Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kanser Lidah

Cancer of Tongue
Case reported by Prof Nik Omar
Form Homeopathic Hospital, Kelantan.

This was not an advanced case of cancer but approaching singsn and symptoms were quite manifest. Letf half of the tongue had turned bluish grey. Although some burning was there the tongue was cold to touch. Some inflammation was also present. Salivation was excessive. She was advised for early operation but refused (takut )

After taking the complete case history, We have given her Hydratis 30c and followed up by 'Conium 30c' for one month.
For another two months, we have given her Calc. Flour 6x, b.i.d
This to be follow up again with 'Conium 200c' one dose daily for 15 days.
Suprising after 6 months of medication, she was almost normal. Up till now she is continuing the treatment as a precautionary measure.

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