With Homeopathy
A lady patient age 40 years, was reffered to me having enlarge Liver and later was dignosed as Cancer of Liver.
Patient refused operation.
She came to me with a very good symptomatolgy Chelidonium Majus which I gave 15 days. Followed up by Lycopodium for another 15 days.

Next I gave Cholestrinum, followed by by Beberis Vulgaris, Hydratis, Ornithogalum and lastly Carbo veg 30c.

All the symptoms were gone especially pain in the thigh and swelling on the right foot were gone altogther. After a long treatemnt of one year, she is quite cured of her cancer.

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