Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kes 2 - Kanser Rahang Kiri - Sembuh

Case No. 2: Cancer of Left Jaw

Some 2 yaers ago she was suffering from Pyorrhoea. The doctor and dentist advised her to get all her teeth extracted. Consequently two teeth were extracted to begin with and before more could be taken she developed pain and inflammation which did not permit of nay further extraction and could not yield to any treatment.

After 6 moths of misery, a local hsopiatl diagnosed to be a case of cancer. She , however, resolutely refused to undergo the operation and instead came to me for consultation.

After taken all symptoms, I gave her 'Thuja 10M, one dose for a month. After one month of waiting patiently the hardness bacme comparatively softer and inflammation also began to show signs of abating.
This follow up by 'Hydratis' for one month and Thuja 50M for another month.
Ther result were very satisfactory. All her symptoms including the hard lump and had practically vanished leaving only a little hardness at the seat of the extracted teeth.

I then gave her 'Syphytum 3X bid for 22 days and that completely cureed her.
For her Pyorrhoea which still lingered on slightly I gave her kali Carb 1M and Acid Sulp alternately everu 15th day. And that was rtthe end of all her troubles. She is now looking a picture of health.

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