Saturday, December 19, 2009
Dr Azhar Intisar Melawat Fakulti Homeopati Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur 19 Desember 2009
Dr Sh. Azhar Intisar dan Dr Tahir melawat Fakulti Homeopati Malaysia pada hari ini. Beliau datang untuk meminta persetujuan untuk mengadakan 19th Asian Homeopathic Medical Legaue di Lahore pada bulan April 2010.
Prof Dr Nik Omar, selakuk Vice President AHML bersetuju dengan tarikh tersebut.
Dr Sh. Azhar Intisar dan Dr Tahir melawat Fakulti Homeopati Malaysia pada hari ini. Beliau datang untuk meminta persetujuan untuk mengadakan 19th Asian Homeopathic Medical Legaue di Lahore pada bulan April 2010.
Prof Dr Nik Omar, selakuk Vice President AHML bersetuju dengan tarikh tersebut.
Penyembuhan Ajaib - Kejang Otot Sembuh
Dari Rekod: Klinik Homeopathy Nik Omar,Sek.9, Baandar Baru Bangi
Nama: MN bin S Bangsa : Melayu Umur: 47 th Bil. 5217
07 Desember 2009:
Pesakit pertama kali dibawa jumpa Dr Nik Omar, seorang pakar bahagian perubatan homeopati di klinik Cawangan Bangi. Aduan: Pesakit kelihatan terketar-ketar, dan dalam keadaan kejanng-kejang, tersentak, muscle twitching , spasm. Sudah alami dalam kea?
daan begini selama 2 tahu. Sudah banyak tempat berubat dan sudah jumpa banyak pakar perubatan biasa, namun keadaan tidak berubah.
Pada hari ini setelah meneliti kes, saya memberi ubat homeopati Cup Met selama satu minngu serta saya memberi terapi akupunktur 6 titik utama distal points.
13 Desember 09 pesakit datang sekali lagi untuk buat rawatan susulan. Simtomatologi sudah 30 % baik. Repeat prosedur yang sama.
15 Desember, pesakit datang untuk terapi akupunktur sahaja 50 % baik.
20 Desember: 100 % gejala dan tanda-tanda kekejangan, spasm, menyintak-yintak sudah tidak ada lagi. Sudah sembuh. Repeat prosedur yang sama serta bekal ubat selama 1 minggu.
Allahamdulillah, siapa kata homeopati lambat sembuh ?
Dua tahun berubat dengan lain-lain perubatan tidak sembuh.
Rawatan homeopati dan akupunktur tidak sampai satu bulan , sudah sembuh !
Ini bererti homeopati sembuh cepat dari perubatan barat !
Nama: MN bin S Bangsa : Melayu Umur: 47 th Bil. 5217
07 Desember 2009:
Pesakit pertama kali dibawa jumpa Dr Nik Omar, seorang pakar bahagian perubatan homeopati di klinik Cawangan Bangi. Aduan: Pesakit kelihatan terketar-ketar, dan dalam keadaan kejanng-kejang, tersentak, muscle twitching , spasm. Sudah alami dalam kea?
daan begini selama 2 tahu. Sudah banyak tempat berubat dan sudah jumpa banyak pakar perubatan biasa, namun keadaan tidak berubah.
Pada hari ini setelah meneliti kes, saya memberi ubat homeopati Cup Met selama satu minngu serta saya memberi terapi akupunktur 6 titik utama distal points.
13 Desember 09 pesakit datang sekali lagi untuk buat rawatan susulan. Simtomatologi sudah 30 % baik. Repeat prosedur yang sama.
15 Desember, pesakit datang untuk terapi akupunktur sahaja 50 % baik.
20 Desember: 100 % gejala dan tanda-tanda kekejangan, spasm, menyintak-yintak sudah tidak ada lagi. Sudah sembuh. Repeat prosedur yang sama serta bekal ubat selama 1 minggu.
Allahamdulillah, siapa kata homeopati lambat sembuh ?
Dua tahun berubat dengan lain-lain perubatan tidak sembuh.
Rawatan homeopati dan akupunktur tidak sampai satu bulan , sudah sembuh !
Ini bererti homeopati sembuh cepat dari perubatan barat !
Bungkusan atau Botol Plastik Boleh Menyebabkan Kanser
Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins University
This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well.
Please circulate to all you know; Cancer update
Johns Hopkins - Cancer News from Johns Hopkins
No plastic containers in micro
Jangan panaskan plastik makanan dalam mikrowave
No water bottles in freezer.
Jangan Sejukkan Botol Plastik dalam Peti Ais
No plastic wrap in microwave...
Jangan Masukkan pembungkusan plastik dalam mikrowave
A dioxin ! chemical causes cancer, especially breast cancer.
Dioxin yang dihasilkan Boleh Mengakibatkan Kanser Payudara
Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic.
Recently, Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us.
He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers.. .
This especially applies to foods that contain fat.
He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body...
Kepanasan, lemak dan plastik bila sebati akan menghasilkan dioxin yang menyerap kedalam makanan dan jika dimakan ia akan terus masuk kedalam sel tuboh badan manusia dan boleh menyebabkan kanser.
Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heat! ing food... You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else.
Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.
He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons...
Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.
Cover food with a paper towel instead.
This is an article that should be sent
This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well.
Please circulate to all you know; Cancer update
Johns Hopkins - Cancer News from Johns Hopkins
No plastic containers in micro
Jangan panaskan plastik makanan dalam mikrowave
No water bottles in freezer.
Jangan Sejukkan Botol Plastik dalam Peti Ais
No plastic wrap in microwave...
Jangan Masukkan pembungkusan plastik dalam mikrowave
A dioxin ! chemical causes cancer, especially breast cancer.
Dioxin yang dihasilkan Boleh Mengakibatkan Kanser Payudara
Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic.
Recently, Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us.
He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers.. .
This especially applies to foods that contain fat.
He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body...
Kepanasan, lemak dan plastik bila sebati akan menghasilkan dioxin yang menyerap kedalam makanan dan jika dimakan ia akan terus masuk kedalam sel tuboh badan manusia dan boleh menyebabkan kanser.
Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heat! ing food... You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else.
Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.
He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons...
Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.
Cover food with a paper towel instead.
This is an article that should be sent
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Homepage Homeopathy @ Homeopathic Homepage
Untuk mendapat maklumat lanjut tentang
Homeopathy dan Rawatan, sila layari laman web
Homeopathy dan Rawatan, sila layari laman web
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Ubat Homeopathy @ Homeopati

Drosera 6c, 30c
Drosera dianggap sebagai ubat mujarab untuk batuk yang berterusan atau whooping cough, bronchitis dan bornkitis asma. Sesuai digunakan bagi oarng yang sentias bersing sebaik pertukaran iklim. Jika diberi secara bergilir dengan Dulcamara ia berupaya menyembuhkan resdung dengan cepat. Harga RM 20.00
Euphrasia 30c
Euhrasia sejenis tumbuhan yang terdapat banyak di Europah, Orang Inggeris namakan pokok ini sebagai ‘ Eye bright’ Asia dan Amerika Utara. Remedi pilihan utama untuk sebarang masalah mata. Mata berair, sakit mata awal, conjunctivitis, radangan mata atau mata merah, berair, bertahi, mata kabur, katarat, kebutaan amat sesuai digunakan oleh orang-orang dewasa yang mempunyai masalah penglihatan. Harga RM 20.00 satu botol.
Gelsemium 6c atau 30c
Remedi utama untuk selsema, resdung dimana hidung berair, hidung ketat dan sentiasa bersin. Ubat ini juga bagus untuk sakit saraf muka atau trigeminal neuralgia dan juga
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Ubat Senang Bersalin - Mudah Bersalin - Easy Delivery Tablet - Ubat Homeopati Tulin Dari Klinik Kami di KL atau di Kelantan
30 Years In Service of Homeopathy
Dapatkan Ubat Homeopathy tulin dari
Pusate Perubatan Homeopathy Nik Omar
No.118 Jalan Raja Laut,
50350 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 04 -4042 2020
Apa-Apa Ubat Homeopathy yang Akan Mahu beli secara runcit
atau hanya satu remedy sahaja. Boleh datang untuk mendapatkannya dari
klinik kami. Semua ubat dalam bentuk tablet RM 20.00 satu botol.
Dapatkan Ubat Homeopathy tulin dari
Pusate Perubatan Homeopathy Nik Omar
No.118 Jalan Raja Laut,
50350 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 04 -4042 2020
Apa-Apa Ubat Homeopathy yang Akan Mahu beli secara runcit
atau hanya satu remedy sahaja. Boleh datang untuk mendapatkannya dari
klinik kami. Semua ubat dalam bentuk tablet RM 20.00 satu botol.
Celebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is a broad term used to describe a group of chronic movement or posture disorders. “Cerebral” refers to the brain, while “Palsy” refers to a physical disorder, such as a lack of muscle control. Cerebral Palsy is not caused by problems with the muscles or nerves, but rather with the brain’s ability to adequately control the body. Cerebral Palsy can be caused by injury during birth, although sometimes it is the result of later damage to the brain. Symptoms usually appear in the first few years of life and once they appear, they generally do not worsen over time.
Celebral Palsy tidak ada banyak pilihan untuk membuat Rawatan Dalam perubatan biasa. Penyakit ini boleh dirawat secara pelahan-lahan dengan menggunakan ubat-ubat homeopati yang lembut saperti Kali Suplh 12x, Nat Sulph., Kali Phos.
Jika mempunyai gejala-gejala lain, harus diberi remedi yang bersesuai dengan gejala yang ada.
Selain dari ubat-ubat homeopati, ubat biokemik juga boleh diberikan dan dalam setengah kes rawatan akupunktur boleh diberikan, jika kanak-kanak tersebut boleh menerima tusukan jarum-jarum halus dibadan.
Jangan harapkan penyembuhan mendadak. Rawatan biasanya akan makan masa yang agak panjang satu hingga 3 tahun. Adalah lebih baik merawat dari melihat anak menderita sepanjang hidup.
Celebral Palsy tidak ada banyak pilihan untuk membuat Rawatan Dalam perubatan biasa. Penyakit ini boleh dirawat secara pelahan-lahan dengan menggunakan ubat-ubat homeopati yang lembut saperti Kali Suplh 12x, Nat Sulph., Kali Phos.
Jika mempunyai gejala-gejala lain, harus diberi remedi yang bersesuai dengan gejala yang ada.
Selain dari ubat-ubat homeopati, ubat biokemik juga boleh diberikan dan dalam setengah kes rawatan akupunktur boleh diberikan, jika kanak-kanak tersebut boleh menerima tusukan jarum-jarum halus dibadan.
Jangan harapkan penyembuhan mendadak. Rawatan biasanya akan makan masa yang agak panjang satu hingga 3 tahun. Adalah lebih baik merawat dari melihat anak menderita sepanjang hidup.
Tinnitus @ Bunyi Bising Dalam Telinga
Rawatan Tinnitus Boleh Di Rawat secara Homeopathy & Akupunktur
Tinnitus adalah satu penyakit dimana 'telinga berbunyi' Ringging in Ears
Berbagai bentuk bunyi seperti 'uzzing, ozzing, derus angin, cenkerik, seperti current dan sebagainya.
Dalam perubatan biasa tidak ada ubat untuk meberhentikan bunyi ini.
Berbagai sebab boleh berlakunya tinnitus, kebiasaannya kerana kesakitan yang kronik, kerana makan ubat yang kuat atau kesan sampingan ubat, kerana stres, kerana bunyi yang kuat seperti deringan telefon, temabakan senapang atau meriam, mercun dan sebagainya.
Rawatan yang bagus ialah makan ubat homeopati dan buat akupunktur disekitar telinga.
Tinnitus adalah satu penyakit dimana 'telinga berbunyi' Ringging in Ears
Berbagai bentuk bunyi seperti 'uzzing, ozzing, derus angin, cenkerik, seperti current dan sebagainya.
Dalam perubatan biasa tidak ada ubat untuk meberhentikan bunyi ini.
Berbagai sebab boleh berlakunya tinnitus, kebiasaannya kerana kesakitan yang kronik, kerana makan ubat yang kuat atau kesan sampingan ubat, kerana stres, kerana bunyi yang kuat seperti deringan telefon, temabakan senapang atau meriam, mercun dan sebagainya.
Rawatan yang bagus ialah makan ubat homeopati dan buat akupunktur disekitar telinga.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Kursus Perubatan Akupunktur China
Lord Pandit Prof Dr Nik Omar
Deputy Director
Prof Mohd Nasir Mohd Zain
Nik Fairuz Hakim
Pesnyarah Kehurmat / Honarary Lecturers
Jabatan Pengajian Perubatan China
Fakulti perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia
Name of lecturer Subjects
1. Nik Fairuz Hakim bin Nik Omar 14 Meridians
2. Prof Madya Mohd Nasir History of Chinese Medicine
3. Prof Dr Nik Omar Clinical Studies & Moxibustion
4. Mr. Ramakrishsan a/l Kunjambu Acupuncture points & Technique
5. Shamsiah bt. Bt Abdullah Needle Insertion
6. Prof Dr Nik Omar Chinese Philosophy - Yin & Yang
7. Che Abdullah Musa Dangerous & Prohibited points
8. Mohd Noor Ismail Sterlization of Needles
9. Ac. Hajjah Faridah Hamat Complication & Contra-indication
10. Dr Nicolas Muang Ibau Therapeutic and case taking
11. Nik Badrul Hakim Method of Stimulation
12. Ahmad Uzaimi Posture of Therapy
13. Ac. Hajjah Zaharah Loman Laser & Cunometer
14. Dr Che Musa Mohammad 2 Extra Chennel
Lord Pandit Prof Dr Nik Omar
Deputy Director
Prof Mohd Nasir Mohd Zain
Nik Fairuz Hakim
Pesnyarah Kehurmat / Honarary Lecturers
Jabatan Pengajian Perubatan China
Fakulti perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia
Name of lecturer Subjects
1. Nik Fairuz Hakim bin Nik Omar 14 Meridians
2. Prof Madya Mohd Nasir History of Chinese Medicine
3. Prof Dr Nik Omar Clinical Studies & Moxibustion
4. Mr. Ramakrishsan a/l Kunjambu Acupuncture points & Technique
5. Shamsiah bt. Bt Abdullah Needle Insertion
6. Prof Dr Nik Omar Chinese Philosophy - Yin & Yang
7. Che Abdullah Musa Dangerous & Prohibited points
8. Mohd Noor Ismail Sterlization of Needles
9. Ac. Hajjah Faridah Hamat Complication & Contra-indication
10. Dr Nicolas Muang Ibau Therapeutic and case taking
11. Nik Badrul Hakim Method of Stimulation
12. Ahmad Uzaimi Posture of Therapy
13. Ac. Hajjah Zaharah Loman Laser & Cunometer
14. Dr Che Musa Mohammad 2 Extra Chennel
Singapore Still Short of Babies @ Negara Singapura Kekurangan Bayi
Singapore Still Short of Babies.
Singapore remains well short of 60,000 births it need each year to enable the population to replace itself naturally. Figures showed a report released on the Department of Statistic website showed that 39, 935 babies were born last year.
According to Prof Dr Nik Omar bin Nik Daud, a homeopathic & acupuncture Specialist in Malaysia. He suggested Singaporean Couple who wish to have babies may try the new method of Having Babies Naturally through his newly research works Homeopathic Therapeutic of Infertility – HTI P 2000 which brought one of the most of his celebrated success in treating such problem in Malaysia.” He said
For further info, kindly visit his web
Singapura Kurang Bayi
Hanya 39, 935 Bayi di Lahirkan tahun Lalu 2008
Pada tahun lepas 2008 jumlah bayi yang di lahirkan di Singapura masih kurang dari sasaran 60,000 yang diperlukan setahun untuk membolehkan penduduknya diganti secara semulajadi.
Untuk mengelak kekurangan serius jumlah penduduk dinegara tersebut, Prof Dr Nik Omar bin Haji Nik daud, seorang pakar repruduksi dan kesuburan, Fakulti Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia meyarankan supaya ‘Rakyat Singapura datang ke Malaysia untuk berubat secara ‘Homeopathy & Akupunktur’ iaitu satu kaedah baru Dunia Perubatan alternative yang sedang berkembang maju di Malaysia untuk meningkatkan jumlah penduduk di Negara ini, yang boleh diguna pakai di Republik tersebut” demekian kata Dr Nik Omar – Berita Malaysia Hari ini.
Lihat laman
Singapore remains well short of 60,000 births it need each year to enable the population to replace itself naturally. Figures showed a report released on the Department of Statistic website showed that 39, 935 babies were born last year.
According to Prof Dr Nik Omar bin Nik Daud, a homeopathic & acupuncture Specialist in Malaysia. He suggested Singaporean Couple who wish to have babies may try the new method of Having Babies Naturally through his newly research works Homeopathic Therapeutic of Infertility – HTI P 2000 which brought one of the most of his celebrated success in treating such problem in Malaysia.” He said
For further info, kindly visit his web
Singapura Kurang Bayi
Hanya 39, 935 Bayi di Lahirkan tahun Lalu 2008
Pada tahun lepas 2008 jumlah bayi yang di lahirkan di Singapura masih kurang dari sasaran 60,000 yang diperlukan setahun untuk membolehkan penduduknya diganti secara semulajadi.
Untuk mengelak kekurangan serius jumlah penduduk dinegara tersebut, Prof Dr Nik Omar bin Haji Nik daud, seorang pakar repruduksi dan kesuburan, Fakulti Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia meyarankan supaya ‘Rakyat Singapura datang ke Malaysia untuk berubat secara ‘Homeopathy & Akupunktur’ iaitu satu kaedah baru Dunia Perubatan alternative yang sedang berkembang maju di Malaysia untuk meningkatkan jumlah penduduk di Negara ini, yang boleh diguna pakai di Republik tersebut” demekian kata Dr Nik Omar – Berita Malaysia Hari ini.
Lihat laman
Friday, December 4, 2009
rawatan Bell Palsy @ Heruk Muka @ Facial Paralysis
Belly Palsy adalah satu istilah yang diberikan untuk pesakit yang mengalami sejenis gejala heruk muka atau facila paralysis atau lumpoh muka.
Belly Palsy boleh menyerang sesiap sahaj tidak kira umur dan pangkat.
Hampir setiap hari ada saja pesakit-pesakit yang datang ke kelinik saya untuk mendapat rawatan bagi penyakit Bell palsy. Rawatan Homeopathy dan akupunktur adalah salah satu cara yang paling baik dan berkesan untuk merawat kes ini.
Jika dirawat diperingkat awal, gejala ini dapat disembuhkan dengan cepat.
Contok Kes 1: Bell Palsy
Hari Pertama:
Mr M lelaki Melayu berusia 40 tahun: Datang ke kelinik sebelah petang, katanya dia baru kena penyakit heruk muka ' tadi pagi' dan terus datang ke kelinik kami. Saya membuat terapi 'akupunktur' dengan 6 titik disekitar muka yang lumpoh dan saya memberi ubat selama 1 minggu dan saya mengarahkan Mr M supaya telefon saya keesokannya.
Hari K 2: Kira-kira jam 10 pagi Mr M telefon saya menyatakan bahawa muka heruknya sudah sembuh dan dia merasakan dah Ok. Namun saya mengarahkan supaya Mr M datang membuat akupunktur berterusan sehingga 6 terapi. Dia mengikut arahan.
Hari 3: Mukanya kelihatan normal, bila di uji supaya membuat senyuman, mukanya kelihatan normal dan tidak kelihatan lagi masalah heruk muka.
Hari 4, 5 & 6: Mr M meneruskan rawatan secara biasa dan muka Mr M . udah sembuh sepenuhnya. Allahamdulilah.
Kes Ke 2: Satu pagi saya didatangi oleh seorang doktor perempuan Melayu berusia berusia sekitar 45 tahun. Waktu pertama jumpa, mukanya sudah kelihatan seperti penyakit Bell palsy. Bila ditanya, itulah, katanya " Baru kena bell Palsy" dua hari lepas dan ingin membuat akupunktur dengan saya.
Hari 1: Setelah meneliti kes saya memberi terapi akupunktur sebanyak 8 acupoint pada bahagian muka dengan mengutamakan 'distal points' dan setelah 45 minit terapi, saya memberi ubat homeopathy "Rus Tox" sebanyak 3 x sekali, selama satu minggu.
Hari Ke 2: Doktor ini datang semula untuk meneruskan terapinya. Saya menukar titik akupunktur muka dan memberi 'ashi points'
Hari k3 3 & Ke 4: Bell Palsy doktor ini sudah sembuh sepenuhkan - Allhamdullilah.
Klinik Homeopathy Di Sekitar Lembah Kelang - Kuala Lumpur & Selangor
Kuala Lumpur & Selangor
Klinik Homeopaty & Akupunktur Melayu
1. No.118 - 1st Flr. Jalan Raja Laut, Kl ( Tel: 03 4042 2020 )
( Dekat Trafik Light nak Masuk PWTC atau Dekat KFC 24 Jam )
2. No. 1 - 1st Flr. Sek 9, Pusat Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor ( Tel: 0192294556 )
( Dekat Masjid Hijau Sek 9 @ Dekat Maybank @ Depan Al Zaharah )
3. No.3, Jalan SS 21/60 Damansara Utama Uptown, P. J. ( Tel: 03 77276413 )
( Sebelah Balai Polis Damansara Utama @ Atas Kedai Kopi Mamak)
4. 1st Floor, Sentul Boulverd, Sentul , K.L. ( Tel: 0132825695 )
5. Bandar Seri Putra, Nilai ( 0122440880 )
6. Shah Alam, No. 29 -1st Flr. Jalan Peniaga U1/34, Shah Alam (Tel: 03 55693856 )
( Dekat Kedai Tayar, Kedai Nasi mamak- Antara Stadium - Jln Genmarie )
Perkhidmatan Yang Ada: Rawatan Homeopati, Rawatan Akupunktur, Kaunseling Kesihatan, Bekam Angin & Darah, Magnet terapi, Naturopathy. Sedia menjual ubat-ubat homeopati secara runcit dalam bentuk tablet atau globules.
Kami menjual jarum akupunktur, stimulator dan juga set bekam. Call 03 4042 2020
Klinik Homeopaty & Akupunktur Melayu
1. No.118 - 1st Flr. Jalan Raja Laut, Kl ( Tel: 03 4042 2020 )
( Dekat Trafik Light nak Masuk PWTC atau Dekat KFC 24 Jam )
2. No. 1 - 1st Flr. Sek 9, Pusat Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor ( Tel: 0192294556 )
( Dekat Masjid Hijau Sek 9 @ Dekat Maybank @ Depan Al Zaharah )
3. No.3, Jalan SS 21/60 Damansara Utama Uptown, P. J. ( Tel: 03 77276413 )
( Sebelah Balai Polis Damansara Utama @ Atas Kedai Kopi Mamak)
4. 1st Floor, Sentul Boulverd, Sentul , K.L. ( Tel: 0132825695 )
5. Bandar Seri Putra, Nilai ( 0122440880 )
6. Shah Alam, No. 29 -1st Flr. Jalan Peniaga U1/34, Shah Alam (Tel: 03 55693856 )
( Dekat Kedai Tayar, Kedai Nasi mamak- Antara Stadium - Jln Genmarie )
Perkhidmatan Yang Ada: Rawatan Homeopati, Rawatan Akupunktur, Kaunseling Kesihatan, Bekam Angin & Darah, Magnet terapi, Naturopathy. Sedia menjual ubat-ubat homeopati secara runcit dalam bentuk tablet atau globules.
Kami menjual jarum akupunktur, stimulator dan juga set bekam. Call 03 4042 2020
Jika Anda Ada Masalah Yang Tidak Boleh Di Rawat Oleh Doktor Biasa, Datanglah Jumpa Doktor Homeopati, Mungkin Masalah Anda Dapat Di Selesaikan
Laman web yang boleh dibaca
Onani @ Mastubasi @ Melacap
Damansara Utama Uptown 12 Nov 2009
Sejak satu minggu lepas, saya dihujani oleh beberapa orang pemanggil misteri, bertanya bermacam soalan tentang Onani atau mastubasi. Antara soalan yang ditanya:
1. Bolehkan melacap atau onani boleh menyebabkan kemandulan :
Jawapan: Kemandulan tidak ada hubong kait dengan kemandulan, kecuali kesan sampingan onani yang 'melampau' boleh menyebabkan zakar atrophy atau pengecutan zakar atau zakar jadi mengecil dan sekali gus boleh menyebabkan impoten atau mati pucuk.
'Melampau" ertinya melacap tiap-tiap hari berbulan atau bertahun, badan menjadi lemah.
2. Saya baru kahwin 6 bulan, sejak kawin, saya sering alami prematur ejekulasi. Apakah ini gejala onani yang saya lakukan sejak remaja. Saya seorang ketagih onani, hampir setiap hari saya lakukan onani selama bertahun.
Jawapan: Kita sendiri tidak tahu kenapa anda mengalami prematur ejekulasi, ini mungkin kerana masalah anda yang mengalami 'over sensative sexual desire' Dimana anda mengalami semacam penyakit 'ransangan nafsu yang melampau' biasanya pesakit yang mengalami masalah ini akan menderita ' permatur ejekulasi'
datang jumpa doktor untuk mendapat sedikit kaunseling dan makan sedikit ubat homeopati, masalah ini akan selesai dalam tempuh 4 hingga 5 bulan - InsyaAllah.
Sejak satu minggu lepas, saya dihujani oleh beberapa orang pemanggil misteri, bertanya bermacam soalan tentang Onani atau mastubasi. Antara soalan yang ditanya:
1. Bolehkan melacap atau onani boleh menyebabkan kemandulan :
Jawapan: Kemandulan tidak ada hubong kait dengan kemandulan, kecuali kesan sampingan onani yang 'melampau' boleh menyebabkan zakar atrophy atau pengecutan zakar atau zakar jadi mengecil dan sekali gus boleh menyebabkan impoten atau mati pucuk.
'Melampau" ertinya melacap tiap-tiap hari berbulan atau bertahun, badan menjadi lemah.
2. Saya baru kahwin 6 bulan, sejak kawin, saya sering alami prematur ejekulasi. Apakah ini gejala onani yang saya lakukan sejak remaja. Saya seorang ketagih onani, hampir setiap hari saya lakukan onani selama bertahun.
Jawapan: Kita sendiri tidak tahu kenapa anda mengalami prematur ejekulasi, ini mungkin kerana masalah anda yang mengalami 'over sensative sexual desire' Dimana anda mengalami semacam penyakit 'ransangan nafsu yang melampau' biasanya pesakit yang mengalami masalah ini akan menderita ' permatur ejekulasi'
datang jumpa doktor untuk mendapat sedikit kaunseling dan makan sedikit ubat homeopati, masalah ini akan selesai dalam tempuh 4 hingga 5 bulan - InsyaAllah.
Hilangkan Kesakitan dengan Rawatan Akupunktur
Sakit Di Hujong Jari - Rheumatic Pain
Aku sendiri sakit dihujong jari kaki sejak 4 pagi, dan setiap waktu tersedar kerana rasa berdenyut dihjong jari kecil kaki sebelah kiri. Dari jam 4 hingga 6 pagi, sakit berterusan hingga tidak boleh tidur.
Aku malas bangun kerana seronok tidur. Tapi aku gagahi juga untuk bangun dan suroh isteri ku letakkan satu jarum akupunktur tempat sakit. Kaki ku pada bini, " Letak Jarum Akupunktur itu dikepala hantu yang kacau dihujong jari"
Dalam tempuh 10 minit kesakitan yang dialami selama 2 jam itu terus hilang.
Itulah salah satu kehebatan akupunktur, " Pain Relief Without Drugs !"
Aku sendiri sakit dihujong jari kaki sejak 4 pagi, dan setiap waktu tersedar kerana rasa berdenyut dihjong jari kecil kaki sebelah kiri. Dari jam 4 hingga 6 pagi, sakit berterusan hingga tidak boleh tidur.
Aku malas bangun kerana seronok tidur. Tapi aku gagahi juga untuk bangun dan suroh isteri ku letakkan satu jarum akupunktur tempat sakit. Kaki ku pada bini, " Letak Jarum Akupunktur itu dikepala hantu yang kacau dihujong jari"
Dalam tempuh 10 minit kesakitan yang dialami selama 2 jam itu terus hilang.
Itulah salah satu kehebatan akupunktur, " Pain Relief Without Drugs !"
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Community News: Homeopathy Can Be Used To Treat H1N1 Flu: Pune Doctor
Community Services
Pune, (India) Jul 31 : City-based Homeopathy specialist Dr Pradeep Sethiya today advocated the use of this alternate medicine for treatment of patients affected by H1N1 influenza Speaking to UNI, Dr Sethiya, the principal of Dhondu Mama Sathe Homeopathy College, said homeopathy could be a good option, especially for the minor students, who have been affected by this virus in the city.
He said Oxford of East, as this city is known, is grappling with this problem since the last few weeks and its students are the most affected forcing the authorities to close down many schools, which can have an impact on their education. However, he felt, that Homeopathy could be the sweet remedy for them. Dr Sethiya also demanded that government should allow homeopathy practitioners to treat the patients of swine flu, which is not just another option but also cost-effective and easy to use medicine.
Dr Sethiya, while expressing his confidence in this alternate medicine, said the most important misconception of this flu is fear, which is very strong among people. There is a need to create awareness and guide people in a proper way about this virus as this virus spreads very fast and the children are the most vulnerable to it, he said.
He also advocated to take the help of Genus Epidemics, which can be helpful if given to the unaffected people to develop anti-body, which would protect that person if he comes into contact with the affected person. He appealed to the parents to come together and fight the virus without fear and face the situation with courage. ''Medicines like homeopathy can help you at every stage.
There is no readymade medicine for such viruses but the doctors have to understand the case of the patients and the symptoms before prescribing the medicines,'' Dr Sethiya said. from Homeopathy World Community.
Pune, (India) Jul 31 : City-based Homeopathy specialist Dr Pradeep Sethiya today advocated the use of this alternate medicine for treatment of patients affected by H1N1 influenza Speaking to UNI, Dr Sethiya, the principal of Dhondu Mama Sathe Homeopathy College, said homeopathy could be a good option, especially for the minor students, who have been affected by this virus in the city.
He said Oxford of East, as this city is known, is grappling with this problem since the last few weeks and its students are the most affected forcing the authorities to close down many schools, which can have an impact on their education. However, he felt, that Homeopathy could be the sweet remedy for them. Dr Sethiya also demanded that government should allow homeopathy practitioners to treat the patients of swine flu, which is not just another option but also cost-effective and easy to use medicine.
Dr Sethiya, while expressing his confidence in this alternate medicine, said the most important misconception of this flu is fear, which is very strong among people. There is a need to create awareness and guide people in a proper way about this virus as this virus spreads very fast and the children are the most vulnerable to it, he said.
He also advocated to take the help of Genus Epidemics, which can be helpful if given to the unaffected people to develop anti-body, which would protect that person if he comes into contact with the affected person. He appealed to the parents to come together and fight the virus without fear and face the situation with courage. ''Medicines like homeopathy can help you at every stage.
There is no readymade medicine for such viruses but the doctors have to understand the case of the patients and the symptoms before prescribing the medicines,'' Dr Sethiya said. from Homeopathy World Community.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Know All TCM or Alternative / Complementary Medicines
Benefits of Wheat Germ Oil
There are a number of benefits of wheat germ oil. It is very useful for the skin. It fights aging of the skin and promotes skin health by improving blood circulation. The various nutrients present in it improves the immune system and the nervous system...
Benefits of Oregano Oil
Do you suffer from skin infections? Do you have a weak digestive system? Or a serious sinus congestion? Then the oregano oil is your miracle cure. Made from a herb named Origanum vulgare, it could be the solution to all your problems. Read on to know how.
Energy Healing Therapy
Energy healing therapies enhance energy flow in the body and improve the immune system. These energy healing techniques form a part of alternative therapy which cater to improve the holistic health of an individual.
Infrared Light Therapy
Infrared light therapy works wonders in curing hard-to-heal wounds. Read on to know about the characteristics and uses of infrared light therapy.
Types of Alternative Medicine
The term 'alternative medicine' denotes any method of treatment other than conventional medicine. It includes ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine and many more. Read on for more information...
Traditional vs. Alternative Medicine
Traditional medicine vs. alternate medicine, is a subject of great scrutiny and speculation. An important point to understand is that both the systems share the same objective - a healthy and a safe body. While experts differ in their view on this subject, it is important to deduce the pros and cons of both the branches of medicine. A judicious mix of both can be a good way forward.
Benefits of Alternative Medicine
In recent times, alternative medicine is becoming popular for treatment of many ailments. It has certain advantages over the conventional methods, in terms of safety and expense. Read on to know more about the benefits of alternative medicine.
Why is Alternative Medicine so Popular?
Ever wondered why alternative medicine is so popular? Read on to find out.
History of Alternative Medicine
The history of alternative medicine dates back to 6,000 years in the east and around 3,000 years in the western part of the globe. This article gives a brief insight into the history of alternative medicine.
Liquid Diet
Read this article if you want to learn about the basic types, guidelines and benefits of a liquid diet.
If reflexology has always intrigued you as a therapy then read on for some commonly asked questions and answers to the same that should give you a clear picture about reflexology.
Red Yeast Rice
Red yeast rice is a product that is said to lower cholesterol. Read on to know more about red yeast rice risks and benefits.
Light Therapy
Ever wonder what light therapy is all about? Read on to know more about the various advantages and disadvantages of light therapy…
Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment
Alternative treatments for mesothelioma are used to supplement the traditional methods of treatment. Even though science does not subscribe to such methods of treatment, the effects of these totally different types of treatment are claimed to be beneficial.
Meditation vs. Medication
Antidepressants will put your body back into balance. Mood drugs will control your anger impulses. Herbs and vitamins will bring your body back into its own rhythm so you can function better. Herbs, drugs, tonics, etc. all claim to be beneficial to us. But are they really necessary? Is there an alternative to prescriptions that might do the same thing?
Rebirthing: Breathing Techniques and Therapy
Info on what is rebirthing and how rebirthing breathing techniques and therapy can help you.
Roman Medicine
Deriving knowledge from the Medical Treatises and Methods of the Greeks, the Etruscans, the Egyptians, the Persians and other conquered peoples, the Romans came up with one of the best and most sophisticated Medical Systems of the Ancient World.
Chinese Medicine - An Introduction to Acupuncture
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are becoming popular choices of alternative medicine. Ever wonder what it's all about? Find out in this straight-forward introduction written by an Acupuncture Physician.
Can Science Really Validate Alternative Medicine?
Western scientific methodology is based on strict paradigms that provide scientists with a structure within which testing and experimentation is confined. However, not all phenomenon are necessarily testable using this paradigm and several aspects of alternative medicine are simply outside the western scientific model.
How does EFT Work to Release Negative Emotions?
Here is a great explanation to help you easily understand exactly how Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is able to help reduce emotional stress.
Unani as an Alternative Medicine
Many of the holistic practitioner of medicine advocated preventative health care rather than circumstantial health care; which most of us are used to dealing with now when we feel sick. Unani is based on theory of the presence of the element fire, water, earth and air in the human body. According to followers of Unani medicine, these elements are present in different fluids and their balance leads to health and their imbalance leads to illness.
Auricular Therapy
Auricular therapy is based on the idea that the entire body is represented on the auricle - meaning the outer portion of the ear and so the entire body can be effectively treated by applying stimulation on the surface of the ear.
Osteopathic Preventative Healthcare for Peace of Mind
There is more to osteopathy than cranial manipulation.
Iridology: Studying the Iris to Detect Disease
Iridology is an alternative healing practice that involves examining the iris to detect disease. The iris is the colorful part of the eye that surrounds the pupil. . Iridologists believe that by studying the iris, they can detect disease or imbalance in the internal organs.
Higher healing sciences and technology
Finding suppressed higher technology that heals
Speleotherapy and Salt Lamps – A Cure For Asthma?
The practice of Speleotherapy has been common in Eastern Europe for over 150 years now, but if you are a resident of the US, you quite possibly haven’t even heard of it. The name is derived from the Greek word speleos meaning cave, and it involves the practice of taking patients with respiratory diseases into salt mines to affect a cure.
Collection Of Urine Tn Tibetan Medicine
Tibetan medicine pays close attention to the collection of urine.
Alternative Medicines- Are They Safer than Prescription Drugs
There has been much debate about the safety and effectiveness of alternative medices, such as herbal remedies. There has been very little research done to determine if they are safer than prescription drugs.
What Are The Different Alternative Types Of Medicine
Ever since the 1970’s alternative medicine has become an ever increasing popular choice for patients to consider. There are many forms of alternative types of medicine that are offered today only a few have actually been recognized by main stream medicine.
Past Life Regression Therapy
This amazing therapy is based on the law of Karma which states that the reason of our present problems lies in the actions or events of past lives. By past life regression you could get to its cause in the past life thus leading to a cure. But what about the other problems that might come later? Is there any alternative available?
Alternative Treatments for ADD and ADHD
There are many ways to decrease or completely cure ADD or ADHD symptoms in children or adults. Here are some ideas to help improve your health and minimalize your experience of ADD or ADHD.
Alternative Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy-Agent Orange-Vitamin B-12 UK--Progress Report
This is part TWO to my first article. I only think it fair that I update people about the potential of an alternative treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy, the prospects of Methycobalimin, vitamin b12 supplements UK, being a cure or help in some way.
Natural Medicine and Emotional Freedom
When it comes to medicine, most people think of doctors, hospitals, and medications. Most people don't even think of natural medicine as an alternative, but this perhaps is a mistake.
Backache Folk remedy
This is one of the many subjects of our e-books. I cured myself from TB and many other ailments, so me and my wife are determined to make our collection of folk and alternative remedies available to the public.
Alternative Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy- Agent Orange - Vitamin B12 Supplements UK
Could something as simple as a Vitamin B12 Supplement in the form of Methycobalamin create the miracle many stand in line in hope for? Can many of the effects of Agent Orange be changed by an alternative treatment for peripheral neuropathy? A cure for Autism?
Some Alternative Approaches To Dealing With Psoriasis
This article explores some alternative treatments which may relieve the symptoms of Psoriasis. Some of the treatments previously considered alternate are now becoming mainstream.
The Truth about Acupuncture as an Alternative Medicine
The Truth about Acupuncture as an Alternative Medicine
Medication Depression Alternatives Ideas
Tips for a medication depression alternative would be to enlist the help of a therapist to help you sort things out.
History of Aromatherapy
Learn and discover how aromatherapy came to be including how ecah nation contributed to the history of the alternative medicine.
The Treatment Of Diabetes Using Alternative Medicine
There are many forms of both complimentary and alternative medicine that are used in the treatment of diabetes. This article examines just a few and looks at the wisdom of using these forms of treatment.
Simple Methods to Prevent Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are caused by the dilatation of the arteries that are located in the rectum and anal area. This dilatation appears due to a sedentary lifestyle, constipation, or as a result of a hereditary predisposition. In order to avoid the complications that this medical condition might cause, it is best to use the appropriate hemorrhoid treatments, whether it is traditional or alternative medications.
Restore your Lost Youth - Naturally
Is it our fate to merely be young in our teens till perhaps our 30's, and then without any alternative, just join middle and old age? Can we really restore our lost youth, naturally without surgery and expensive medications? We can, as our body is inexorably linked to our mind and those morphogenetic fields that determine our future.
Alternative Asthma Remedies
Asthma sufferers who experience adverse side effects from conventional medicines are sometimes forced to search for alternative treatment. There are a number of effective natural asthma remedies available. Here is an overview of some of the more recognized alternative asthma treatments.
Treating Hair Loss - The Alternative Way
Learning the causes and properties of hair loss in men and women helps to diagnose the right treatment.
Alternative Medicine Uses of Capsicum Or Cayenne Pepper As An Herbal Remedy
Alternative medicine practitioners have found capsicum is very beneficial as an herbal remedy. This natural herbal remedy has a variety of uses to treat common diseases from skin rashes to obesity, and relieve pain.
Aroma Therapy - Alternative Medicine of the Future!
Aroma Therapy, although thousands of years old, has recently been becoming more popular. The physical and psychological benefits of aroma therapy treatments cannot be beat! Learn how you can benefit from aromatherapy!
Alternative medicines in the NHS
This article explores the benefits of investing more into alternative medicines within the NHS.
Alternative Medicines - Why The Silence?
There are many effective alternative medicines and natural treatments out there for all sorts of medical conditions. Why don't you hear about them? Here are a few reasons.
Acne alternative treatments
There is no clear account of the number of people suffering from acne. But the sale of medicines for acne is on the increase and this suggests that there is an increase in the number of people having acne...
Breathe for your own good
Your breath can heal you on a multi-dimesional level. Make the most out of life and learn how to breathe correctly.
Alternative Treatments for Depression
Meditation Techniques and Alternative Healing...
Treating ADD With Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine is a practice which people either live by or laugh at; there does not seem to be any middle ground....
Alternative Medicines That Work For Me
You may think that half of the "alternative medicines out there are worthless. You are probably right, but that leaves a lot of effective alternatives. Here are a few that have worked for me.
The Politics Of Massage: Alternative or Mainstream Therapy?
Massage therapists are in great demand and enrollment in massage schools is up. Are these individuals entering the field of alternative health or the mainstream healthcare community? Or neither?
Modern Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic therapy offers a cheaper alternative to cures for various complaints.
My Grand Mother, The Herbalist
The name of the plant is the "Honeysuckle," The flower is the antibiotic part to be put in salads, float on top of punch bowls at parties, or simply crushed and taken for the antibiotic properties it contains.
Insomnia and the use of Bright Light Therapy
The use of light as a therapeutic tool has been known for hundreds of years but it only in recent years that its true value is beginning to be understood. Today, many thousands of people around the world are using bright light therapy as a simple and effective cure for insomnia.
How Breathing Differently Can Make You Happier
Breathing is something that we all do, that not many of us pay too much attention to. Imagine if you could change your moods, physical condition and mind set simply by breathing differently. This article shows you how.
Alternative health strategies
Learn about alternative health strategies such as antioxidant vitamin megadoses, yoga and prayer, among others. Find out why so many people are using CAM these days.
More Americans Embracing Alternative Medicine
From aromatherapy to herbal remedies to acupuncture, Americans are embracing alternative health practices with open arms. While most people don't view these treatments as a replacement for traditional Western medicine, they do consider them a viable complement to conventional care.
There are a number of benefits of wheat germ oil. It is very useful for the skin. It fights aging of the skin and promotes skin health by improving blood circulation. The various nutrients present in it improves the immune system and the nervous system...
Benefits of Oregano Oil
Do you suffer from skin infections? Do you have a weak digestive system? Or a serious sinus congestion? Then the oregano oil is your miracle cure. Made from a herb named Origanum vulgare, it could be the solution to all your problems. Read on to know how.
Energy Healing Therapy
Energy healing therapies enhance energy flow in the body and improve the immune system. These energy healing techniques form a part of alternative therapy which cater to improve the holistic health of an individual.
Infrared Light Therapy
Infrared light therapy works wonders in curing hard-to-heal wounds. Read on to know about the characteristics and uses of infrared light therapy.
Types of Alternative Medicine
The term 'alternative medicine' denotes any method of treatment other than conventional medicine. It includes ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine and many more. Read on for more information...
Traditional vs. Alternative Medicine
Traditional medicine vs. alternate medicine, is a subject of great scrutiny and speculation. An important point to understand is that both the systems share the same objective - a healthy and a safe body. While experts differ in their view on this subject, it is important to deduce the pros and cons of both the branches of medicine. A judicious mix of both can be a good way forward.
Benefits of Alternative Medicine
In recent times, alternative medicine is becoming popular for treatment of many ailments. It has certain advantages over the conventional methods, in terms of safety and expense. Read on to know more about the benefits of alternative medicine.
Why is Alternative Medicine so Popular?
Ever wondered why alternative medicine is so popular? Read on to find out.
History of Alternative Medicine
The history of alternative medicine dates back to 6,000 years in the east and around 3,000 years in the western part of the globe. This article gives a brief insight into the history of alternative medicine.
Liquid Diet
Read this article if you want to learn about the basic types, guidelines and benefits of a liquid diet.
If reflexology has always intrigued you as a therapy then read on for some commonly asked questions and answers to the same that should give you a clear picture about reflexology.
Red Yeast Rice
Red yeast rice is a product that is said to lower cholesterol. Read on to know more about red yeast rice risks and benefits.
Light Therapy
Ever wonder what light therapy is all about? Read on to know more about the various advantages and disadvantages of light therapy…
Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment
Alternative treatments for mesothelioma are used to supplement the traditional methods of treatment. Even though science does not subscribe to such methods of treatment, the effects of these totally different types of treatment are claimed to be beneficial.
Meditation vs. Medication
Antidepressants will put your body back into balance. Mood drugs will control your anger impulses. Herbs and vitamins will bring your body back into its own rhythm so you can function better. Herbs, drugs, tonics, etc. all claim to be beneficial to us. But are they really necessary? Is there an alternative to prescriptions that might do the same thing?
Rebirthing: Breathing Techniques and Therapy
Info on what is rebirthing and how rebirthing breathing techniques and therapy can help you.
Roman Medicine
Deriving knowledge from the Medical Treatises and Methods of the Greeks, the Etruscans, the Egyptians, the Persians and other conquered peoples, the Romans came up with one of the best and most sophisticated Medical Systems of the Ancient World.
Chinese Medicine - An Introduction to Acupuncture
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are becoming popular choices of alternative medicine. Ever wonder what it's all about? Find out in this straight-forward introduction written by an Acupuncture Physician.
Can Science Really Validate Alternative Medicine?
Western scientific methodology is based on strict paradigms that provide scientists with a structure within which testing and experimentation is confined. However, not all phenomenon are necessarily testable using this paradigm and several aspects of alternative medicine are simply outside the western scientific model.
How does EFT Work to Release Negative Emotions?
Here is a great explanation to help you easily understand exactly how Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is able to help reduce emotional stress.
Unani as an Alternative Medicine
Many of the holistic practitioner of medicine advocated preventative health care rather than circumstantial health care; which most of us are used to dealing with now when we feel sick. Unani is based on theory of the presence of the element fire, water, earth and air in the human body. According to followers of Unani medicine, these elements are present in different fluids and their balance leads to health and their imbalance leads to illness.
Auricular Therapy
Auricular therapy is based on the idea that the entire body is represented on the auricle - meaning the outer portion of the ear and so the entire body can be effectively treated by applying stimulation on the surface of the ear.
Osteopathic Preventative Healthcare for Peace of Mind
There is more to osteopathy than cranial manipulation.
Iridology: Studying the Iris to Detect Disease
Iridology is an alternative healing practice that involves examining the iris to detect disease. The iris is the colorful part of the eye that surrounds the pupil. . Iridologists believe that by studying the iris, they can detect disease or imbalance in the internal organs.
Higher healing sciences and technology
Finding suppressed higher technology that heals
Speleotherapy and Salt Lamps – A Cure For Asthma?
The practice of Speleotherapy has been common in Eastern Europe for over 150 years now, but if you are a resident of the US, you quite possibly haven’t even heard of it. The name is derived from the Greek word speleos meaning cave, and it involves the practice of taking patients with respiratory diseases into salt mines to affect a cure.
Collection Of Urine Tn Tibetan Medicine
Tibetan medicine pays close attention to the collection of urine.
Alternative Medicines- Are They Safer than Prescription Drugs
There has been much debate about the safety and effectiveness of alternative medices, such as herbal remedies. There has been very little research done to determine if they are safer than prescription drugs.
What Are The Different Alternative Types Of Medicine
Ever since the 1970’s alternative medicine has become an ever increasing popular choice for patients to consider. There are many forms of alternative types of medicine that are offered today only a few have actually been recognized by main stream medicine.
Past Life Regression Therapy
This amazing therapy is based on the law of Karma which states that the reason of our present problems lies in the actions or events of past lives. By past life regression you could get to its cause in the past life thus leading to a cure. But what about the other problems that might come later? Is there any alternative available?
Alternative Treatments for ADD and ADHD
There are many ways to decrease or completely cure ADD or ADHD symptoms in children or adults. Here are some ideas to help improve your health and minimalize your experience of ADD or ADHD.
Alternative Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy-Agent Orange-Vitamin B-12 UK--Progress Report
This is part TWO to my first article. I only think it fair that I update people about the potential of an alternative treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy, the prospects of Methycobalimin, vitamin b12 supplements UK, being a cure or help in some way.
Natural Medicine and Emotional Freedom
When it comes to medicine, most people think of doctors, hospitals, and medications. Most people don't even think of natural medicine as an alternative, but this perhaps is a mistake.
Backache Folk remedy
This is one of the many subjects of our e-books. I cured myself from TB and many other ailments, so me and my wife are determined to make our collection of folk and alternative remedies available to the public.
Alternative Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy- Agent Orange - Vitamin B12 Supplements UK
Could something as simple as a Vitamin B12 Supplement in the form of Methycobalamin create the miracle many stand in line in hope for? Can many of the effects of Agent Orange be changed by an alternative treatment for peripheral neuropathy? A cure for Autism?
Some Alternative Approaches To Dealing With Psoriasis
This article explores some alternative treatments which may relieve the symptoms of Psoriasis. Some of the treatments previously considered alternate are now becoming mainstream.
The Truth about Acupuncture as an Alternative Medicine
The Truth about Acupuncture as an Alternative Medicine
Medication Depression Alternatives Ideas
Tips for a medication depression alternative would be to enlist the help of a therapist to help you sort things out.
History of Aromatherapy
Learn and discover how aromatherapy came to be including how ecah nation contributed to the history of the alternative medicine.
The Treatment Of Diabetes Using Alternative Medicine
There are many forms of both complimentary and alternative medicine that are used in the treatment of diabetes. This article examines just a few and looks at the wisdom of using these forms of treatment.
Simple Methods to Prevent Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are caused by the dilatation of the arteries that are located in the rectum and anal area. This dilatation appears due to a sedentary lifestyle, constipation, or as a result of a hereditary predisposition. In order to avoid the complications that this medical condition might cause, it is best to use the appropriate hemorrhoid treatments, whether it is traditional or alternative medications.
Restore your Lost Youth - Naturally
Is it our fate to merely be young in our teens till perhaps our 30's, and then without any alternative, just join middle and old age? Can we really restore our lost youth, naturally without surgery and expensive medications? We can, as our body is inexorably linked to our mind and those morphogenetic fields that determine our future.
Alternative Asthma Remedies
Asthma sufferers who experience adverse side effects from conventional medicines are sometimes forced to search for alternative treatment. There are a number of effective natural asthma remedies available. Here is an overview of some of the more recognized alternative asthma treatments.
Treating Hair Loss - The Alternative Way
Learning the causes and properties of hair loss in men and women helps to diagnose the right treatment.
Alternative Medicine Uses of Capsicum Or Cayenne Pepper As An Herbal Remedy
Alternative medicine practitioners have found capsicum is very beneficial as an herbal remedy. This natural herbal remedy has a variety of uses to treat common diseases from skin rashes to obesity, and relieve pain.
Aroma Therapy - Alternative Medicine of the Future!
Aroma Therapy, although thousands of years old, has recently been becoming more popular. The physical and psychological benefits of aroma therapy treatments cannot be beat! Learn how you can benefit from aromatherapy!
Alternative medicines in the NHS
This article explores the benefits of investing more into alternative medicines within the NHS.
Alternative Medicines - Why The Silence?
There are many effective alternative medicines and natural treatments out there for all sorts of medical conditions. Why don't you hear about them? Here are a few reasons.
Acne alternative treatments
There is no clear account of the number of people suffering from acne. But the sale of medicines for acne is on the increase and this suggests that there is an increase in the number of people having acne...
Breathe for your own good
Your breath can heal you on a multi-dimesional level. Make the most out of life and learn how to breathe correctly.
Alternative Treatments for Depression
Meditation Techniques and Alternative Healing...
Treating ADD With Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine is a practice which people either live by or laugh at; there does not seem to be any middle ground....
Alternative Medicines That Work For Me
You may think that half of the "alternative medicines out there are worthless. You are probably right, but that leaves a lot of effective alternatives. Here are a few that have worked for me.
The Politics Of Massage: Alternative or Mainstream Therapy?
Massage therapists are in great demand and enrollment in massage schools is up. Are these individuals entering the field of alternative health or the mainstream healthcare community? Or neither?
Modern Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic therapy offers a cheaper alternative to cures for various complaints.
My Grand Mother, The Herbalist
The name of the plant is the "Honeysuckle," The flower is the antibiotic part to be put in salads, float on top of punch bowls at parties, or simply crushed and taken for the antibiotic properties it contains.
Insomnia and the use of Bright Light Therapy
The use of light as a therapeutic tool has been known for hundreds of years but it only in recent years that its true value is beginning to be understood. Today, many thousands of people around the world are using bright light therapy as a simple and effective cure for insomnia.
How Breathing Differently Can Make You Happier
Breathing is something that we all do, that not many of us pay too much attention to. Imagine if you could change your moods, physical condition and mind set simply by breathing differently. This article shows you how.
Alternative health strategies
Learn about alternative health strategies such as antioxidant vitamin megadoses, yoga and prayer, among others. Find out why so many people are using CAM these days.
More Americans Embracing Alternative Medicine
From aromatherapy to herbal remedies to acupuncture, Americans are embracing alternative health practices with open arms. While most people don't view these treatments as a replacement for traditional Western medicine, they do consider them a viable complement to conventional care.
Unani Medicine
Unani as an Alternative Medicine
Many of the holistic practitioner of medicine advocated preventative health care rather than circumstantial health care; which most of us are used to dealing with now when we feel sick. Unani is based on theory of the presence of the element fire, water, earth and air in the human body. According to followers of Unani medicine, these elements are present in different fluids and their balance leads to health and their imbalance leads to illness.
Is there a doctor in the house? I’ve always wanted to say that. But on a serious note, the issue of health and health care here and abroad is a very serious issue. Some can afford the benefits of health care through the benefits of their insurance while others may not have the benefit. Yet, good physical health is a need that we all need to be able to deal with the issues of day to day routines. When thinking about topics related to Islamic Spirituality, proper physical health too almost certainly comes to mind as well. Although it may be hard for some of us to grasp, many of the holistic practitioners of medicine advocated preventative health care rather than circumstantial health care; which most of us are used to dealing with now when we feel sick.
Unani medicine is very close to Ayurveda. Both are based on theory of the presence of the elements (in Unani, they are considered to be fire, water, earth and air) in the human body. According to followers of Unani medicine, these elements are present in different fluids and their balance leads to health and their imbalance leads to illness. One major reason why this medical system is so important was for one major reason: the Dynamic Elements of the body starts with the Ruh (Spirit Soul). On a physical level ,the practitioners of the Unani system started the system of restoring balance to the body, through the stomach. Most medicines and remedies (often common herbs and foods) used in Unani are also used in Ayurveda. While Unani was influenced by Islam, Ayurveda is associated with Vedic culture.
The Unani Medicine system led the way in the Islamic world and nearby regions with its concentration on the use of honey, nigella sativa (black seed), cupping, dhikr and regulation of the digestive track to help many feel better. Real pearls and metal are also used in the making of Unani medicine based on the kind of ailment it is aimed to heal. It is wrongly attributed to Arabic - in fact Arabs had no medicinal history prior to the works of renowned Persian physicians of Pre-Islamic era, which like many other sciences the Arabs attribute themselves simply because the majority of Persian and Non-Arabs wrote their scientific books in Arabic. It is just like the present day English.
Unani Medicine
Unani is a holistic alternative medicine
By amit gupta
Perubatan Islam:
Disekitar India, pakistan atau Bangladesh, amalan perubatan cara Nabi dikenali sebagai UNNANI Medicine atau Perubatan Unani. iaitu amalan perubatan dikalangan masyarakat islam disekitar Indo-Pak Continent.
Mereka baiasanya menggunakan ubat-ubat dari bahan-bahan asli seperti akar kayu, dedaunan, tumbuh-tumbuhan dan sebagainya. cara amalan ini hampir dengan cara perubatan Melayu di Malaysia
Many of the holistic practitioner of medicine advocated preventative health care rather than circumstantial health care; which most of us are used to dealing with now when we feel sick. Unani is based on theory of the presence of the element fire, water, earth and air in the human body. According to followers of Unani medicine, these elements are present in different fluids and their balance leads to health and their imbalance leads to illness.
Is there a doctor in the house? I’ve always wanted to say that. But on a serious note, the issue of health and health care here and abroad is a very serious issue. Some can afford the benefits of health care through the benefits of their insurance while others may not have the benefit. Yet, good physical health is a need that we all need to be able to deal with the issues of day to day routines. When thinking about topics related to Islamic Spirituality, proper physical health too almost certainly comes to mind as well. Although it may be hard for some of us to grasp, many of the holistic practitioners of medicine advocated preventative health care rather than circumstantial health care; which most of us are used to dealing with now when we feel sick.
Unani medicine is very close to Ayurveda. Both are based on theory of the presence of the elements (in Unani, they are considered to be fire, water, earth and air) in the human body. According to followers of Unani medicine, these elements are present in different fluids and their balance leads to health and their imbalance leads to illness. One major reason why this medical system is so important was for one major reason: the Dynamic Elements of the body starts with the Ruh (Spirit Soul). On a physical level ,the practitioners of the Unani system started the system of restoring balance to the body, through the stomach. Most medicines and remedies (often common herbs and foods) used in Unani are also used in Ayurveda. While Unani was influenced by Islam, Ayurveda is associated with Vedic culture.
The Unani Medicine system led the way in the Islamic world and nearby regions with its concentration on the use of honey, nigella sativa (black seed), cupping, dhikr and regulation of the digestive track to help many feel better. Real pearls and metal are also used in the making of Unani medicine based on the kind of ailment it is aimed to heal. It is wrongly attributed to Arabic - in fact Arabs had no medicinal history prior to the works of renowned Persian physicians of Pre-Islamic era, which like many other sciences the Arabs attribute themselves simply because the majority of Persian and Non-Arabs wrote their scientific books in Arabic. It is just like the present day English.
Unani Medicine
Unani is a holistic alternative medicine
By amit gupta
Perubatan Islam:
Disekitar India, pakistan atau Bangladesh, amalan perubatan cara Nabi dikenali sebagai UNNANI Medicine atau Perubatan Unani. iaitu amalan perubatan dikalangan masyarakat islam disekitar Indo-Pak Continent.
Mereka baiasanya menggunakan ubat-ubat dari bahan-bahan asli seperti akar kayu, dedaunan, tumbuh-tumbuhan dan sebagainya. cara amalan ini hampir dengan cara perubatan Melayu di Malaysia
Alternative Treatment for Infertility
Alternative Treatment for Infertility: What are They and Can You Benefit?
Read about the various forms of alternative treatment like acupuncture, homeopathy and other holistic methods used for the treatment of infertility.
In the present day scenario of frequent failures of the conventional methods of treatment, many people are going for alternative treatment for infertility related problems. Infertility can effectively be cured by alternative treatment methods. However, the rate of success of the conventional treatment methods is often rather low, and the risks of suffering from the adverse side effects of these techniques. These methods of treatment also often come at a rather high price tag. Thus, over time, the popularity of different methods of alternative treatment for infertility issues is consistently increasing.
There are certain typical ways adopted in the alternative treatment for infertility problems. These ways include:
• Acupuncture methods,
• Application of Chinese medicines,
• Usage of herbs,
• Homeopathic medicines,
• Naturopathic methods,
• Aromatherapy techniques
Acupuncture Methods
The media and the press started shifting their attention to the techniques of acupuncture only since the decade of the 1970s. Hence, this is a relatively new method of treatment in the Western countries, although it was in use since long periods in the past in China (over many centuries). At certain specified acupuncture points, sterilized acupuncture needles are inserted in the body. This technique is also used to relieve pains. Asthma, alcohol consumption and other related health issues can also be eliminated by acupuncture. Ears, wrists, abdomen, legs, the back and the feet are all suitable points of acupuncture methods, which can get rid of infertility,
Application of Chinese medicines
The Traditional Chinese Medicine system (TCM) is an age-old one, dating back up till the period of 200 BC to around 100 AD. Taoism, the basic Chinese philosophy, uses balance, moderation and harmonizing methods as its major features. These features also form the main cornerstone of these medicines. Several factors, including the span of the menstruation cycle, other past menstrual problems, any pains (acute or otherwise) that might be experienced, along with other relevant features are all taken into account by TCM, as the latter tries to detect the infertility problems. Stagnation of a person’s blood flow, energy levels, basic physical weaknesses, excess emotional stresses on the mind, anxiousness, proneness to cold attacks while having periods as well as all other basic diseases are examined in detail by TCM. These studies help a lot in the detection of the probable causes of infertility,
Usage of herbs
Instead of using medicated, processed forms of herbs, currently, more focus is placed on the usage of these herbs in their raw form. The technique of herbal treatment of infertility is however, nothing new. The benefits and the effectiveness of the herbs increases manifold when they are used in their original states, and can aid a person in his/her efforts to recover on his/her own. The therapeutic benefits of these herbs are indeed large. For the purpose of regaining fertility for a person who has become infertile, herbal treatment is an ideal solution,
Homeopathic medicines
Plants, animal essences and minerals can be used, in diluted forms, are often used in preparing medications that would be able to treat infertility. This alternative treatment for infertility is called homeopathic treatment. Being therapeutic in nature, these medicines are of immense effectiveness. Every person has an innate ability to recover his/her own fertility. Homeopathy methods try to help persons in increasing that ability, and make the therapy treatment an overall success. In cases of infertility issues, homeopathy often is able to deliver the desirable results,
Further Reading:
Dr Nik Omar Method of Treating Infertility Through Homeopathy
get Your baby Through Homeopathy
Naturopathic methods
There is a strong school of thought that says, natural supplements can help a person to recover on his/her own. The actual application of this treatment method is called naturopathy. Developed in the 19th century, it is also called the method of using Natural Medicines. The overall balance and equilibrium state can often be disrupted by a wrong choice of lifestyle. This overall body balance can be recovered via naturopathy, which already has shown good results in treating infertility. In fact, even in cases where antibiotics do not work, a simple mud bath can eliminate the problem,
Aromatherapy techniques
Aromatherapy involves the usage of various essential (and often, fragrant) oils for massaging on the body. The tissues of the cell can effectively absorb these oils. As a result, the latter can come into contact with the bloodstream of the human body. From there, the oils can be taken to the reproductive human organs. The lost vitality of these organs can be regained by aromatherapy. As such, it is effective in treating infertility, and
Holistic treatment methods
The search for alternative treatment for infertility is at an all-time high, due to the low chances of success of the conventional treatment methods. The latter come with many negative side effects as well. On the other hand, holistic treatment methods detect the root cause of the problems and then try to eliminate them by using Chinese medicines, herbs, and suggesting lifestyle changes and/or acupuncture methods. Adopting a balanced diet regime is also a crucial aspect of these treatment methods. The success rate of these holistic treatment methods are generally found to be on the higher side as well.
Lisa Olson is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Pregnancy Miracle – A Unique Three Step Holistic System for Beating Infertility and Getting Pregnant Quickly and Naturally". Lisa has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
Konsep Perawatan Perubatan Alternatif
Konsep rawatan alternatif berbeza antara satu sama lain, namun matlamatnya hampir sama. Ada sistem yang mempunyai konsep yang jelas dan ada yang samar-samar. namun jika digabungkan konsep perubatan ini, ia boleh memberi kebaikan 'banyak' kepada pesakit.
Perubatan Integrasi ialah gabungan antara dua atau tiga konsep perubatan, umpamanya perubatan islam jika digabungkan denga ubat-ubat barat akan member penyembuhan yang menajubkan. begitu juga jika ubat homeopati digunakan dari dalam dan dari luar digunakan perubatan Islam seperti doa-doa denga ayat suci akan lebih cepat sembuh kerana ia menyakinkan pesakit dan mendapat Rahmat dari Allah kerana berdoa.
Perubatan Homeopathy dan Akupunktur juga salah satu kaedah perubatan intergasi, begitu juga Perubatan Melau dan Islam, danb lain-lain.
Read about the various forms of alternative treatment like acupuncture, homeopathy and other holistic methods used for the treatment of infertility.
In the present day scenario of frequent failures of the conventional methods of treatment, many people are going for alternative treatment for infertility related problems. Infertility can effectively be cured by alternative treatment methods. However, the rate of success of the conventional treatment methods is often rather low, and the risks of suffering from the adverse side effects of these techniques. These methods of treatment also often come at a rather high price tag. Thus, over time, the popularity of different methods of alternative treatment for infertility issues is consistently increasing.
There are certain typical ways adopted in the alternative treatment for infertility problems. These ways include:
• Acupuncture methods,
• Application of Chinese medicines,
• Usage of herbs,
• Homeopathic medicines,
• Naturopathic methods,
• Aromatherapy techniques
Acupuncture Methods
The media and the press started shifting their attention to the techniques of acupuncture only since the decade of the 1970s. Hence, this is a relatively new method of treatment in the Western countries, although it was in use since long periods in the past in China (over many centuries). At certain specified acupuncture points, sterilized acupuncture needles are inserted in the body. This technique is also used to relieve pains. Asthma, alcohol consumption and other related health issues can also be eliminated by acupuncture. Ears, wrists, abdomen, legs, the back and the feet are all suitable points of acupuncture methods, which can get rid of infertility,
Application of Chinese medicines
The Traditional Chinese Medicine system (TCM) is an age-old one, dating back up till the period of 200 BC to around 100 AD. Taoism, the basic Chinese philosophy, uses balance, moderation and harmonizing methods as its major features. These features also form the main cornerstone of these medicines. Several factors, including the span of the menstruation cycle, other past menstrual problems, any pains (acute or otherwise) that might be experienced, along with other relevant features are all taken into account by TCM, as the latter tries to detect the infertility problems. Stagnation of a person’s blood flow, energy levels, basic physical weaknesses, excess emotional stresses on the mind, anxiousness, proneness to cold attacks while having periods as well as all other basic diseases are examined in detail by TCM. These studies help a lot in the detection of the probable causes of infertility,
Usage of herbs
Instead of using medicated, processed forms of herbs, currently, more focus is placed on the usage of these herbs in their raw form. The technique of herbal treatment of infertility is however, nothing new. The benefits and the effectiveness of the herbs increases manifold when they are used in their original states, and can aid a person in his/her efforts to recover on his/her own. The therapeutic benefits of these herbs are indeed large. For the purpose of regaining fertility for a person who has become infertile, herbal treatment is an ideal solution,
Homeopathic medicines
Plants, animal essences and minerals can be used, in diluted forms, are often used in preparing medications that would be able to treat infertility. This alternative treatment for infertility is called homeopathic treatment. Being therapeutic in nature, these medicines are of immense effectiveness. Every person has an innate ability to recover his/her own fertility. Homeopathy methods try to help persons in increasing that ability, and make the therapy treatment an overall success. In cases of infertility issues, homeopathy often is able to deliver the desirable results,
Further Reading:
Dr Nik Omar Method of Treating Infertility Through Homeopathy
get Your baby Through Homeopathy
Naturopathic methods
There is a strong school of thought that says, natural supplements can help a person to recover on his/her own. The actual application of this treatment method is called naturopathy. Developed in the 19th century, it is also called the method of using Natural Medicines. The overall balance and equilibrium state can often be disrupted by a wrong choice of lifestyle. This overall body balance can be recovered via naturopathy, which already has shown good results in treating infertility. In fact, even in cases where antibiotics do not work, a simple mud bath can eliminate the problem,
Aromatherapy techniques
Aromatherapy involves the usage of various essential (and often, fragrant) oils for massaging on the body. The tissues of the cell can effectively absorb these oils. As a result, the latter can come into contact with the bloodstream of the human body. From there, the oils can be taken to the reproductive human organs. The lost vitality of these organs can be regained by aromatherapy. As such, it is effective in treating infertility, and
Holistic treatment methods
The search for alternative treatment for infertility is at an all-time high, due to the low chances of success of the conventional treatment methods. The latter come with many negative side effects as well. On the other hand, holistic treatment methods detect the root cause of the problems and then try to eliminate them by using Chinese medicines, herbs, and suggesting lifestyle changes and/or acupuncture methods. Adopting a balanced diet regime is also a crucial aspect of these treatment methods. The success rate of these holistic treatment methods are generally found to be on the higher side as well.
Lisa Olson is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Pregnancy Miracle – A Unique Three Step Holistic System for Beating Infertility and Getting Pregnant Quickly and Naturally". Lisa has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
Konsep Perawatan Perubatan Alternatif
Konsep rawatan alternatif berbeza antara satu sama lain, namun matlamatnya hampir sama. Ada sistem yang mempunyai konsep yang jelas dan ada yang samar-samar. namun jika digabungkan konsep perubatan ini, ia boleh memberi kebaikan 'banyak' kepada pesakit.
Perubatan Integrasi ialah gabungan antara dua atau tiga konsep perubatan, umpamanya perubatan islam jika digabungkan denga ubat-ubat barat akan member penyembuhan yang menajubkan. begitu juga jika ubat homeopati digunakan dari dalam dan dari luar digunakan perubatan Islam seperti doa-doa denga ayat suci akan lebih cepat sembuh kerana ia menyakinkan pesakit dan mendapat Rahmat dari Allah kerana berdoa.
Perubatan Homeopathy dan Akupunktur juga salah satu kaedah perubatan intergasi, begitu juga Perubatan Melau dan Islam, danb lain-lain.
Kebaikan Perubatan Islam
Chronic Headache & Acupuncture Treatment
Reviews support acupuncture for chronic headache
Last Updated: 2009-01-21 9:43:31 -0400 (Reuters Health)
By Amy Norton
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who need relief from frequent migraines or tension headaches may find some help from acupuncture, two new research reviews suggest.
The reviews, published in the Cochrane Library, pulled together results from 32 clinical trials of using acupuncture to relieve migraine pain or chronic tension-type headaches.
In general, researchers found, migraine patients tended to fare better when acupuncture was added to their standard care, which usually consisted of medication to treat acute migraine attacks.
Overall, 47 percent of patients who had acupuncture added to their care said their number of headache days dropped by half. That compared with 16 percent of those who stayed with standard care alone.
And in four clinical trials that compared acupuncture with drugs used to prevent migraines, acupuncture patients tended to have fewer headaches and fewer side effects.
Similarly, the researchers found that acupuncture cut the frequency of tension headaches -- the common form of headache that, in some people, can cause debilitating pain.
Collectively, the findings show that acupuncture is "an option" for people with frequent migraines or tension headaches, lead researcher Dr. Klaus Linde, of the Technical University of Munich in Germany, told Reuters Health.
"The available findings suggest that the effects can be stable for up to 6 to 12 months," he noted, adding that there have not yet been any well-controlled studies looking beyond that time period.
Acupuncture has been used for more than 2,000 years in Chinese medicine to treat a wide variety of ailments. According to traditional medicine, specific acupuncture points on the skin are connected to internal pathways that conduct energy, or qi ("chee"), and stimulating these points with a fine needle promotes the healthy flow of qi.
Modern research has suggested that acupuncture may help ease pain by altering signals among nerve cells or affecting the release of various chemicals of the central nervous system.
In their review, Linde and his colleagues found that "true" acupuncture using traditional points on the skin was no more effective for migraine pain than "placebo" versions of the procedure -- using blunt needles that do not pierce the skin, for example, or needling non-acupuncture points on the skin.
"Skeptics," Linde said, might consider this to be a sign that acupuncture works only by placebo effect -- that is, patients think their pain is better because they've received the therapy. But, he added, the fact that acupuncture bested preventive drugs in some trials suggests otherwise.
"So it is effective," Linde said, "but other mechanisms besides correct location of needles seem to have a major role."
SOURCE: Cochrane Library, online January 21, 2009.
Last Updated: 2009-01-21 9:43:31 -0400 (Reuters Health)
By Amy Norton
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who need relief from frequent migraines or tension headaches may find some help from acupuncture, two new research reviews suggest.
The reviews, published in the Cochrane Library, pulled together results from 32 clinical trials of using acupuncture to relieve migraine pain or chronic tension-type headaches.
In general, researchers found, migraine patients tended to fare better when acupuncture was added to their standard care, which usually consisted of medication to treat acute migraine attacks.
Overall, 47 percent of patients who had acupuncture added to their care said their number of headache days dropped by half. That compared with 16 percent of those who stayed with standard care alone.
And in four clinical trials that compared acupuncture with drugs used to prevent migraines, acupuncture patients tended to have fewer headaches and fewer side effects.
Similarly, the researchers found that acupuncture cut the frequency of tension headaches -- the common form of headache that, in some people, can cause debilitating pain.
Collectively, the findings show that acupuncture is "an option" for people with frequent migraines or tension headaches, lead researcher Dr. Klaus Linde, of the Technical University of Munich in Germany, told Reuters Health.
"The available findings suggest that the effects can be stable for up to 6 to 12 months," he noted, adding that there have not yet been any well-controlled studies looking beyond that time period.
Acupuncture has been used for more than 2,000 years in Chinese medicine to treat a wide variety of ailments. According to traditional medicine, specific acupuncture points on the skin are connected to internal pathways that conduct energy, or qi ("chee"), and stimulating these points with a fine needle promotes the healthy flow of qi.
Modern research has suggested that acupuncture may help ease pain by altering signals among nerve cells or affecting the release of various chemicals of the central nervous system.
In their review, Linde and his colleagues found that "true" acupuncture using traditional points on the skin was no more effective for migraine pain than "placebo" versions of the procedure -- using blunt needles that do not pierce the skin, for example, or needling non-acupuncture points on the skin.
"Skeptics," Linde said, might consider this to be a sign that acupuncture works only by placebo effect -- that is, patients think their pain is better because they've received the therapy. But, he added, the fact that acupuncture bested preventive drugs in some trials suggests otherwise.
"So it is effective," Linde said, "but other mechanisms besides correct location of needles seem to have a major role."
SOURCE: Cochrane Library, online January 21, 2009.
Bahasa Melayu:***
Kini Rawatan Akupunktur bukan lagi menjadi milek kaum China sahaja, malah akupunktur telah pun menjadi sebahagian dari amalan perubatan global. Di kalangan orang-orang melayu Perubatan Akupunktur ini banyak dipelupuri oleh Prof dr Nik Omar, Dr Mohd Nasir, Dr Faridah, Zaharah, Nik Fairuz, Nik Badrul, Alaniah Zain dan lain-lain.
Untuk mendapatkan maklumat dimana terdapat ahli-ahli akupunktur ini, sila layari laman
Health For All - Slogan WHO
Berjaya Mendapat Anak melalui Kaedah Homeopathy

Buat Dr Nik dan Dr Faridah,saya dan suami ( S & K) merupakan pesakit doktor yang memulakan rawatan kesuburan di klinik doktor pada tahun 2006. Pada tahun tersebut juga saya akhirnya mengandung tetapi ketika kandungan saya berusia 16 mgu,saya keguguran. Kemudian saya teruskan dengan pengambilan ubat seperti biasa,dan selepas 3 bulan saya mengandung kali kedua. Sekali lagi ketika kandungan saya berusia 12, saya keguguran.
Selepas berehat selama setahun, kami suami isteri memulakan semula rawatan dengan ubat doktor dan akhirnye saya mengandung untuk kali ketiga.
Disebabkan saya pernah keguguran sebanyak 2 kali jadi untuk kandungan yang ketiga saya terpaksa mendapatkan rawatan susulan di hospital berdekatan di mana kandungan saya perlu dipantau setiap bulan.Akhirnya selepas 9 bulan saya selamat melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan seberat 3.77kg pada 18.1.2009.
Saya dan suami sangat2 berterima kasih dengan doktor suami isteri, kerana doktor pakar sendiri telah sarankan saya supaya melakukan IVF kerana peratus untuk saya mengandung hampir tiada. Tetapi akhirnya dengan izin Allah s.w.t dan keberkesanan ubat dari klinik doktor saya berhasil mengandung. Di sini saya sertakan gambar anak perempuan kami. Sekali lagi kami ucapkan terima kasih dan saya juga telah syorkan klinik doktor pada kawan2 saya mempunyai masalah yang sama. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki doktor suami isteri.
Tahniah dan terima kasih kembali, Kami hanyalah sekadar Ikhtiar, Allah yang memberi rezeki kepada anda.
Untuk mendapat aanak kedua, saya masih bersedia untuk membantu anda, sila lah datang bila-bila masa.
Jangan Lupa laman ini untuk rujukan tuan/puan nanti: atau
Teks Ucapan Menteri Kesihatan Malaysia Untuk Persidangan Homeopathy Terbesar di Asia Tahun 2009

Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia sejak ditubuhkan pada tahun 1984 telah menjaya menaikkan nama Negara Kita di Taraf Antarabangsa dalam Bidang Perubatan TCM dan Homeopathy dengan mengajurkan lebih dari 28 Persidangan Tahunan di Malaysia dan 10 Persidangan Antarabangsa.
Persidangan pertama: 1981, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2006, 2009
Tahun ini Pada 4 - 5 Oktober 2009 sekali lagi Liga Perubatan Homeopathy Asia dari 20 Keahlian Anggota telah memilih Malaysia sebagai Pusat Persidangan Homeopathy kali ke 18 yang akan diadakan di Kuala Lumpur.
Syabas, atas daya usaha Persatuan pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia dibawah kepimpinan Prof Dr Nik Omar, Negara kita maju setapak ke hadapan dalam bidang perubatan Homeopathy - Syabas !!
Dari Meja Setiausaha agong MRHP Malaysia.
Untuk keterangan lanjut tentang Persidangan Ini , sila layari
Pusat Perubatan Homeopathy Dr Nik Omar Menjadi Pilihan Pelajar Tempatan

Sejak 20 tahun yang silam hingga kini, Pusat Perubatan Homeopathy Dr Nik Omar telah menjadi Pusat Rujukan dan Latihan Bagi pelajar-pelajar IPTA dan IPTS untuk membuat kajian , analisa dan assigment mereka.
Pelajar dari Universiti UITM, UM, UKM, USM, UUM hampir setiap bulan ada saja yang datang membuat kajian mereka.
Kita sentiasa bersedia untuk memberi kerjasama agar pelajar-pelajar ini terdedah dengan cara dan kaedah rawatah perubatan laternatif.
Terbaru , pada minggu lepas 5 pelajar dari UM dan 7 pelajar dari UKM telah datahg membuat kajian mereka dengan jayanya.
Rawatan H1N1 - Kuatkan Immun Sistem
Flu Babi, H1N1 kian menular dinegara kita.
Jika anda atau keluarga anda mengalami gejala-gejala
Demam, batuk-batuk, selsema, badan rasa tidak sedap.
Dapatkan terus rawatan dimana-mana hospital yang terdekat.
Amalan Pencegahan:
Jaga badan agar sentiasa sihat: Makan makanan yang berzat, makan vitamin secekupnya, bersihkan tangan sebelum makan.
Elak berada di tempat awam atau tempat-tempat sibuk.
Makan ubat-ubat pencegahan lebih baik dari merawat
Preventive Is Better Than Cure.
Daripada Tidak Makan Apa-Apa Ubat, Lebih Baik makan Ubat Homeopati
Untuk Pencegahan.
Pusat Perubatan Homeopathy Nik Omar dan Rangkaian Klinik di bawah Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia sedang menjalankan Pengalaman Merawat Pesakit Dengan cara Dan kaedah Perubatan Homeopathy & Komplementary dan usaha-usaha yang kami lakukan adalah selaras dengan Dasar-Dasar Kerajaan Untuk Membangun Negara Kita Dengan memberi Keutamaan Kesihatan Kepada semua, Agar Penduduk Malaysia menjadi lebih sihat dan jati diri untuk memajukan Negara menjadi 1Malaysia Merdeka !!
Maju Dan Makmur.
Sihat bersama Homeopati, Cegah Sebelum Kena.
Jangan Terlambat, Agar Tdak Menyesal Di Kemudian Hari
Jika anda atau keluarga anda mengalami gejala-gejala
Demam, batuk-batuk, selsema, badan rasa tidak sedap.
Dapatkan terus rawatan dimana-mana hospital yang terdekat.
Amalan Pencegahan:
Jaga badan agar sentiasa sihat: Makan makanan yang berzat, makan vitamin secekupnya, bersihkan tangan sebelum makan.
Elak berada di tempat awam atau tempat-tempat sibuk.
Makan ubat-ubat pencegahan lebih baik dari merawat
Preventive Is Better Than Cure.
Daripada Tidak Makan Apa-Apa Ubat, Lebih Baik makan Ubat Homeopati
Untuk Pencegahan.
Pusat Perubatan Homeopathy Nik Omar dan Rangkaian Klinik di bawah Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia sedang menjalankan Pengalaman Merawat Pesakit Dengan cara Dan kaedah Perubatan Homeopathy & Komplementary dan usaha-usaha yang kami lakukan adalah selaras dengan Dasar-Dasar Kerajaan Untuk Membangun Negara Kita Dengan memberi Keutamaan Kesihatan Kepada semua, Agar Penduduk Malaysia menjadi lebih sihat dan jati diri untuk memajukan Negara menjadi 1Malaysia Merdeka !!
Maju Dan Makmur.
Sihat bersama Homeopati, Cegah Sebelum Kena.
Jangan Terlambat, Agar Tdak Menyesal Di Kemudian Hari
Bekam Sunnah Rasulullah saw

Bekam hendaklah diletakkan dibawah Perundangan Islam, sebab Bekam Cara rasululullah saw, bukanlah milik orang-orang Barat.
Bekam Ini cara Nabi - Bekam Sebahagian Amalan Nabi, Bekam Jangan cuba dipengaruhi oleh orang-orang berfikiran Barat atau Yahudi.
Orang-orang barat akan melebalkan bekam sebagai tidak sempurna
jangan diusik bekam Cara Islam. Hanya orang kafir akan menyusahkan amalan orang Islam !!
Sejarah Perjuangan Homeopathy & TCM di Malaysia

Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia telah berjuang selama 30 tahun untuk membangun Homeopathy di bumi Malaysia. Tidak ada siapa yang boleh menafikannya.
Walaupun masih ada segelintir ahli baru yang tidak tahu sejarah homeopathy di Malaysia . Anda harus ikuti dalam laman
Soalan Rawatan Buah Pinggang
Yang hurmat Tuan Dr Nik Omar,
Saya ingin bertanya kepada Dr. berkenaan perubatan Homeopathy ni. Ayah saya bebaru ni telah admitted di hospital disebabkab tersedu yang terlalu kerap sehingga boleh menyebabkan sesak nafas. Saya ada melihat yang muka dan kaki ayah saya bengkak-bengkak. Disebabkan itu saya menyangkakan ianya berpunca daripada masalah buah pinggang. Hasil telitian awal Dr. di hospital, kemungkinan besar ayah saya ada Renal Failure. Ada doktor yang mengatakan kemungkinan lagi 3 atau 4 bulan ayah saya memerlukan dialisis untuk mencuci darah. Ada juga doktor yang mengatakan ayah saya tidak lagi memerlukan dialisis buat masa ini. So, sebagai langkah-langkah awal, saya ingin mendapat maklumat yang lebih berkenaan rawatan homeopathy ini.
Saya ingin bertanya kepada Dr. berkenaan perubatan Homeopathy ni. Ayah saya bebaru ni telah admitted di hospital disebabkab tersedu yang terlalu kerap sehingga boleh menyebabkan sesak nafas. Saya ada melihat yang muka dan kaki ayah saya bengkak-bengkak. Disebabkan itu saya menyangkakan ianya berpunca daripada masalah buah pinggang. Hasil telitian awal Dr. di hospital, kemungkinan besar ayah saya ada Renal Failure. Ada doktor yang mengatakan kemungkinan lagi 3 atau 4 bulan ayah saya memerlukan dialisis untuk mencuci darah. Ada juga doktor yang mengatakan ayah saya tidak lagi memerlukan dialisis buat masa ini. So, sebagai langkah-langkah awal, saya ingin mendapat maklumat yang lebih berkenaan rawatan homeopathy ini.
1. Dialisis atau cuci buah pinggang adalah salah satu cara terbaik yang diamalkan hari ini dikebanyakan hospital-hospital di Malaysia dan juga di dunia.
2. Jika ditakhdirkan ayah puan terpaksa buat dialysis, maka lakukanlah seperti arahan doktor.
3. Dalam bidang perubatan alternatif seperti homeopati atau akupunktur, kita boleh membantu menurunkan creatine atau protein dan usaha memberi ubat-ubat jika masih belum buat dialysis.
Biasanya kita beri tempuh satu atau dua bulan sahaja, kalau ada penurunan dalam ukuran creatine atau protein dalam empuh tersebut, makan kita boleh teruskan rawatan. Jika tidak, dialysis terpaksa dilakukan jua.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Kursus Homeopathy Untuk Suri Rumah

Kursus Intesnsif Perubatan Homeopathy
Untuk Suri Rumah
Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia
Centre for Continuing Education
• Kursus Hujung Minggu di 118 Jalan Raja Laut, Kl
• di KUALA LUMPUR Setiap hari Ahad Jam 3.00 – 5.00 ptg
* di KELANTAN setiap Jumaat 3.00 - 5.00 ptg
• Pendafatran : Terbuka Sekarang
• 3 kali sebulan - Lama Kursus 10 Bulan.
• Yuran Pendaftaran: RM 150.00
• Yuran Bulanan RM 100.00 untuk satu bulan
• Jumlah Bayaran 100x 10 bulan = RM 1,000.00 sahaja
• Kursus akan dimulakan pada 5 July 2009
• Akan diberi Sijil untuk orang yang tamat pengajian.
Apa Yang Akan diajarkan:
1. Asas Perubatan Homeopathy- Sejarah Homeopathy-Sejarah Samuel Hahnemann 3 lecture [ 6 jam]
2. Prinsip Asas - Law of Similar 3 lecture [ 6 jam]
3. materia Medica 10 remedies 3 lecture [ 6 jam]
4. Homeopathic Pharmacy 3 lecture [ 6 jam ]
5. Case Taking 3 lecture [ 6 jam]
6. Klinikal 3 lecture [ 6 jam ]
7. anatomy 3 lecture [ 6 jam ]
8. physiology 3 lecture [ 6 jam ]
9. Potensi dan kekuata ubat 3 lecture [ 6 jam]
10. Materia medica Comparision 3 lecture [ 6 jam ]
Jumlah 30 lecture [ 60 jam ]
Orang Yang berminat sila hubungi:-
Sila hubungi:
Presiden ( U.P. Prof Dr Nik Omar )
Persatuan Pengamal perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia
Tel: 019 9401915
Syarat & Deklarasi Penerimaa Tawaran.
Saya ingin menyertai program yang ditawarkan iaitu Kursus Intensif Perubatan Homeopathy anjuran bersama Fakulti Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia dan Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia unit Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan ( Centre of Continuing Education). MRHPCCed
Saya faham bahawa program ini diadakan khusus untuk surirumah dan orang awam yang ingin memperkayakan pegetahuan dan meningkatkan kemahiran diri dalam perubatan traditional ,alternatif dan komplementari (T/CM )
Saya faham bahawa program pengajian ini diadakan tidak tersenarai dalam program yang diktiraf oleh mana-mana JPA, Kementerian Kesihatan atau mana-mana badan kerajaan atau badan profesional kecuali diiktiraf oleh Persatuan pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia.
Tujuannya ialah untuk memperlengkapkan diri peserta untuk mengetahui first aid atau asas-asas perubatan altenatif untuk memberi pertulongan pertama sewaktu berlaku kecemasan dalam keluarga, merawat anak-anak dirumah dengan menggunakan ubat-ubat homeopati, juga merawat kawan-kawan yang terdekat dengan ubat-ubat homeopati
Program ini tidak melayakkan anda membuka kelinik atau untuk menjadi doktor homeopati, kecuali anda diterima masuk untuk meneruskan pengajian anda hingga ke peringkat Diploma ( 2 tahun) Ijazah ( 4 tahun kursus ) atau sarjana ( 5 tahun) yang ditawarkan oleh mana-mana institusi Pengajian Homeopathy di Malaysia atau diluar negara.
Jika saya diterima mengikuti program ini, saya bersetuju bahawa MRHPCCed berhak menarik balik dan menamatkan pengajian saya pada bila-bila masa tanpa memberi sebarang alasan. Saya bersetujui mematuhi dan disiplin pengajian perubatan homeopati anjuran persatuan ini.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Rawatan Demam Dalam Homeopathy
Ubat Deman bagi kedoktoran biasa atau allopati ialah Pacacetamol atau Panadol (KK)
Namun dalam homeopathy, deman akan dirawat mengikut gejala penyakit.
Homeopathy Mempunyai spesifik ubat setiap jenis demam.
Sebagai contoh:
Demam Biasa - normal fever : Aconite, Ferrum Phos
Demam Panas: Belledonna, Nux Vom
Deman Malarsia - China Off
Deman Dinggi - Dengue - Baptisia, Eparium Perf.
Demam Banjir : Gelsemium
Deman Kerana Sedih - Ingnatia, Hyos.
Namun dalam homeopathy, deman akan dirawat mengikut gejala penyakit.
Homeopathy Mempunyai spesifik ubat setiap jenis demam.
Sebagai contoh:
Demam Biasa - normal fever : Aconite, Ferrum Phos
Demam Panas: Belledonna, Nux Vom
Deman Malarsia - China Off
Deman Dinggi - Dengue - Baptisia, Eparium Perf.
Demam Banjir : Gelsemium
Deman Kerana Sedih - Ingnatia, Hyos.
Masalah Luka @ Kudis @ Wounds
Masalah Kudis Lama, luka lama atau old wounds
yang tidak mahu sembuh-sembuh.
Ubat-ubat Homeopati amat sesuai digunakan dalam merawat kes-kes luka lama atau kudis lama, tidak kira sebab apa, asalkan kudis yang tidak mahu sembuh-sembuh.
Parut Bekas Luka, sentiasa sakit: Ars Alb., Bryonia, Calendula
Kudis Lama tidak amuh sembuh : Merc Cor., Silicea., Hepar Sulp., Sulph.
Kudis kerana kena paku karat, sakit: Hypericum.. Arnica
Kudis Kerana kena sembilu: Silicea, Arnica, Rhus Tox
Kudis Kencing Manis, sukar sembuh: Hepar Sulph., Silcea., Sulph., Acid Phos
Kudis Kesan Penyakit Kelamin: Syphilinum, Medorrhinum, Merc Cor., Thuja
Kudis Bernanah: Merc Sol., Silicea., Nat Mur., Kali Sulph.
Kudis atau luka akibat dati gigitan haiwan atau serangga: Phos., Thuja, Sulph.
Kudis kerana terkena racun: Ars Alb., Kresosote., Hydratis
Untuk Menghilangkan Parut Luka: Silicea, Kali Sukph.
yang tidak mahu sembuh-sembuh.
Ubat-ubat Homeopati amat sesuai digunakan dalam merawat kes-kes luka lama atau kudis lama, tidak kira sebab apa, asalkan kudis yang tidak mahu sembuh-sembuh.
Parut Bekas Luka, sentiasa sakit: Ars Alb., Bryonia, Calendula
Kudis Lama tidak amuh sembuh : Merc Cor., Silicea., Hepar Sulp., Sulph.
Kudis kerana kena paku karat, sakit: Hypericum.. Arnica
Kudis Kerana kena sembilu: Silicea, Arnica, Rhus Tox
Kudis Kencing Manis, sukar sembuh: Hepar Sulph., Silcea., Sulph., Acid Phos
Kudis Kesan Penyakit Kelamin: Syphilinum, Medorrhinum, Merc Cor., Thuja
Kudis Bernanah: Merc Sol., Silicea., Nat Mur., Kali Sulph.
Kudis atau luka akibat dati gigitan haiwan atau serangga: Phos., Thuja, Sulph.
Kudis kerana terkena racun: Ars Alb., Kresosote., Hydratis
Untuk Menghilangkan Parut Luka: Silicea, Kali Sukph.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Doktor Yang Tahu Segala-galanya, Akhirnya Tidak Tahu Apa-Apa
Berikut adalah petikan satu wawancara yang dirakam oleh seorang wartawan di Belgium yang menemu ramah Dr Luc, dari Belgium.
[ Dr Luc adalah seorang doktor berkelulusan MD, doktor biasa, tetapi kini telah menukar profesionnya 100% kepada 'Pengamal Perubatan Homopathy' di Belgium'
Wartawan [ W] : Bolehkah saya menemu ramah anda ?
Dr Luc: Silakan, saya bersedia.
W: Kenapa anda memileh homeopathy sebagai kerjaya anda ?
Dr Luc: Saya adalah berkelulsan doktor bedah atau MD dari seorang kolej perubatan di Belgium. Setelah saya lulus ilmu kedoktoran, saya amat berbangga menjadi seorang doktor yang cukup terlatih dan saya beranggap saya seorang yang bijak, kerana telah lulus kedoktoran. Saya beranggap ilmu saya melebihi segala yang patut saya ketahui.
Namun setelah dua tahun saya praktik sebagai doktor MD disebuah hospital kerajaan, saya mula merasa kecewa kerana banyak kes yang tidak dapat saya sembuhkan melalui perubatan yang saya amalkan. Saya ingat saya tahu segala-galanya dalam perubatan, saya seorang yang bijak, namun disini baru saya tahu, bahawa saya sebenarnya tidak tahu apa-apa untuk merawat kes-kes begini
Kes 1: Seorang budak perempuan berusia 15 tahun, datang menemui saya kerana sakit kepala yang kronik. Puas saya memberi ubat pain killer, namun penyakitnya tidak juga baik-baik. Akhirnya saya tidak tahu apa yang harus saya lakukan.
Kes 2: Seorang wanita berusia 35 tahun datang menemui saya kerana mengalami allergik, bersing, gatal-gatal badan, ketat hidung setiap kali perubahan cuaca [ pada hal di Belgium kita boleh mengalami 3 kali perubahan cuaca dalam satu hari, memang begini cuaca di Belgium] Puas saya memberi ubat seperti anti histime dan akhirnya streiod, namun, tidak juga boleh meyembuhkan penyakitnya, saya amat kecewa.
Kes 3: Seorang kanak-kanak yang berusia 7 tahun datang menemui saya untuk meminta ubat untuk berhentikan kencing malam - bed wetting. Pada usia seawal 1 tahun hingga 7 tahun, kanak-kanak ini masih lagi mengalami kencing malam yang berterusan. Saya memberi bermacam ubat allopati, namun masalah tidak dapat diselesaikan. Sekali lagi saya kecewa
Akhirnya setelah 5 tahun saya menjadi doktor biasa, saya mula mencari-cari perubtann alternatif dan saya mula membaca buku-buku homeopati, semakin hari semakin yakin, bahawa inilah perubatan untuk saya, inilah satu perubatan yang benar-benar perubatan untuk saya mengamalkannya. Saya mula belajar homeoati dengan seorang doktor homeopati terkenal di Belgium dan Germany, akhirnya saya menjadi doktor homeopati hingga hari ini dan banyak kes-kes yang tidak boleh dirawat oleh perubatan biasa kini dapat saya selesaikan dengan mudah mengikut cara homeopati.
Pada hari ini, saya masih mendoakan agar pesakit saya dalam kes No.1 datang balik berjumpa saya kerana kini saya sudah menemui ubat untuk chronic migrine atau chronic headache dalam homeopati yang banyak sudah disembuhkan melalui homeopati iaitu Belladonna, Nux Vomica atau Chamomilla.
Untuk Kes 2: Saya kini sudah mempunyai ubat homeopati yang amat sesuai untuk allergic iaitu Dulcamara atau Drosera dan untuk
Kes 3: Saya juga mempunyai beberapa ubat homeopati yang baik untuk merawat kes-kes kencing malam atau bed wetting dengan menggunakan ubat Acid Benz atau Lyco. Dimana saat ini telah ramai kanak-kanak yang mengalami masalah ini sayatelah selesaikan dengan ubat-ubat homeopati.
Kini Dr Luc bukan sahaja mempunyai ijazah MD malah beliau juga mempunyai Diploma in Homeopathy dan Diploma in Acupuncture.
Hal yang sama berlaku kepada doktor-doktor terdahulu seperti Dr Samuel hahnemann, Dr Hering, Dr Kent, Dr Jousset, Dr Boericke, Dr Nash., Dr Boger dan 80,000 lagi doktor-doktor dari seluruh dunia yang bertukar profesion mereka dari doktor biasa kepada doktor homeopati - Allahu Akhbar !!
Di India sahaja terdapat lebih dari 500,000 orang pengamal homeopati diseluroh India.
Hanya orang yang bijak memilih homeopati.
Orang yang menentang homeopati, mungkin orang yang cetek fikirannya. Selalunya orang yang cetek atau sempit fikirannya, begitu....
Akan disambung semula. Lain-lain Info lihat laman ini
[ Dr Luc adalah seorang doktor berkelulusan MD, doktor biasa, tetapi kini telah menukar profesionnya 100% kepada 'Pengamal Perubatan Homopathy' di Belgium'
Wartawan [ W] : Bolehkah saya menemu ramah anda ?
Dr Luc: Silakan, saya bersedia.
W: Kenapa anda memileh homeopathy sebagai kerjaya anda ?
Dr Luc: Saya adalah berkelulsan doktor bedah atau MD dari seorang kolej perubatan di Belgium. Setelah saya lulus ilmu kedoktoran, saya amat berbangga menjadi seorang doktor yang cukup terlatih dan saya beranggap saya seorang yang bijak, kerana telah lulus kedoktoran. Saya beranggap ilmu saya melebihi segala yang patut saya ketahui.
Namun setelah dua tahun saya praktik sebagai doktor MD disebuah hospital kerajaan, saya mula merasa kecewa kerana banyak kes yang tidak dapat saya sembuhkan melalui perubatan yang saya amalkan. Saya ingat saya tahu segala-galanya dalam perubatan, saya seorang yang bijak, namun disini baru saya tahu, bahawa saya sebenarnya tidak tahu apa-apa untuk merawat kes-kes begini
Kes 1: Seorang budak perempuan berusia 15 tahun, datang menemui saya kerana sakit kepala yang kronik. Puas saya memberi ubat pain killer, namun penyakitnya tidak juga baik-baik. Akhirnya saya tidak tahu apa yang harus saya lakukan.
Kes 2: Seorang wanita berusia 35 tahun datang menemui saya kerana mengalami allergik, bersing, gatal-gatal badan, ketat hidung setiap kali perubahan cuaca [ pada hal di Belgium kita boleh mengalami 3 kali perubahan cuaca dalam satu hari, memang begini cuaca di Belgium] Puas saya memberi ubat seperti anti histime dan akhirnya streiod, namun, tidak juga boleh meyembuhkan penyakitnya, saya amat kecewa.
Kes 3: Seorang kanak-kanak yang berusia 7 tahun datang menemui saya untuk meminta ubat untuk berhentikan kencing malam - bed wetting. Pada usia seawal 1 tahun hingga 7 tahun, kanak-kanak ini masih lagi mengalami kencing malam yang berterusan. Saya memberi bermacam ubat allopati, namun masalah tidak dapat diselesaikan. Sekali lagi saya kecewa
Akhirnya setelah 5 tahun saya menjadi doktor biasa, saya mula mencari-cari perubtann alternatif dan saya mula membaca buku-buku homeopati, semakin hari semakin yakin, bahawa inilah perubatan untuk saya, inilah satu perubatan yang benar-benar perubatan untuk saya mengamalkannya. Saya mula belajar homeoati dengan seorang doktor homeopati terkenal di Belgium dan Germany, akhirnya saya menjadi doktor homeopati hingga hari ini dan banyak kes-kes yang tidak boleh dirawat oleh perubatan biasa kini dapat saya selesaikan dengan mudah mengikut cara homeopati.
Pada hari ini, saya masih mendoakan agar pesakit saya dalam kes No.1 datang balik berjumpa saya kerana kini saya sudah menemui ubat untuk chronic migrine atau chronic headache dalam homeopati yang banyak sudah disembuhkan melalui homeopati iaitu Belladonna, Nux Vomica atau Chamomilla.
Untuk Kes 2: Saya kini sudah mempunyai ubat homeopati yang amat sesuai untuk allergic iaitu Dulcamara atau Drosera dan untuk
Kes 3: Saya juga mempunyai beberapa ubat homeopati yang baik untuk merawat kes-kes kencing malam atau bed wetting dengan menggunakan ubat Acid Benz atau Lyco. Dimana saat ini telah ramai kanak-kanak yang mengalami masalah ini sayatelah selesaikan dengan ubat-ubat homeopati.
Kini Dr Luc bukan sahaja mempunyai ijazah MD malah beliau juga mempunyai Diploma in Homeopathy dan Diploma in Acupuncture.
Hal yang sama berlaku kepada doktor-doktor terdahulu seperti Dr Samuel hahnemann, Dr Hering, Dr Kent, Dr Jousset, Dr Boericke, Dr Nash., Dr Boger dan 80,000 lagi doktor-doktor dari seluruh dunia yang bertukar profesion mereka dari doktor biasa kepada doktor homeopati - Allahu Akhbar !!
Di India sahaja terdapat lebih dari 500,000 orang pengamal homeopati diseluroh India.
Hanya orang yang bijak memilih homeopati.
Orang yang menentang homeopati, mungkin orang yang cetek fikirannya. Selalunya orang yang cetek atau sempit fikirannya, begitu....
Akan disambung semula. Lain-lain Info lihat laman ini
Drug Free Anxiety Relief
Do you know that Homeopathic Medication has many option for Drug Free Anxiety relief
Few Homeopathic remedies which are very helpful are:
Aconite nap., Nux Vom., Ignatia, Hyos., Calc carb., Cham., Puls., Sepia.
Get your supply today from any homeopathic Pharmacy near your place or just come to us.
Few Homeopathic remedies which are very helpful are:
Aconite nap., Nux Vom., Ignatia, Hyos., Calc carb., Cham., Puls., Sepia.
Get your supply today from any homeopathic Pharmacy near your place or just come to us.
Makanlah Ubat Tanpa Dadah
Perubatan Homeopathy mempunyai lebih dari 35 jenis ubat-ubat organik di hasilkan dari bahan=bahan semulajadi untuk merawat kes-kes anxiety, cemas, panic disorder tanpa mengunakan dadah anti depresent.
Ketagihan dadah dari anti depresent boleh merusakkan anda seumur hidup. Jika penyakit anda tidak serius, bertukarlah menggunakan ubat-ubat homeopati, agar anda tidak menjadi ketagihan dengan drugs !
We want a drug free society !
Patients Not Receiving Effective Treatments For Panic Disorder
Panic Disorder
People with panic disorder may not be receiving the treatment they need, with only
19-40% of patients estimated to receive standard care, according to a Seminar in this week's issue of The Lancet.
Panic disorder is a common mental disorder that affects up to 5% of the population at some point in life. People with the disorder have recurrent anxiety attacks and can often have agoraphobia - a fear of having a panic attack in any place. The condition is often disabling and can lead to increased use of health-care, absenteeism from work, and reduced workplace productivity. Certain genetic and lifestyle factors, such as smoking, may increase the risk of the disorder but the exact cause is unclear.
People with panic disorder may not be receiving the treatment they need, with only
19-40% of patients estimated to receive standard care, according to a Seminar in this week's issue of The Lancet.
Panic disorder is a common mental disorder that affects up to 5% of the population at some point in life. People with the disorder have recurrent anxiety attacks and can often have agoraphobia - a fear of having a panic attack in any place. The condition is often disabling and can lead to increased use of health-care, absenteeism from work, and reduced workplace productivity. Certain genetic and lifestyle factors, such as smoking, may increase the risk of the disorder but the exact cause is unclear.
Panik Disorder @ Cemas @ Takut @ Gemuroh
Tahukah anda bahawa panic disorder boleh dirawat secara efektif dengan menggunakan rawatan integrasi iaitu menjalankan 3 terapi serentak:
1. Baca Doa
2. Buat Rawatan akupunktur dan
3. Makan ubat Homeopati
Panic disorder jika anda ke hospital kerajaan atau mana-mana klinik allopati, mereka akan memberi anda ubat anti depresent atau ubat anti kemurongan. Berapa lama harus anda makan ubat tersebut yang merupakan salah satu ubat penenang yang agak kuat [ powerful drugs] Jika anda makan lebih dari 1 atau 2 tahun anda berkemungkinan akan mendapat beberapa kesan sampingan penyakti-penyakit baru, seperti gelisah, tidak tenteram, tidak boleh tidur , lenguh lumpuh dan sebagainya.
Panic diorder dengan gejala cepat takut, cemas, terketar-ketar, berdebar, tidur tidak sempurna, cemas pada semua benda, curiga pada semua orang, was-was, takut pada semua benda, cepat meradang, kemurongan, malah yang lebih teruk hilang nafsu seks.
Rawatan Homeopathy, akupunktur dan Perubatan Islam dengan cara kami adalah paling sesuai untuk anda.
Layari laman kami
Neuralgia Can Be Cured @ Sakit Saraf Muka Boleh Di Rawat
The most distressing and ofetn obtinate affection has its most frequent seat in the nerve of the face. The pain was so severe that the patient cannot tolerate anything. Even cannot touch the painful pain, no fan, no air, cannot talk , cannot smile, cannot eat, very painful.
Using integrated medical approach such as using acupuncture therapy and homeopathic medicine orally, facial neuralgia can be successfdully treated.
We have many successful record of cure of neuralgia.
Sakit Saraf Muka
Rawatan untuk sakit saraf muka memang handal dalam perubatan homeopati dan akupunktur. Jika penyakit tidak serius, rawatan akupunktur dibahagian muka dan kepala dapat meringankan beban kesakitan. Sementara memakan ubat homeopati yang tepat akan cepat menyembuhkan kesakitan kerana neuralgia atau sakit saraf muka.
Stammering @ Gagap Ada Ubat
What is stammering?
The term "stammer" covers a wide range of speaking problems. Those affected may do one or more of the following:
What Is Stammering
-- repeat sounds (s..s..s..supper) or syllables (
-- prolong sounds (ssssssssupper)
-- get stuck on a certain word or sound, so there's a delay in getting the word out (s?upper)
-- avoid certain words and phrases - or abandon them halfway through
-- close their eyes and rush through what they have to say
-- have facial grimaces or tics as they try to speak
-- give up speaking altogether.
Stammering can be cure through homeopathy. We are willing to help your child. Please bring them to our centre at
118 Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur . Call us 03-4042 2020
Apakah gagap
Gagap biasanya berlaku dikalangan kanak-kanak dan tidak diketahui penyebabnya. Namun kenyataannya kanak-kank tidak boleh bercakap dengan betul dan normal seperti orang lain. Selalunya jika ingin disebut sesuatu perkataan, ia akan menjadi gagap . Umpamanya sayur , dia akan kata ss s ss....yur, ma ma mamaaaa kan.
Jangan khuatir, gagap boleh dirawat dengan perubatan homeopathy. Kita bersedia untuk merawat kes-kes gagap dengan jayanya.
The term "stammer" covers a wide range of speaking problems. Those affected may do one or more of the following:
What Is Stammering
-- repeat sounds (s..s..s..supper) or syllables (
-- prolong sounds (ssssssssupper)
-- get stuck on a certain word or sound, so there's a delay in getting the word out (s?upper)
-- avoid certain words and phrases - or abandon them halfway through
-- close their eyes and rush through what they have to say
-- have facial grimaces or tics as they try to speak
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Apakah gagap
Gagap biasanya berlaku dikalangan kanak-kanak dan tidak diketahui penyebabnya. Namun kenyataannya kanak-kank tidak boleh bercakap dengan betul dan normal seperti orang lain. Selalunya jika ingin disebut sesuatu perkataan, ia akan menjadi gagap . Umpamanya sayur , dia akan kata ss s ss....yur, ma ma mamaaaa kan.
Jangan khuatir, gagap boleh dirawat dengan perubatan homeopathy. Kita bersedia untuk merawat kes-kes gagap dengan jayanya.
Rawatan Kesuburan - Rawatan Kemandulan - Dapatkan Anak Cara Homeopathy
Rawatan Homeopathy di Malaysia, Malaysia Destinasi Ubat Homeopati

Tahukah anda bahawa di Rantau ini, tidak ada satu organisasi Homeopati yang besar dan establish, melainkan hanya di Malaysia.
Oleh itu tidak hairan Malaysia menjadi destinasi utama untuk para pesakit diseluruh dunia untuk datang 'berubat' dengan Prof Dr Nik Omar di Malaysia.
Prof Dr Nik Omar. satu-satunya pakar homeopati yang mempunyai pengalaman dalam bidang perubatan homeopati dan akupunktur lebih dari 30 tahun ( Dr Nik Omar berkecimpong dalam homeopathy sejak tahun 1970 - 2009 )
Hampir setiap minggu ada saja pesakit-pesakit dari luar negara yang datang khusus untuk mendapatkan rawatan homeopati dengan Prof Dr Nik Omar di Malaysia.
Antara pesakit luar yang paling ramai datang ialah dari Arab Saudi, Kuwait, UAE, Egypt, Libya, South Afrika, Australia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapura, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh dan lain-lain.
Kursus Perubatan Homeopathy - Pengambilan Pelajar Baru
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Centre of Extension Education in Complementary Medicine lihat laman

Greetings and Welcome!
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Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia sedang mengembangkan ilmu perubatan alternatif di Malaysia. Rebutlah peluang untuk belajar perubatan altenatif dengan Centre fro Extension Education Fakulti Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia dalam bidang
* Perubatan Homeopathy
* Perubatan Akupunktur China
* Perubatan Melayu terutama Bekam
Lihat laman kami
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Kelebihan Ayat Kursi [ Ayat Perlindung ]
Dlm sebuah hadis, ada menyebut perihal seekor syaitan yang duduk di atas
pintu rumah. Tugasnya ialah untuk menanam keraguan di hati suami
terhadap kesetiaan isteri di rumah dan keraguan di hati isteri terhadap
kejujuran suami di luar rumah. Sebab itulah Rasulullah tidak akan masuk rumah
sehingga Baginda mendengar jawaban salam dari isterinya. Di saat itu syaitan akan
lari bersama-sama dengan salam itu.
Hikmat Ayat Al-Kursi mengikut Hadis-hadis:
1) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi bila berbaring di tempat tidurnya,
Allah SWT mewakilkan dua orang Malaikat memeliharanya hingga subuh.
2) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir setiap sembahyang Fardhu,
dia akan berada dalam lindungan Allah SWT hingga sembahyang yang lain.
3) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap sembahyang, dia
akan masuk syurga dan barang siapa membacanya ketika hendak tidur,
Allah SWT akan memelihara rumahnya dan rumah-rumah disekitarnya.
4) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap-tiap shalat fardhu,
Allah SWT menganugerahkan dia setiap hati orang yang bersyukur,
setiap perbuatan orang yang benar, pahala nabi2, serta Allah melimpahkan
rahmat padanya.
5) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi sebelum keluar rumahnya, maka
Allah SWT mengutuskan 70,000 Malaikat kepadanya - mereka semua
memohon keampunan dan mendoakan baginya.
6) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir sembahyang, Allah SWT
akan mengendalikan pengambilan rohnya dan dia adalah seperti orang
yang berperang bersama Nabi Allah sehingga mati syahid.
7) Barang siapa yang membaca ayat Al-Kursi ketika dalam kesempitan
niscaya Allah SWT berkenan memberi pertolongan kepadanya.
Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a., Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda,
'Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat...'
'Utamakan SELAMAT dan SIHAT untuk Dunia-mu, utamakan SOLAT dan ZAKAT
untuk Akhirat-mu'
- Kiriman Dari Shah UPM-
Dlm sebuah hadis, ada menyebut perihal seekor syaitan yang duduk di atas
pintu rumah. Tugasnya ialah untuk menanam keraguan di hati suami
terhadap kesetiaan isteri di rumah dan keraguan di hati isteri terhadap
kejujuran suami di luar rumah. Sebab itulah Rasulullah tidak akan masuk rumah
sehingga Baginda mendengar jawaban salam dari isterinya. Di saat itu syaitan akan
lari bersama-sama dengan salam itu.
Hikmat Ayat Al-Kursi mengikut Hadis-hadis:
1) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi bila berbaring di tempat tidurnya,
Allah SWT mewakilkan dua orang Malaikat memeliharanya hingga subuh.
2) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir setiap sembahyang Fardhu,
dia akan berada dalam lindungan Allah SWT hingga sembahyang yang lain.
3) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap sembahyang, dia
akan masuk syurga dan barang siapa membacanya ketika hendak tidur,
Allah SWT akan memelihara rumahnya dan rumah-rumah disekitarnya.
4) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap-tiap shalat fardhu,
Allah SWT menganugerahkan dia setiap hati orang yang bersyukur,
setiap perbuatan orang yang benar, pahala nabi2, serta Allah melimpahkan
rahmat padanya.
5) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi sebelum keluar rumahnya, maka
Allah SWT mengutuskan 70,000 Malaikat kepadanya - mereka semua
memohon keampunan dan mendoakan baginya.
6) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir sembahyang, Allah SWT
akan mengendalikan pengambilan rohnya dan dia adalah seperti orang
yang berperang bersama Nabi Allah sehingga mati syahid.
7) Barang siapa yang membaca ayat Al-Kursi ketika dalam kesempitan
niscaya Allah SWT berkenan memberi pertolongan kepadanya.
Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a., Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda,
'Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat...'
'Utamakan SELAMAT dan SIHAT untuk Dunia-mu, utamakan SOLAT dan ZAKAT
untuk Akhirat-mu'
- Kiriman Dari Shah UPM-
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Klinik Baru kami di 118 Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-4042 2020
Monday, May 4, 2009
Soal Jawab Tentang Selsema Babi - Swine Flu - Resdung Babi

Questions & Answers
H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) and You
May 3, 2009 3:29 PM ET
What is H1N1 (swine flu)?
H1N1 (referred to as “swine flu” early on) is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. This new virus was first detected in people in April 2009 in the United States. Other countries, including Mexico and Canada, have reported people sick with this new virus. This virus is spreading from person-to-person, probably in much the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses spread.
Why is this new H1N1 virus sometimes called “swine flu”?
This virus was originally referred to as “swine flu” because laboratory testing showed that many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in North America. But further study has shown that this new virus is very different from what normally circulates in North American pigs. It has two genes from flu viruses that normally circulate in pigs in Europe and Asia and avian genes and human genes. Scientists call this a “quadruple reassortant” virus.
Do pigs carry this virus and can I catch this virus from a pig?
At this time, there is no evidence that swine in the United States are infected with this new virus. However, there are flu viruses that commonly cause outbreaks of illness in pigs. Most of the time, these viruses do not infect people, but influenza viruses can spread back and forth between pigs and people.
Are there human infections with this H1N1 virus in the U.S.?
Yes. Cases of human infection with this H1N1 influenza virus were first confirmed in the U.S. in Southern California and near Guadalupe County, Texas. The outbreak intensified rapidly from that time and more and more states have been reporting cases of illness from this virus. An updated case count of confirmed novel H1N1 flu infections in the United States is kept at CDC and local and state health agencies are working together to investigate this situation.
Is this new H1N1 virus contagious?
CDC has determined that this new H1N1 virus is contagious and is spreading from human to human. However, at this time, it is not known how easily the virus spreads between people.
What are the signs and symptoms of this virus in people?
The symptoms of this new influenza A H1N1 virus in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. A significant number of people who have been infected with this virus also have reported diarrhea and vomiting. Also, like seasonal flu, severe illnesses and death has occurred as a result of illness associated with this virus.
How severe is illness associated with this new H1N1 virus?
It’s not known at this time how severe this virus will be in the general population. CDC is studying the medical histories of people who have been infected with this virus to determine whether some people may be at greater risk from infection, serious illness or hospitalization from the virus. In seasonal flu, there are certain people that are at higher risk of serious flu-related complications. This includes young children, pregnant women, people with chronic medical conditions and people 65 and older. It’s unknown at this time whether certain groups of people are at greater risk of serious flu-related complications from infection with this new virus. CDC also is conducting laboratory studies to see if certain people might have natural immunity to this virus, depending on their age.
How does this new H1N1 virus spread?
Spread of this H1N1 virus is thought to be happening in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
Can I get infected with this new H1N1 virus from eating or preparing pork?
No. H1N1 viruses are not spread by food. You cannot get this new HIN1 virus from eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and cooked pork products is safe.
Is there a risk from drinking water?
Tap water that has been treated by conventional disinfection processes does not likely pose a risk for transmission of influenza viruses. Current drinking water treatment regulations provide a high degree of protection from viruses. No research has been completed on the susceptibility of the novel H1N1 flu virus to conventional drinking water treatment processes. However, recent studies have demonstrated that free chlorine levels typically used in drinking water treatment are adequate to inactivate highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza. It is likely that other influenza viruses such as novel H1N1 would also be similarly inactivated by chlorination. To date, there have been no documented human cases of influenza caused by exposure to influenza-contaminated drinking water.
Can the novel H1N1 flu virus be spread through water in swimming pools, spas, water parks, interactive fountains, and other treated recreational water venues?
Recreational water that has been treated at CDC recommended disinfectant levels (1–3 parts per million [ppm or mg/L] for pools and 2–5 ppm for spas) does not likely pose a risk for transmission of influenza viruses. Currently, there are no documented human cases of influenza caused by exposure to influenza-contaminated swimming pool water. No research has been completed on the susceptibility of the novel H1N1 flu virus to chlorine and other disinfectants used in swimming pools, spas, water parks, interactive fountains, and other treated recreational venues. However, recent studies have demonstrated that free chlorine levels recommended by CDC are adequate to disinfect highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus. It is likely that other influenza viruses such as the novel H1N1 flu virus would also be disinfected by these chlorine levels.
Can H1N1 influenza virus be spread at recreational water venues outside of the water?
Yes, recreational water venues are no different than any other group setting. The spread of this novel H1N1 flu is thought to be happening in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
What should I do to keep from getting the flu?
First and most important: wash your hands. Try to stay in good general health. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. Try not to touch surfaces that may be contaminated with the flu virus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Are there medicines to treat infection with this new virus?
Yes. CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with these new influenza A (H1N1) viruses. Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills, liquid or an inhaler) that fight against the flu by keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. If you get sick, antiviral drugs can make your illness milder and make you feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. During the current outbreak, the priority use for influenza antiviral drugs during is to treat severe influenza illness.
How long can an infected person spread this virus to others?
At the current time, CDC believes that this virus has the same properties in terms of spread as seasonal flu viruses. With seasonal flu, studies have shown that people may be contagious from one day before they develop symptoms to up to 7 days after they get sick. Children, especially younger children, might potentially be contagious for longer periods. CDC is studying the virus and its capabilities to try to learn more and will provide more information as it becomes available.
What surfaces are most likely to be sources of contamination?
Germs can be spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. Droplets from a cough or sneeze of an infected person move through the air. Germs can be spread when a person touches respiratory droplets from another person on a surface like a desk, for example, and then touches their own eyes, mouth or nose before washing their hands.
What can I do to protect myself from getting sick?
There is no vaccine available right now to protect against this new H1N1 virus. There are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza.
Take these everyday steps to protect your health:
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
Stay home if you are sick for 7 days after your symptoms begin or until you have been symptom-free for 24 hours, whichever is longer. This is to keep from infecting others and spreading the virus further.
Other important actions that you can take are:
Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
Be prepared in case you get sick and need to stay home for a week or so; a supply of over-the-counter medicines, alcohol-based hand rubs, tissues and other related items might could be useful and help avoid the need to make trips out in public while you are sick and contagious.
What is the best way to keep from spreading the virus through coughing or sneezing?
If you are sick, limit your contact with other people as much as possible. Do not go to work or school if ill for 7 days or until your symptoms go away (whichever is longer). Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. Put your used tissue in the waste basket. Cover your cough or sneeze if you do not have a tissue. Then, clean your hands, and do so every time you cough or sneeze.
What is the best technique for washing my hands to avoid getting the flu?
Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. Wash with soap and water or clean with alcohol-based hand cleaner. We recommend that when you wash your hands -- with soap and warm water -- that you wash for 15 to 20 seconds. When soap and water are not available, alcohol-based disposable hand wipes or gel sanitizers may be used. You can find them in most supermarkets and drugstores. If using gel, rub your hands until the gel is dry. The gel doesn't need water to work; the alcohol in it kills the germs on your hands.
What should I do if I get sick?
If you live in areas where cases have been identified and become ill with influenza-like symptoms, including fever, body aches, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, or vomiting or diarrhea, you may want to contact their health care provider, particularly if you are worried about your symptoms. Your health care provider will determine whether influenza testing or treatment is needed.
If you are sick, you should stay home and avoid contact with other people as much as possible to keep from spreading your illness to others.
If you become ill and experience any of the following warning signs, seek emergency medical care.
In children emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish or gray skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Not waking up or not interacting
Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
Fever with a rash
In adults, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
Sudden dizziness
Severe or persistent vomiting
What is CDC doing in response to the outbreak?
CDC has implemented its emergency response. The agency’s goals are to reduce transmission and illness severity, and provide information to help health care providers, public health officials and the public address the challenges posed by the new virus. CDC continues to issue new interim guidance for clinicians and public health professionals. In addition, CDC’s Division of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) continues to send antiviral drugs, personal protective equipment, and respiratory protection devices to all 50 states and U.S. territories to help them respond to the outbreak.
What epidemiological investigations are taking place in response to the recent outbreak?
CDC works very closely with state and local officials in areas where human cases of H1N1 (swine flu) infections have been identified. In California and Texas, where EpiAid teams have been deployed, many epidemiological activities are taking place or planned including:
Active surveillance in the counties where infections in humans have been identified;
Studies of health care workers who were exposed to patients infected with the virus to see if they became infected;
Studies of households and other contacts of people who were confirmed to have been infected to see if they became infected;
Study of a public high school where three confirmed human cases of influenza A (H1N1) of swine origin occurred to see if anyone became infected and how much contact they had with a confirmed case; and
Study to see how long a person with the virus infection sheds the virus.
Links to non-federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the federal government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at these links.
How long can influenza virus remain viable on objects (such as books and doorknobs)?
Studies have shown that influenza virus can survive on environmental surfaces and can infect a person for up to 2-8 hours after being deposited on the surface.
What kills influenza virus?
Influenza virus is destroyed by heat (167-212°F [75-100°C]). In addition, several chemical germicides, including chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, detergents (soap), iodophors (iodine-based antiseptics), and alcohols are effective against human influenza viruses if used in proper concentration for a sufficient length of time. For example, wipes or gels with alcohol in them can be used to clean hands. The gels should be rubbed into hands until they are dry.
How should waste disposal be handled to prevent the spread of influenza virus?
To prevent the spread of influenza virus, it is recommended that tissues and other disposable items used by an infected person be thrown in the trash. Additionally, persons should wash their hands with soap and water after touching used tissues and similar waste.
What household cleaning should be done to prevent the spread of influenza virus?
To prevent the spread of influenza virus it is important to keep surfaces (especially bedside tables, surfaces in the bathroom, kitchen counters and toys for children) clean by wiping them down with a household disinfectant according to directions on the product label.
How should linens, eating utensils and dishes of persons infected with influenza virus be handled?
Linens, eating utensils, and dishes belonging to those who are sick do not need to be cleaned separately, but importantly these items should not be shared without washing thoroughly first.
Linens (such as bed sheets and towels) should be washed by using household laundry soap and tumbled dry on a hot setting. Individuals should avoid “hugging” laundry prior to washing it to prevent contaminating themselves. Individuals should wash their hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub immediately after handling dirty laundry.
Eating utensils should be washed either in a dishwasher or by hand with water and soap.
Who is in charge of medicine in the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) once it is deployed?
Local health officials have full control of SNS medicine once supplies are deployed to a city, state, or territory. Federal, state, and local community planners are working together to ensure that SNS medicines will be delivered to the affected area as soon as possible. Many cities, states, and territories have already received SNS supplies. After CDC sends medicine to a state or city, control and distribution of the supply is at the discretion of that state or local health department. Most states and cities also have their own medicines that they can access to treat infected persons.
*Note: Much of the information in this document is based on studies and past experience with seasonal (human) influenza. CDC believes the information applies to the new H1N1 (swine) viruses as well, but studies on this virus are ongoing to learn more about its characteristics. This document will be updated as new information becomes available.
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