Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kes Kanser Sembuh

S0me of The Cancer cases Cured With Homeopathic Treatment by Eli G Jone of USA

Case No.1. Cancer of Breast
By: Dr B.R. Chugha
Chief Medical Officer, Govt. Homeopathic General Hospital, India.

The disease started a year and half before she consulted me. In narrating her history she told me that she suffered from penumonia some time back and was given a number of penicillin injection. Six months after she was cured of this pneumonia she began to feel some irritation in both the breast. At first she thought that it was only a case of ordinary itching for which she started applying some ordinary medicines on them.

A short time later the irritation subsided giving place to a small nodule which continued to grow bigger and bigger in spite of repeated application of hot poultices, etc. It was supposed to be an ordinary boil in the beginning. She consulted an alloptahic doctor, who dignosed it as a cold tumor.

The doctor, prescribed some medicines both for internal and external use, the internal being one of the 'Sulpha group. The result was that the so called cold tumor instead of yielding to the treatment continude to grow as ever before. Other symptoms like burning in urination and pain in the breasts also apperead.

Further diagnosis revealed that it was a case of cancer. X-Ray treatment was given but with no effect. Penicillin injections were also tried. Ultimately it was decidedd to operate upon it. By this time the breast had become very loose and enlarged and the fibrous growth was of the size of a small orange in each breast.

At this stage some one suggested that before operation, why not try homeopathy. This agreed upon she came to me for consultation and treatment. After a careful study of her symptoms and her history I came to the conclusion that it was a case of suppressed 'psora and sycosis and penicillin injections had added fuel to the fire. Further examination also revealed that there was pus in urine.
I have gave 'Phytolacca IM one dose every week for 3 months. The hard mass in the breast had become slightly softer.

The next step I gave 'Thuja 1M'. After one week or so the aggravation came on and the pateint was very restless and could get very litte sleep. The amount of pus in the urine had considerably increased and some cough also appeared. But I knew that all this was the result of my medicine.

Burning and pain subsided after about a month and there was hardly and trace of pus in urine. All the same 'Thuja 1M' was continued for another two months. After the expiry of six months, the two malignant growths had begun to show signsn of subsiding. The were looking much smaller than before.

For another two months I changed the medicine to Causticum. At the ednd of this period the two growths were reduced to the size of a pea-nut.
On the ten months I gave Conium 1M and she was now practically cured.

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