Saturday, January 16, 2010

Psorasis Sembuh 90 % Dengan Ubat Homeopathy Oleh Dr Nik Omar

Nama Pesakit: MSI Umur: 32 Tahun Wanita Rekod 6146

Nama Penyakit: Psorasis ( gatal-Gatal Kulit )

Kuala Lumpur 23 Ogos 2003 Rawatan 1

Pesakit ini datang dengan keadaan kulit yang agak serius, doktor pakar penyatakan penyakit ' Psorasis' tidak ada ubat katanya. Alami selama 16 tahun. gatal seluroh tuboh dari kepala hingga ke kaki.

Memang pada peringkat awal, saya memberi peringatan bahawa penyakit ini amat susah dirawat dan harus bersabar, apa lagi enyakit sudah 16 tahun tentu memakan masa yang agak panjang untuk rawat.

Pesakit setuju jangan panik dan harus banyak bersabar, kerana dalam rawatan juga penyakit akan naik turun, itu biasa dalam penyakit psorasis.
Ubat pertama saya beri ialah ' Tuber 200c bid selama satu minggu diikuti dengan 'Graphite 200c' bid selama 1 minggu dan dua minggu lagi Nat Sulp 200c.

Kali ke 3, 3, 4 20 Nov 2003 ada sedikit kemajuan 30 % lega

Kali 5, 6, 7 dan 8 sehingga 3 April 2004

Gejala Penyakit naik dan turun sehingga 20 Jun sudah 60 % lega, respon amat bagus

30 April 2005 pesakit datang dengan gembira serta menunjukkan semua tanda-tanda, biji-biji gatal psorasis sudah 90 % sembuh - Allhamdulillah

Hampir 2 tahun rawatan, orang ini Tuhan beri penyembuhan kerana banyak bersabar !!

Slip Disc Sembuh

Nama Pesakit: NSAS Umur: 15 tahun Rekod : 5900

Kesakitan: Tak Boleh Berjalan - Tulang Lari

Kuala Lumpur 5 Ogos 2000 seorang kanak-kanak berusia 15 tahun dibawa ke kelinik saya oleh bapaknya. Bila dibawa anak ini diusong dan kelihatan lemah. Kata emaknya, kanak-kanak ini alamy penyakit 'Slip Disc' dimana kata doktor tulang belakang lari dari kedudukan asal.
Alami selama 8 bulan, tak boleh berjalan.
Kami memberi ubat homeopati China Off 200c diselang dengan Sac lac selama 2 minggu

19 Ogos 2000 datang untuk rawatan selanjutnya

4 Nov 2000
ratawan lanjutan dengan remedi ditukar kepada Arnica Montana 200c

10 Mar 2001 rawatan susulan sehingga 2003 menjalani terapi akupunktur dan ubat homeopati
Pada 27 sept 2003 anak ini dapat berjalan sepnuhnya tanpa apa-apa bantuan.

Kini pada tahun 2010 anak ini sudah berkerja dan boleh berjalan sendiri - Allahamdulillah.

Migrin Sembuh dengan Homeopathy

Nama Pesakit: Mr BakAB Umur: 39 Tahun: Rekod: 6206

Nama penyakit: Migrin dan Urat Saraf

Kuala Lumpur: 12 July 2008

Pesakit ini datag ke klinik kami kerana tidak tahan sakit kepala yang amat sangat dan sakit urat saraf. Dia puas berubat dengan banyak doktor namun penyakitnya sama saja, malah semakin hari sakit kepala semakin menjadi-jadi, makin kuat. Alami sudah 5 tahun, sakit kuat bila ada stress atau banyak kerja.

Pada hari peratama saya memberi ubat homeopati: sepia dan Fertum Phos 30c tid selama 1 minggu

Kuala Lumpur 19 July 2008

Pesakit datang kali ke2, tidak banyak berubah. Saya memberi ubat homeopati 'Thuja 200c serta medorrhinum 200c bid selama 1 minggu

Kuala Lumpur 2 Ogos 2008

Pesakit datang lagi dan memberitahu bahawa penyakitnya lega sebanyak 40 % peratus

Kuala Lumpur 16 Ogos 2008

Psakit datang kembali dan menyatakan bahawa migrin yang dialaminya selama ini sudah hilang dan baik - Alahamdulillah itulah penyembuhan ajaib dalam homeopati. Hanya dengan 3 kali rawatan, penyakit yang dialami hanpir 5 tahun sudah sembuh.
Jiika masih ada orang yang mengatakan ubat homeopati lambat bertindak, itu adalah salah anggap.

Bengkak Kelenjar Pipi Sembuh Dengan Homeopathy

Kes bengkak kelenjar Pipi

Nama pesakit: STNH Umur: 23 tahun rekod: 5028

Pada 9 Sept 2006 pesakit ini datang ke kelinik kami di KL dengan keadaan muka sebelah kanan kearah rahang bengkak dan sakit. Sakit berdenyut. Setiap sakit senihgga tak boleh tidur. Sudah pergi jumpa doktor biasa, sudah makan ubat namun penyakit ini tidak surut-surut. Alami hampir 2 bulan.
Kerana tidak tahan sakit, pesakit datang ke kelinik kami untuk mendapat rawatan homeopati.

Pada hari ini Dr Hajjah faridah yang bertugas dan beliau memberi ubat homeopati ' Belladonna 200c' dan selang selikan dengan ' Rhus Toc 200c' dibagai tid selama 1 minggu.

Kali ke 2 Pesakit datang Pada 16 Sept 2006

50 peratus lega, Dr Faridah sambung lagi ubat yang sama selama 1 minggu.

Pada 7 Oktober 2006

Pesakit datang sekali lagi, katanya ' Semua simtom yang ada hilang dan beliau sudah sembuh sepenuhnya - Allahamdulillah."

itulah cara penyembuhan homeopati.

Penyembuhan Hepatitis Dari Australia

Nama pesakit: Dr MH Umur 54 tahun Asal: Australia.

Nama Penyakit: Hepatitis B, Fatty Liver.

This patient is a doctor from Melbourne, Australia. Suffering from Hepatitis b, Fatty Liver and the condition is chronic and fatal. Suffered for last 6 years. have been to all hospital and specuialiost in Australia and also Muscat Private Hospital but failed to cure. Most of the doctors consulted informed ' no medicine'

On 6 december 2003 This patient came to consult me at Kuala Lumpur with complaint of the probelm of hepatitis and fatty liver.
Pain arounf the liver area, bloated stomach, pain all over the body, sometime headache, chronic constipation, thirsty, dream of death, fear of death, most terrible headache almost every day, gastrc problem and aslo sinusitis.
After getting all information, I prscribe homeopathic medication according to symtomatology. I prescribe Homeopathic Medicines, Chelodonium 200c and altenately for four months with Hepalgin.

Arrived from Australia in the morning.
29 May 2004 On Second Visit to my clinic at Kuala Lumpur.

The pain slightly better with the pain needle like, pincing and piecing at the liver and abdomen area.
After getting all info about the problems, i again prescribe the same medication for another 4 months.

Arrived from Australia in the evening
20 Nov 2004

The patient improve drastically , feeling much better and the pain , headanche and bodyache almost gone. Very happy with the result. The patient again check his alt level and suprised to hear the ALT level has gone to 40 where else on first visit his ALT level is 130.
Only complaint is constipation.
I prescribe homeopathic nedication Chelidonium 200c bid for 4 months to be altenately taken with Hepalgin.

Arrived from Australia in morning
At Kuala Lumpur 25 December 2005.

Very happy to inform that the test at hospital in Australia, his doctor say his hepatitis is complete cured !!

Hepatitis Boleh Di Rawat dan Di Sembuhkan
Kami telah merawat banyak kes-kes hepatitis baik A, B atau c dengan jayanya. Oleh itu jangan tunggu hari esok untuk merawat kes hepatitis. jangan tunggu hari kematian, sebelum ajal tiba, makan ubat terlebih dahulu.
Selamat mencuba

Awas Ubat Homeopathy Palsu

Dari Lapuran Berita TV1 16 Jan 2010

Kementerian Kesihatan Merampas ubat-ubat Traditional yang mengandungi racun berjadula ' steroid' dalam ubat yang kononnya dilabelkan sebagai ubat traditional. Dan didalam premis yang sama, juga terdapat 'ubat-ubat Homeopathy' palsu yang didakwa untuk 'Ubat Cerdik' atau genius.

Saya selaku Presiden Persatuan pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia -MRHP ingin memperingatkan kepada semua pengguna ubat-ubat Homeopathy Bahawa:

" Dapatkan Ubat-Ubat Homeopati Tulin Dari Klinik-Klinik Homeopathy Yang berdaftar Sahaja. Kerana hanya dengan cara ini, anda akan mendapat ubat-ubat homeopati tulin dan asli"

Ubat-ubat yang ditelah atau kapsul bukan ubat homeopati.
Was-was untuk mendapat khidmat doktor homeopathy yang berkelulusan dan bertauliah, sila hubungi talian Ibu Pejabat Rersatuan Homeopathy - MRHP - Setiausaha Agong MRHP, H/Dr Mohd Nasir Mohd Zain Tel. 019 9401915 atau 09 74440440 atau
layari laman

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

We have a member, KH Lim, that has similar issue and he went through a 20 day (4 cycle) detox program and at the same time use Icewave to patch on the Pericardium 6 (P6) point with very good results.

I suggest the following procedures:

* do the 5 Day Detox for minimum of 3 cycles
* patch Icewave on P6, White on P6 and the brown patch directly below the white (bracketing). If pain persist then reverse the patch, Brown on P6 and White directly opposite side (bracketing)
* if pain persists patch Icewave brown patch on P6 and white on Stomach 12 (ST12). If pain still persist then reverse the patch, that is White on P6 and Brown on ST12.
* Drink lots of water

Below here is some background info on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and info on P6 and ST12.

Hean Kheng

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Also called: Median nerve entrapment

You're working at your desk, trying to ignore the tingling or numbness you've had for some time in your hand andwrist. Suddenly, a sharp, piercing pain shoots through the wrist and up your arm. Just a passing cramp? More likely you have carpal tunnel syndrome.

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway of ligament and bones at the base of your hand. It contains nerve and tendons. Sometimes, thickening from irritated tendons or other swelling narrows the tunnel and causes the nerve to be compressed. Symptoms usually start gradually. As they worsen, grasping objects can become difficult.

What causes the problem? Some people have smaller carpal tunnels than other people do. Other causes include performing assembly line work, wrist injury, or swelling due to certain diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Women are three times more likely to have carpal tunnel syndrome than men. Treatment includes resting your hand, splints, pain and anti-inflammatory medicines, and surgery.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke


PC 6 Acupuncture Point - Nei Guan - Pericardium Meridian

* Chinese Name Nei Guan
* English Name Inner Pass

* Location: 2 cun above the wrist crease between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis.

* Point Associations:
* Luo Connecting Point
* Yin Wei Master Point couple with SP 4

* Actions & Effects:
* Similar to PC 3 but more for Chronic Heart symptoms from Qi stagnation.
* Opens and relaxes the chest, chest tightness, asthma, angina, palpitations.
* Insomnia a/or other spirit disorders of an excess or deficient nature, mania, nervousness, stress, poor memory.
* Nausea, seasickness, motion sickness, vomiting, epigastric pain.
* Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

ST 12 Acupuncture Point - Que Pen - Stomach Meridian

* Chinese Name Quepen
* English Name Empty Basin

* Location: In the midpoint of the supraclavicular fossa, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

* Actions & Effects:
* Shoulder pain (esp. that radiates to neck).
* Neck/throat issues - tightness/pain.
* Internal branch of the ST meridian connects here directly from the Stomach, Spleen & Diaphragm - tonify middle warmer.
* Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation within the subclavian artery. Useful for bursitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.

Carpal Tunnel boleh dirawat secara homeopathy dan akupunktur. Biasanya rawatan antara 10 hingga 12 kali bagi yang tidak serius. Bagi yang kronik memerlukan antara 20 hingga 30 terapi.

Jantung Berdebar


Dr Nik saya dari Johor, saya mengidap sakit palpitation hampir 2 tahun dimana saya percaya bahawa ianya merupakan anxiety disorder berdasarkan simptom tersebut;

1. Palpitation every morning (relieved with inderal/beta blocker 20mg jika teruk sehingga 40 ke 60 mg)
2. scared of being alone, need somebody to be accompanied
3. lack of confidence
4. Easy to be anxious e.g traffic jam
5. fear visiting dead people/jenazah/hear people die
6. fatigue
7. anxious in crowd/in front many people
8. Feel pain/unasiness lower back left side
9. Dreaming every night/sleep disturbed by such dream
10. aversion to cold/hand and feet

saya telah membuat pemeriksaan di IJN dan Hospital Specialist dan doktor hanya menyatakan saya stress. Saya telah berjumpa tabib acupuncture cina dan beliau menyatakan saya punya jantung/nadi tak kuat dan pinggang lemah mungkin kidney deficiency dan hanya diberikan ubat herba. Saya juga sedang mengambil homeopathy hawthorn selama 2 minggu.

Soalan saya

1. ada x treatment acupuncture untuk membantu menguatkan pinggang dan jantung saya since tabib cina tersebut tidak berbuat apa2 kecuali memberi saya ubat sahaja.?

2. Bagaimanakah perubatan homeopathy plus acupuncture dapat membantu penyakit saya ini.

Mohon nasihat Dr. Nik. thank you.

Jawapan: Kita boleh merawat secara homeopathy dan akupunktur. Jika ada masa lapag datang le, InsyaAalah saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk merawat kes tuan.

Thyroid Dan Rawatan Akupunktur

With regards to Thyroid patching please be very clear whether it is
Hyperthyroid or Hypothyroid (Hashimoto)
If it is Hyperthyroid use only Icewave, if it is Hypothyroid use only Energy.
Thyroid Protocol

5 Day Detox ( 15 days, and if need be up to 20 days)
Hyperthyroid - Glutathione alternate daily on GV16 and CV 22. Icewave
on Small Intestine 16 (SI16) and on Kidney 3(K3).
Hypothyroid - Glutathione alternate daily on GV 16 and CV 22. Energy
on Small Intestine 16 (SI16) and Kidney 3 (K3)

Reported cases of very good results from above patching after about 60 days.

Di Mana Anda Boleh Cari Acupuncture Melayu di Malaysia

Anda Boleh Dapatkan Khidmat Ahli Akupunktur Melayu di

1. Bangi Sek 9, Bandar Baru Bangi Tel : 0199401915

2. Di Shah Alam, Jalan Stadium - Glenmarie, Sek U!, Shah Alam Tel: 013 931 4166

3. Di Damansara Utama Uptown ( Sebelah balai Polis ) 019 9401915

Lihat laman

Di Mana Anda Boleh Berbekam

Kursus bekam

Untuk Mencari Tempat Bekam di Sekitar Kuala Lumpur, Bangi, Shah Alam, Damansara Utama,

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Ingin Menyertai Kelantan Bike Week 2010

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Hyperhidrosis Boleh Di Rawat Cara Homeopathy

Assalamualaikum Dr Nik Omar,

Saya ingin bertanya beberapa soalan pada Dr.

Saya adalah seorang yang kuat berpeluh di badan & muka. Apabila berada dalam keadaan yang agak panas, saya akan mengeluarkan peluh yang agak banyak tidak seperti orang lain lebih2 lagi apabila memakai pakai seperti baju lengan panjang sewaktu bekerja & berada di tempat yang tiada kipas atau air-cond. Selain itu saya juga akan berpeluh dimuka apabila menghidu bau2 yang agak pedas & makan makanan yang pedas & tidak berapa pedas. Situasi begini amat memalukan saya apabila menghadiri majlis seperti perkahwinan, jamuan makan & sebagainya kerana saya akan berpeluh dimuka apabila berada & makan makanan yangpedas & agak pedas. Saya juga berasa malu dan kurang berkeyakinan apabila berdepan dengan orang ramai terutamanya wanita kerana masalah peluh berlebihan ini. Oleh sebab itu, sehingga hari ini saya masih lagi tidak berkahwin dan takut untuk berkahwin.

1. Adakah saya menghadapi masalah HYPERHIDROSIS?
2. Adakah penyakit HIPERHODROSIS ini dapat diubati dengan kaedah HOMEOPATHY? Sekiranya boleh diubati, apa yang perlu saya lakukan??
3. Apakah ubat yang perlu saya ambil untuk penyakit ini?

Jawapan: Hyperdidrosis boleh dirawat dengan memakan ubat-ubat homeopathy. Kebiasaannya rawatan akan makan masa selama 8 hingga 12 bulan. Dalam perubatan biasa mereka akan melakukan satu pembedahan kecil ditapak tangan dan memperbaiki salur peluh yang over sensitive. Namun dalam homeopathy, kita menggunakan ubat-ubat yang lembut.
Untuk rawatan, sila dial: 03 4042 2020.

Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps

Nose Disorders

Nasal polyps
Nasal polyps
Read More
Allergic rhinitis
Cystic fibrosis
Nasal congestion
Nasal discharge

Nasal polyps are sac-like growths of inflamed tissue lining the nose (nasal mucosa) or sinuses.

See also: Sinusitis

Nasal polyps typically start near the ethmoid sinuses (located at the top of the inside of the nose) and grow into the open areas. Large polyps can block the sinuses or nasal airway.

People with the following conditions are more likely to also have nasal polyps:

* Aspirin sensitivity (wheezing)
* Asthma
* Chronic sinus infections
* Cystic fibrosis
* Hay fever (allergic rhinitis)


People with nasal polyps often complain about having a cold that has lasted for months or years.

Symptoms include:

* Mouth breathing
* Nose feeling blocked (nasal obstruction)
* Reduced or complete loss of sense of smell (not common with sinus infection)
* Runny nose

Headaches or pain are NOT common unless there is also a sinus infection.

Selsema/ Hidung Tersumbat / Resdung

Boleh dirawat secara homeopathy atau acupuncture. Dengan menggunakan ubat-ubat homeopathy yang sesuai masalah block nose atau nasal polyps boleh dirawat. Untuk penyakit ini memang memmerlukan rawatan yang agak panjang 6 hingga 8 bulan. kalau mau cepat, bedah saja.


Fistulas may occur in many parts of the body. Some of these are:

* Arteriovenous (between an artery and vein)
* Biliary (created during gallbladder surgery, connecting bile ducts to the surface of the skin)
* Cervical (either an abnormal opening into the cervix or in the neck)
* Craniosinus (between the space inside the skull and a nasal sinus)
* Enterovaginal (between the bowel and vagina)
* Fecal or anal (the feces is discharged through an opening other than the anus)
* Gastric (from the stomach to the surface of the skin)
* Metroperitoneal (between the uterus and peritoneal cavity)
* Pulmonary arteriovenous (in a lung, the pulmonary artery and vein are connected, allowing the blood to bypass the oxygenation process in the lung (pulmonary arteriovenous fistula )
* Umbilical (connection between the navel and gut)

Types of fistulas include:

* Blind (open on one end only, but connects to two structures)
* Complete (has both external and internal openings)
* Horseshoe (connecting the anus to the surface of the skin after going around the rectum)
* Incomplete (a tube from the skin that is closed on the inside and does not connect to any internal structure)

Boleh dirawat secara homeopathy dan amat berkesan


Canine malignant lymphoma is a progressive, fatal disease caused by the malignant clonal expansion of lymphoid cells. Although lymphoid cell neoplastic transformation is not restricted to specific anatomic compartments, lymphoma most commonly arises from organized lymphoid tissues including the bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, and spleen. In addition to these primary and secondary lymphoid organs, common extranodal sites include the skin, eye, CNS, testis, and bone. Lymphoma is reported to be the most common hematopoietic neoplasm in dogs, with an incidence reported to approach 0.1% in susceptible, older dogs. Despite the prevalence of malignant lymphoma, its etiology remains poorly characterized. Hypothesized etiologies include retroviral infection, environmental contamination with phenoxyacetic acid herbicides, magnetic field exposure, chromosomal abnormalities, and immune dysfunction.

Clinical Findings:

Canine lymphoma is a heterogeneous cancer, with variable clinical signs depending in part on the anatomic region involved and extent of disease. In dogs, 4 well recognized anatomic forms of lymphoma have been described: multicentric, alimentary, mediastinal, and extranodal (renal, CNS, and cutaneous). Multicentric lymphoma is by far the most common form, accounting for ~80% of all diagnosed cases.

An early clinical sign of multicentric lymphoma is the rapid and nonpainful development of generalized lymphadenopathy. In addition to dramatic peripheral lymphadenopathy, malignant lymphocytes may infiltrate internal organs including the spleen, liver, bone marrow, and other extranodal sites. Late in the course of disease, when a significant tumor burden exists, patients may show constitutional signs of illness, including lethargy, weakness, fever, anorexia, and depression.

Alimentary lymphoma accounts for <10% of all canine lymphomas. Dogs with focal intestinal lesions may exhibit clinical signs consistent with partial or complete luminal obstruction (eg, vomiting, abdominal pain). With diffuse involvement of the intestinal tract, dogs with alimentary lymphoma may show significant GI signs, including anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and profound weight loss secondary to severe malabsorption and maldigestion.

Homeopathic Treatment.

There are about about 100 listed homeopathic remedies for cancer as stated in a book on " Homeopathic nsight Into Cancer, Caurses, treatment & Cure" by Dr Sultan Alam M Bihari.
In his book he has written, " The object of the research is to give to the profession the rational treatment of the diases so that the poor unfortunate victim of cancer may be helped much before they pass beyong the reversible stage."

Bahasa Melayu:
Dalam rawatan biasa kanser boleh dirawat dengan cara pembedahan, chemotherapy atau radiotherapy. Namun dalam perubatan homeopathy hanya makan ubat sahaja. Ada pesakit bertanyakan kepada saya, apakah homeopathy boleh jamin sembuh ?
Nah ! Saya sendiri mau tanya apakah rawatan biasa dengan bedah, kanser boleh disembuhkan ?

Tanyalah pakar mungkin mereka boleh jawab.